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Mainstream news outlet keeps making videos on JewTube promoting niggerism and sandniggerism in Denmark. This is their recent attempt to promote the ethnic genocide of Danes.

I call for the execution of an order 66 on this YouTube comment section. Jow Forums should be a troll army. We have great influence, and should coordinate stuff like this more often

>Inbefore "not your personal army"
Fuck off shills.

Attached: besudle.png (1910x1076, 3.16M)

Other urls found in this thread:


not your personal army


Dude, I know it's you again. Stop trying to shill your band on here.

kæft en lorte tråd. sage.

Nice VIP, Schlomo

kys, perker

>calling for raids
Hvor meget lim består din hjerne af, OP?

Attached: 1551737627996.gif (320x320, 3.6M)

not an argument

OP is a faggot. No one cares about this shit. If you ignore it, they will realize no one cares, and they can't make money off of views, and then stop playing it.

Doesn't he realise he is covered with a flag with a cross? Moron.

you are a faggot

Attached: retarded2.png (900x729, 129K)

Hey you, yes YOU!
You little weak dansih guy with your stupid blond hair and stupid blue eyes. Pay close attention! Look what we have got for you.
A man who is capable of defending his territory and woman.
Make way cause this century will be OUR century. 21th will be ruled by women and bulls.

Attached: 1429818461518.jpg (678x678, 29K)

Maybe Danes should try harder so they can represent the country in sports

Down voted and commented.

Lots of do-nothing cucks ITT.

Or are they shills trying to disrupt discussion and prevent/pol/ from pushing it's weight around?

Apathy and inaction won't defeat the Jew you cowardly cuck.

How could one, only theoretically speaking, immigrate his family of 4 young children and a wife to Denmark? I love Denmark very much.

You can't, we're full

>inaction won't defeat the Jew
Do you not understand how youtube works you dumb mutt?

If you are already in Europe you could just use public transpåort to move to Denmark. I would suggest for you to get your papers fixed so you and your family would be here legally but if you dont want to get everything official at first arriving its okay too. Dont worry. If you and your familiy are still utside of Europe you have to travel inside Schengen visa free zone first. After that you are free to move what ever way you wish to travel. Hope for your safe travel. Some more info in here in english nyidanmark.dk/en-GB

maybe you deserve it for being such fags

Thanks for full info post. What city is best for immigrants? How is police? What money gives state?

I know you want your boyfriend to come and rip apart your anus, but illegals are regularly stopped at the border with Germany

Considering I might go to Denmark for uni, I'll do all I can to fight this threat.

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It bro here... you ARE right. This stuff should not be streamed, and states should promote teching of national pride...

Nice thread Glownigger.

Hej. Every city is good for immigrants. We are most friendly and welcoming people. But I would suggest some bigger cities like Kobenhavn at first because there is more vibrant culture there. Very easy for everybody to fit into. Dont worry and dont be scared. If you get into any trouble with people looking at you or calling bad things report to the police. Police is good in Denmark. I dont know excactly how much money government gives to newcomers but we have a world class welfare system and nobody lives in poverty so I know you will be in good hands. We are highly productive country and get so much money.
Where are you from if you dont mind saying?

Number money ok?

hehe sandnigger praying with cross on his back

Hej. What uni are you going?

This. Dane cuck BTFO.

My family didnt have to worry about money so I dont know exact numbers on welfare. If I had to make a guess I think about 20000 Krone per person. It isnt much but you can survive with it at the beginning after that you can start looking for a job or go to university which is free btw. Best of luck.

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>the ethnic genocide of Danes.

Attached: Ethnocide 4.png (960x400, 45K)

People like you are the reason why the welfare state should be abolished.
Neck yourself and stop lying about our police, border policy and finacial support to foreigners.

Attached: Blank+_6c1fabf289d94d1d2e5b9dba63eafb69.jpg (512x288, 30K)

Fellow Scandi-Murican here. Will I be accepted to Kalmar Union ethnostate?

Attached: DNAtest.jpg (1268x762, 218K)

Nice try sholomo

Attached: jew17.jpg (556x768, 85K)

No you are a faggot

Over 45% from Norway + 8% Sweden. Don't see any problems here why they wouldn't accept you. I can only wish I had viking blood in me.

xD lanklet that's what you danes call a fighter? Next you'll tell me he is 5'10"

>discloses the 29% jewish ancestry

Average height in Denmark is like 6'0
kys nigger

>100% European origin
>not European
pick one

I'm a Scandinavian mutt including Danish heritage and this shit pisses me off

stop cucking yourselves please