YANG GANG 2020: Rise of the Machines Edition

Andrew Yang is /ourguy/.
He wants to:
>give you free money to change your life
>stop the war on white men
>make anime real


Required viewing





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These memes are getting high quality

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So Yang is going to strip workers of their jobs and permanently eliminate them?


kill yourselves, move to any other country in the world if you want more neetbux

Daily reminder you can't spell Yang without 1 G

not bad..not bad

>Implying gun control laws are going to be passed, enforced, or tolerated
>No citation on your slippery slope social credit allegation, all he's suggesting is people get credit for volunteer work in their communities

If anything the gun control is a bargaining chip he's going to use to get UBI.

He’s a goddam cheapskate. $1,000 a month is peanuts. I need $10,000 a month and once I get the G5 I am going to need even more.

>all he's suggesting is people get credit for volunteer work in their communities
It's an easy open door to expansion. Haven't we learned from this shit yet?

Americans barely sign up for legally obligated health care, what makes you think they will do this?



It's completely voluntary, and the only people who would use it are teenagers and young adults for brownie points on their college applications before they forget about it for the rest of their lives. I bet you lack of engagement will result in the program getting nixed in 2-3 years time anyways.


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it's voluntary just like FB is. Until it isn't and becomes requirement for any employer or school.

Why haven't you joined the yang gang yet user?

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very high quality yang meme

>Implying a government app would ever be as popular as Facebook

Because I understand basic economics

don't you want maximum chaos though?

Are you implying Yang hasn't done the math?

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Synthesis is the future. The solution is to stop immigration, and begin to revolutionize labor towards automation. No reason to continue slave plantations.

Andrew yang is a retard who wants to abortion babbies, devalue money, and bolster government power over a globohomo society.

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I mean, if you want the whole USA to look like San Juan, then sure, let's bring chaos
The whites have everything to lose and little to gain there though
I'm implying that Yang doesn't know how the job market works, or why giving everyone free money doesn't actually increase spending power. I said it in one of these Yang threads that plague Jow Forums (though these are at least better thant the constant BLACKED and tranny threads): UBI would only work if it were given exclusively to white people only, and only partially.

Muh guns.

So... the jobs are still crushed? What's the text on his bike? UBI?



He did mention how whites are dying out more than being born, but I imagine he doesn't care about America's culture/tradition (or maybe he does since I haven't followed him, I mean he is Asian and they tend to be based sometimes)
Still refreshing to see an escape from ruling class boomers arguing over the same shit that doesn't matter, somewhat considering supporting him if it's him up against a neocon

Muh guns is a big problem for me as well

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Racial distinctions aren’t really economics, modern economics assumes that individuals act rationally in their self interest with whatever feedback they receive.

>UBI would only work if it were given exclusively to white people only
How would that be universal?

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>no guns


Hey idiot. You do realize that motherfucker is a socialist don't you? And what do socialist do to get you to vote for them? THEY LIE!!!! Snap out of it man.

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>He did mention how whites are dying out more than being born, but I imagine he doesn't care about America's culture/tradition
He seems smarter and more collected than any other democrat so far, but still he just repeats the worries in the streets for a certain demographic. Did he mention anything close to a solution or to solve the problem of crumpling together so many people with such different backgrounds?
He'll say anything that appeals to the most generic demographics to gather the "centrists" and undecided votes. Then they pull another switcharoo like they did with Bernie.

>modern economics assumes that individuals act rationally in their self interest with whatever feedback they receive.
This is factually wrong once you get out of a "perfect competition" market, which is virtually unatainable. Current form of capitalism means that large companies have a large amount of influence on the market, and therefore on the prices.
The point of the racial distinctions come from their participation in the job market and employment rate. Whites and asians are the ones that participate the most in the market, while the rest of minorities have a bigger tendency to work through illegal means. This is important, because this coupled with the rest of his policy destroys the value of those 1000 NEETbux: The Tax Added Value will increase prices so spending power will go down. Inflation will also increase due to the bigger share of money in the market and the resulting increase in demand, and the most important thing, wages will go down, because the employers would assume that you're enjoying those 1000 $/month, and thus will offer less money for your job (since Yang is a democrat and he probably would support killing Trump's tax reform, corporations will also use that excuse to either pay less to the workers or lay off people)
>But I can just simply go to get another job then!
That's where big corporations' unfair advantage on the market and Yang's bad immigration and pro-minority policies come in: someone will take that job, because someone who was jobless (and minorities tend to settle for less money) will take those 1000/month Yang pays and those 1200/ month Amazon pays, because 2200 is way more than the 1000 he'd get without having a job. And you, who would've been enjoying 3000 per month thanks to Yang + your salary of 2000 working for Amazon, are now unemployed, and having only 1000/per month. Considering how hard it is to live on that alone in America, you'll have to find another job... and settle for less than you had (1/2)

