How do I get rid of my creepy souless stare?

Over the past handful of years i've developed eyes that look dead and psychotic. Anyone online says my face looks unsettling and that I look creepy. I believe it was caused from a slew of extremely traumatic events that happened to me in that past few years. Is there a way to give life to my face? It will make it a lot easier to have a girlfriend if I don't have the face of a murderer

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He’ll just become a soulless smiling creepy faggot

I have noticed that helps, thank you

How do I get rid of my creepy souless stare?

>tfw Bartender with resting kill face
One customer asked in the most genuine manner if I was "sad."
That was 3 years ago and it still gets me.

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I've had that creepy soulless stare since I was a little kid. Smiling can make it worse at times but works sometimes.

I think my use of psychedelics made it worse, it disassociated me from reality

Sing this song every morning

>it disassociated me from reality
>it focused reality for me and made it clear why I don't wish to associate myself with it.

Rigorous exercise to lift depression.
Learn to laugh more.
Listen to positive music.
Practicing a variety of facial expressions in the mirror & on camera to find out what works best.

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>Practicing a variety of facial expressions in the mirror & on camera to find out what works best.
Just like Hitler!

>Practicing a variety of facial expressions in the mirror & on camera to find out what works best.

Ya OP, just embrace the sociopath and learn to fake emotions

Quick, someone post the story about user's crazy eyed butcher

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Is it legal for you to take some weed? That might "relax" you. Try to close your eyes half-way or however it's said, I think that's what you meant. But I completely changed my facial expression by being too expresive. Try if that helps, I faked schizophrenia many times and worked perfectly, you just have to practice. Don't be shy to record yourself, delete the videos afterwards. Also listen to chillout and remember to make your face look more calm each few minutes.

Stop using porn and fapping first off. Take breaks from Jow Forums if you get too despondent.

Sunlight and time away from screens is good for you, and exercise.

i think lsd gave me my dead cold eyes

did it work for you?

Stare at yourself in a mirror for a few hours. Note the subtle, involuntary movements your irises make. Change them.

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Is it just a jewish thing to be able to wear emotional mask on instinct?

try mushrooms er som sheit

I used to have the same thing. Also caused by traumatic events in my case and depression. Its weird because you don't really know you have that look in your eyes, or at least I didn't, and I would have it even when I felt more or less "normal". Then I would catch my reflection sometimes and see the look, or I would see it in a photo, and it would look terrible and I'd realise oh, thats whats freaking people out so often when they look at me. I still get it from time to time and it will probably come back now that my life is starting to get harder and shittier again. It seems to go away on its own when you're feeling better. But its not fun to walk around getting the bad reactions

Treat life as a joke and you will be constantly laughing. Don't take everyday life too seriously because in the end none of us will get out alive. Failing that, just imagine everyone you meet has a bit of dog shit hanging off their nose and that should cheer you up.

weed seemed to help (at least once I got used to it and it didn't make me paranoid and feeling even worse, shitty weed will do that though) and I do think porn and fapping may have made it worse. I just don't give that much of a shit about fapping or porn anymore now that I'm older.

most normies can do it. I've never been able to mask my emotions, maybe I'm just an autist

Step 1. Stop ALL forms of masturbation and pornography. Never even fantasize about anything sexual.

Step 2. Don’t be an earth sign and more specifically a Capricorn.

Step 3. Don’t be born a genetic sociopath.

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Living around minorities does that to you

Literally themost unhealthy thing in this thread.

Tbh it stems from the individuals core self esteem
Think of oneself as worthless and appear souless
But think of thyself as divine makes the bitches whine

What you need to do is de-condition yourself of trauma and build up spiritual merit. Group Therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, and intensive spiritual practice, prayer, meditation, and good deeds is your best option.

this really is your best bet.

I have dead eyes too. Probably doesn’t help that I’m slavic.
I don’t masturbate but I am a capricorn. What does that have to do with having dead eyes?

I'm slavic too, sometimes I think that is a reason too

>don't be born a genetic sociopath
pick one

Are we genetically predisposed to being dead inside? Traumatic shit happened to me as a kid but I was still happy for a bit. Once I turned 16-17 I started feeling less emotions honestly.
I dont see how being capricorn would make me a psychopath. I never tortured animals as a kid or anything. I actually cried when I shot a bird with my pellet gun and buried it.

It wouldn’t make you a sociopath or psychopath but Capricorn’s are know to appear soulless to other people. They also speak very monotone and your outward appearance lacks any sense of enthusiasm. This of course is just the archetype and doesn’t apply to all (just most) Capricorns, as your entire natal chart determines who you are.

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>It wouldn’t make you a sociopath or psychopath but Capricorn’s are know to appear soulless to other people. They also speak very monotone and your outward appearance lacks any sense of enthusiasm

Thats me to a fucking T holy shit

I had to use this as my alarm tone for a few months and now I crave Jewish death with every breath but I can make it through the day and appear outwardly normal to others.

I think we are predisposed to having less empathy than western whites, I know when I hit my late teens I started getting very serious especially about my will and losing most fear. Many relatives including my dad had those eyes in some way, I sometimes think if I was surrounded by other slavic people I would see my face as less strange.