Is Red Dead Redemption 2 our game?

I mean we can kill as many niggers and women we want as long as we pay 25 dollars a piece.

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not just that its a libertarian fantasy

>crappy wanted system
>broken online mode
>Jew tier pricing online
>stale emotes online
Yep it’s a great game for mindless incels

bruh 35 bucks real money and you can kill all the niggers you want for fake 25 bucks that you can get from killing more niggers! I dont play online fuck that I refuse to pay money for online play then I bought the game already

You can kill niggers in real life for free

Women r fucking shit

and feminists

stop buying into this distraction bullshit

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and you can kill them ingame
yeah but I dont want to go to jail for it

buddy if I can kill who I want when I want in a video game ill probably buy it

>Bash the Fach Simulator

Thanks for reminding me of this game,
I am going to go play the amazing story over again.

> Howdy! It's me, your old pal Arthur Morgan, here to tell you about the importance of medical vaccinations.
> Yeah, I know me and Dutch and the gang had our run-ins with the Federal Government, but they really do have all of our best interests at heart.
> So please kid, get vaccinated. You wouldn't want to end up like me, "Black Lung", would ya?

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> Firearms? Yeah, I've shot a few. But I am only a video game character.
> In real life, access to weapons meant for killing folk belong strictly in the hands of police officers and the military.
> The key words in the 2nd admentment are "well regulated" and perhaps we haven't been regulating private firearm ownership enough.
> He'll, by Conservative standards; me, Dutch and the gang could qualify as a Militia, and you wouldn't want I'm Mocha having access to an assault rifle, now would ya?

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>Hey guys, the last big marketed game is totally redpol- redpilled and shit!
>you should buy it!

i wanted to name my horse „Adolf“ but (((they))) didnt allowed it

Love this game

Name it Adolph like I did

Is it just me or does he look like Crocodile Dunee?


yeah, this isn't /v/ stupid fag

This is exactly what I did.

discharge-commerce hmmm that reminds me of what...

can we finally admit that Catholics are based?

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