In reality, this is like being an orphan without the sociopolitical privilege. It's like trying to build a house without a foundation, while everyone tells you to check your privilege... while you pay to maintain their foundations.
How to recover from single mother?
Is this the national food of the USSR? I've always wanted to try it.
Nope, white single mother America.
I hear yah. Not having a "good" father figure set me back pretty far, and having a mother who whored about and put my life in danger multiple times has messed me up for social ineractions. The slow crawl to feeling normal and confident is hard and the fact that many people are ready to put their kids in the same spot is a big discouragement when it comes to thoughts of building a future.
Oh, I had a single mother who was also an absentee father, and lived in a town without other children... so... I more or less raised myself.
I have a single mom too.
Things are alright. I do not see how It turned out to be a downside for me, despite not having a lot of money.
She did however take good care of me and I had a very happy childhood and lots of support during my early adult life.
You will probably be fine user.
I had, and still have, virtually no relationship with her; she wanted to buy a house and frost the cake.... but she never actually made the cake.
Not every single mother is a (((single mother))). My mother jumped cock to cock, lots of them violent assholes who took all of the money she got from my dad who couldn't be in the picture,left me alone at a drug party near a pool with degenerates, got fucked in front of me regularly, ignored my education, let me live life in front of the TV, feed me 0 veggies, and took money from my college fund to buy one guy a motorcycle because she loved him.
Fucking millennial/ zoomer whiners. Just take a second and think about how much your mom sacrifices for your little bitch entitled ass. Some fuckers are too dense. You don’t deserve her love, though that won’t stop her. One day, like all parents, she’ll be gone. So don’t waste it.
Jordan Peterson