From the first aryans spreading around the world, to greeks bringing the world a new age, romans giving europe its form , germans defeating the muslims and asiatic tribe and founding the middle ages, to spaniards reconquista and posterior colonization, to the russian expansion all across the steppe, to the french revolution and british industrialization and our children expansion in america and australia.
A cathedral forged in european stone remenbering the sacrifice of our ancestors , the heroes that defended it and that genious that impulsed our prosperity , statues of them and luminous paint of the big event of european history
A cathedral dedicated to our common european history , a symbol of unity glory and strenght
A materialized version of what we want to be in this times of uncertainty
A humane and a real founding rock of the of the european project against the desnaturalized version of the EU , lets hickjac them how EVROPA should be built
>Greeks >Aryan >Germans defeating Muslims >Germans defeating Asians >Germans not nigging out and turning statues and concrete into dirt castles and huts wew
Andrew Long
Crowfunding a temple of the history of europe , thats how we start reconquering our countries.
Wyatt Allen
With only 10 million dollar would be enought to built a important part of the project that would finance itself after we built the first building or part of it
In this time of souless materialism it would became in the new santiago pilgrimage were the exhausted traveller found thenselfs with their true roots and regain hope of a better future
William Martinez
Divide and conquer shill not welcomed , kill yourself
Wyatt Barnes
>germans defeating the muslims and asiatic tribe and founding the middle ages amerishart education
Daniel Mitchell
Do you want to contribute to built or to destroy ? Get ridd of your pathetic ego aside and lets think together how can we built a strong europe that still belong to us
Tyler Long
>he doesntg know greeks were phonecian and ofrom the tribes of israel
Henry Hernandez
100$ would be enought , we could sell a little space write in the stone with your name linked eternally to the glory of our ancestors
Crowfunding a temple of 10 million with 100€ sportations shouldnt be so hard if we publicitate well