So /pol, the thought occured to me, that since google is run by jews that invade your privacy. Another jew convenientyl offers a search engine that conviniently doesn't track your online searches. Could this be a trap, so that you use a jewish search engine to search for the kind of stuff you wouldn't usually search on google, so that they actually have something on you just in case. If that is the case, what alternatives do we have?
Search engine jews
Mason Cooper
Other urls found in this thread:
Sebastian Mitchell
random image bump
Owen Rivera
Jace James
Samuel Nguyen
have another bump.
Jaxson Brown
right, so the fact is, whenever you search online on google, you help them make a psych profile about you. And with that unique profile, they can find you allover the interweb.
Jackson Bailey
Dunno but I use opera and duck duck go. Works fine.
Dylan Morales
works fine, sure, but i don't really trust duckduckgo, seeing that it's made and run by a jew.
Lincoln Harris
Its 100% a trap and records everything you look at and sells it.
Grayson Martinez
t. Google shill