How can one woman be so based? Her economic policies are redpilled af
How can one woman be so based? Her economic policies are redpilled af
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Not as based as Trump's 30 billion to Israel
she has such nice titties
eat shit mohammad
>co-founder of greenpeace said her policies would result in mass starvation
redpilled indeed
I just wanna be titfucked by those big, tanned boobies you fucking 88 meme flag kike. Sage
> tax the rich a lot
> the rich leave to tax havens
> take their money with them
> less money in the economy
> people wanted gibs but just become more poor
yep this can only end well, genius plans m'lady
*tips fedora*
She is just another set of holes.
And you know her nipples are black
the discord tranny autism kicks hard
why do you go on the internet and defend rich people? Develop some class consciousness jfc
Discord tranny.
She's not based, she's retarded.
more shit skins wanting White peoples everything... what else is new?
there is no point in class consciousness if it makes everyone more poor while the rich move to other places and lose nothing
what makes sense is what the best choices are thats best for everybody and that we have more and better economies
you want to be poor just so you can scare some rich people away? thats stupid
Too bad she's going to prison soon.
I would've miscegenated with her when she looked like that. Dick turns commies into cons.
Wouldn't have breeded, though. Never wanted kids to begin with, and I'm already part yid. I'd never willingly and knowingly inflict kike genes on anyone.
> less money in the economy
can always print more money. the important part is less leeches in the economy.
Hey commie, explain Castro dynasty , The Kim IL Sung dynasty, the Hugo Chavez/Maduro dynasty. Etc. Any of the commies that got rich
I want everyone to share abundant resources that the rich are hoarding.
mommy milkies
then the value of your currency goes down and you end up with a banana economy like congo or venezuela
please stop being stupid
Maybe if she wasn't so busy laundering money for her boyfriend lol... what a fuckin dumb retarded bitch.
The revolution demands leadership. Read Lenin.
>can always print more money
>people who own things are leeches
t. imbecile emuphobe
Get a job you lazy fucker
>steal from people because you 'own' 'private' 'property'
Exactly how are the owners of the means of production not leaches?
Genuinely want her to strip for me.
Probably has a decent body despite the politics.
>doesnt understand inflation
>thinks he understands inflation
>"everyone will die of inflation if you dont give your money to the rich"
every time.
look at former soviet countries theyre ALL worse off even TODAY
entire eastern europe is a shithole, east germany had to be picked up by the west to thrive, china is a shit, north korea a shit
you wont have more if your plan succeeds (luckily it wont), you will only have less
sticking with yoru ideology purely for its merit and ideological value instead of practical purpose is childish and stupid
the stupidity in this thread is immense
>country becomes capitalist
>they become worse off
No shit
Defend Surplus being split up instead of going fully to the laborers.
>Waaaa,waaaa stop owning private property you big bully!! You should just let me leave in your house for free. Gobbumnism XD
they become better off, imagine how shit it was in communism where people stood in line 2 hours for bread
how shit it is now, it was far worse under communism
please do not have children, they will inherit your low iq
She's not radical enough, not nearly so. A salvific collapse is not coming, we need to engineer one. We need immediate implementation of full-on communism. Whites are as dense and hopeless as niggers, reason and argument is a waste of time. Modern whites are disgusting Eloi, and deserve communism, good and hard. It's the only hope of preserving our genetic line, and making our race human again one day.
sHE has no idea what the fuck she;s doing.
Her casting director never should have told her this inst reality TV
> Green New Wheels.
Now shes going to jail cuz some guy used her to funnel money into his companies.
Plus Pelosi and the democrats are going after her or else this wouldnt be MSM news. We know who controls the faggot ass media.
She should just keep her mouth shut and wear tight Shirts.
Checked. Would love to fuck AOC. I'm so proud she's my district representative.
>it was in communism where people stood in line 2 hours for bread
CIA propaganda
Hurrr umm duuuh taxation is theft!
buying and selling shit should not be profitable. it should be equitable. profiting from owning things is literally leeching from the economy.
a self-aware jew
you're a rare one, based kike indeed
Isn’t she just a dumb bartender that was elected by a dumb people. Doesn’t seem based at all
if by redpilled you mean retarded then youre 100% right.
hopefully she comes to the realization that Omar Ilhan did, death to kikes everywhere.
> Her economic policies are redpilled
no you see my grandfathers mother spent years in a gulag because the better off paid her a little bit of money so that they wont stand in the bread line for 2 hours
yep, people waited so long for bread they would pay another just to stand in line for them so they can do other things
thats how long the bread line was
im not even joking
my grandpa loved communism, once he escaped it and tasted true capitalism he was so much happier and started hating the soviet brainwashing
No food, 60million dead, totalitarian dictatorship, zero freedom, and run by Jew. I’ll take suicide please
Isint it past your dilation time.
yeah she won 15,000 votes in a minority majority district in the Bronx, but she's really good at using social media to grab attention to her even though she only squeaked into power
*starves to death while working your frostbitten hands raw to the bone banging rocks in a siberian gulag*
nothing personnel tovarish
imagine there being stockpiled silos of bread that you arent allowed to access. that's capitalism for the poor.
don't even know where to begin with this...
Making America Psyop-ed Again.
Nice sexual display she's putting on there.
>omg soooooooo hawt
You sound like a woman, post tits. Only chicks choose who they vote for on looks.
and how is this worse than famine, empty supermarket shelves?
you think you deserve things just for existing?
commies are all lazy bastards who dont want to work thats what
Making America PSyoPed Again
>buying and selling shit should not be profitable.
That's literally how any economy world you dumb commie,the profit motive. Why do you think people invest and create business?
