How can one woman be so based? Her economic policies are redpilled af

How can one woman be so based? Her economic policies are redpilled af

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Not as based as Trump's 30 billion to Israel

she has such nice titties

eat shit mohammad

>co-founder of greenpeace said her policies would result in mass starvation
redpilled indeed

I just wanna be titfucked by those big, tanned boobies you fucking 88 meme flag kike. Sage

> tax the rich a lot
> the rich leave to tax havens
> take their money with them
> less money in the economy
> people wanted gibs but just become more poor

yep this can only end well, genius plans m'lady

*tips fedora*

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She is just another set of holes.
And you know her nipples are black

the discord tranny autism kicks hard

why do you go on the internet and defend rich people? Develop some class consciousness jfc

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