>It should be equitable.
No it shouldn't,read above. The best you can do is to balance the ground and give opportunity to people to successed and that would indeed include many social programs
>profiting from owning things is literally leeching from the economy.
You would know about leeching,your entire materialist doctrine literally leached off every single hard working person in a given nation and then spread the means of production to corrupt oligarchies. Get fucked commie
one is the system going awry due to external factors.
the other is the system operating as intended.
The workers share of the "Surplus" is per-determined by contract which is enforced by the state, the capitalists share is not. You are suggesting the worker should starve to death if sales go down.
say something sensical or shut your whore mouth
I'm not sure you know what that means user.
In 20 years you wish you live in Eastern Europe, but it will be already too late for you.
the capitalists have all the power in the relationship so do you seriously expect me to believe that the "state enforced" contract isn't in the capitalist's favor?
the only reason the state enforcement of contract is there in the first place is because of the will of capitalism.
TOP FUCKING LOL Only a communist would think her policies of mass starvation is good.
>free housing , millions didn't get promised apartment
>''free'' dentist was great , if u did not die
>getting any meat was like getting christmas presents . 1 time in year
>brown water was very healthy
>Getting Car was like a dream . Average USSR citizen was almost compleasete unable get car
>USSR was red nazis
>if u was not some general son , u can forget about high tier job . Alos an one who was not russian was second class citizen
>Be like USSR.
Exactly where is USSR now?
>brown water was very healthy
I remember that, too.
My mother always told me that the brown color is only iron inn the water.
Fucking panel buildings.
>starving to death if the sales department fucks up
>accepting lower wages for guaranteed survival
pick the better option
Such low quality bait
She’s retarded, but I’d still like to suck some chocolate milk out of those udders.
And yet, the mass of whites outside of the old USSR are far more mind-fucked, and/or complete cattle. There is no future under liberal democratic capitalism, save a nightmarish Third World plutocratic dystopia.
oh yeah it's an easy decision.
decisions are easy when your options have been purposely and intentionally limited by those with power to prevent competition.
hahaha its like you think in communism there is not those in power
communism just shifts the power from many to a few
stalin was basically their god and everyone was stalins slave
the elite in a communist system sure do live a luxurious lifestyle! stalin had EVERYTHING, just like current manlet fatty leader of north korea
you seem to not be bothered by them having so much, while everyone else has so little, do you? i also ask of YOU not to make children, as dumb people are already having too many tard children today and iq is dropping
Family of 4, 5 room apartment, shared shower for entire floor. No hot water in summertime. Socialism.
And what options, besides the ones I presented, would the worker have if "the man" did not "prevent competition. Also, how do the people in power "prevent competition" and how is it relevant in this context.
You fucking dumbass, you realize these people got so rich because they DON'T share it.
I want the same thing, not ever gonna happen, they are too smart and sneaky to allow it to ever happen, you retarded idealistic fairy-tale commie RETARD
Stalin actually lived incredibly modestly and constantly tried to stop the cult of personality surrounding him, it's just a fact that he was incredibly popular with his people and there was only so much he could do to stop it.
>communism just shifts the power from many to a few
can you actually back this up?
capitalism literally strips power from everyone to give to a few, hence privatization, the essential aspect of capitalism.
NATIONAL SYNDICALISM is the integration of every element of the ETHNIC and SOCIAL organism under a HOLISTIC SYSTEM for the purpose of ORDERED GOOD by means of TRADE GUILDS and SPONTANEOUS DECENTRALIZED NATURAL HIERARCHICAL INSTITUTIONS, it is the COOPERATION of every CLASS, which is not a quantitative but a QUALITATIVE description, the classes that deal with LABOR, WARFARE, and ACADEMIC and PRIESTLY duties.
capitalism has the big gay fucking BEGOME national syncialists
>class consciousness
>Seeks to dismantle hierarchy
Do you honestly believe that people being taxed 90% will stay here and not take their wealth to another country where taxes are less? When the income tax amendment was passed faggots like you were to pay in 1%. Period. Faggot millionaire Rockefellers were to pay in 5%. Period. And here we are today having the better part of 40 fucking percent of our wages deducted for various bullshit "social programs" and I don't even make 80K. 40% of what I earn would buy me a nice chunk of stocks,
silver, and gold. The people that are capable of creating jobs and wealth in this country have been setting up shop overseas for decades because taxes have been fucked up for decades and now you commies want to fuck shit up even worse than it is now. You really haven't thought this through. Your thought process is pure nigger tier.
>people who pay an owner to rent things are literally being mugged and raped
Why are you so fucking stupid?
To be fair, I'm only about 1/8th, but that's just a guess, based on what little info I had to go on from my grandparents' extended family. Never paid kikes to log my DNA to find out because I'm not fucking retarded.
Makes me wonder about her, though.
I've been meaning to read up on National Syndicalism, since so many of them became the vanguard of fascism in Italy, France, and Spain. I'll take Georges Sorel over "free-market" Judeo-economists any day.
>can't save enough to retire
>made more money than last year
>last year's money is worth less today
>and the year before last is worth even less
Develop some individual conciousness, you interdimensional pussy.
>she's retarded
And that's what makes her based.
print more money and the economy fix itself
inflation isn't why you're broke. it's that wages havent increased to even match inflation much less match productivity.
the workers have gotten a smaller and smaller slice of surplus each year since the capitalists took over government.
like boiling a frog
not a coincindence
GDP growth is just monetary inflation.
It's literally debt growth.
a) dont think thats true
b) wtf are you responding to?
I thought is was 36. Am I wrong?
important viewing material for everyone who hasn't been redpilled on capitalism.
God bless america