>Andrew “Enough with Jewish Wargames” Yang

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Could be fun if a gong became president of the US before a woman did.

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That's why the racial bias here is important: The Freedom Dividend for whites only means that you get your 1000/month, without the added inflation of giving everyone money and without the threat of the competition driving down the wages (although they would probably still take a dip), and the taxes won't be that high that it would warrant a big slash from corporations. This way, your 1000 Yangbux wouldn't lose ALL their value (like it would do if Yang's policies were to be implemented), it would increase spending power for the group that actually helps the economy and makes it grow, and it would take some of the advantage on the market the big corporations have, since if they want to lower their wages by hiring minorities and illegals they'll still have to pay them a decent salary

>the Virgin basic economics
>the Chad Yangian advanced economics

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Photo for ants.

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He’s anti gun and Im sorry but You don’t deserve gibs just for being alive, fuck off OP.

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>How would that be universal?
It wouldn't, that's the whole point

>Helping his dreaded automation to crash the job market with no survivor is advanced economics
Truly, this chink is a 9000 IQ individual


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I concur that the bargaining power of workers would actually increase as companies will always have to deal with workers who can afford to take a hit and not accept a job offer, if they then move on to the next guy that person can do so as well. That creates quite the headache.
I also concur that it would cause inflation, at least if it is implemented well. It’s not the whole story to say that it would result in more demand than supply and thus inflation. UBI could actually decrease government welfare bureaucracy and handouts to the public for one if it cut welfare problems as a result of UBI. Some people will get more money from the gov, other people previously on welfare less. Other dimensions to this are possibility to counter inflation with taxation, increased automation requiring less menial work to be done(or at least certain tasks to be automated) more potential entrepreneural activity is also a serious possibility. If one doesn’t increase the general money supply with UBI then much potential inflation can be averted.
It also depends on how much UBI would disincentive people to work and thus decrease the labor supply, resulting in more demand than supply and thus inflation. But if UBI doesn’t necessarily afford a comfortable living style for those poorest of workers they would still seek employment. In general I don’t see a potential for hyperinflation, maybe some inflation, maybe none at all, but not a long term issue.

Dump your rare Yangs

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Anti gun chink scum

Only white people are people

>Implying gun control laws are going to be passed, enforced, or tolerated
youre a fucking retarded kike shill
get aids you faggot

> gun control is a bargaining chip he's going to use to get UBI.

You say this like as if you know what he's thinking. Who is he bargaining with and why would they think "Ohh yeah, this is a good deal we get their guns and in exchange they can have hand outs!"

I'm sorry user but I don't want to live in China.

Because politics isn't about joining the latest trend?

ignore yang garbage

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nice memes.

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>potential US presidential candidate
>slide thread
Can you retarded boomers just fuck off

>Chink "saving" the US economy by making it more expensive and less efficient so that China can easily outpace us on the global market
Learn to code

fuck off

Yang is a chinese communist who is no better than AOC. Both want to take away our fundamental rights and instill great leap forward programs.

fuck off

Fuck you Yang!

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>muh guns
He's not going to take your guns... He even says that he wants you to have them.

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I don’t care I only use bows and crossbows

Yes, he is.

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What par of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

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VAT is dumb as hell. I like what he says and his overall ideas but i think hes going about it all wrong. If he wants UBI he should be focused on land value taxation a la Henry George.

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I'm not going to defend every aspect of Yang's proposal, but I don't see a licence, better mental health checks, and better background checks as infringement, and the public largely agrees.

It is though.

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Lol implying guns would have mattered to Mao, he had just won a twenty year civil war

>Chinese agent who is going to take your guns, and begin the ideological transition of during the US to China

Its better than an Israel puppet, but only just. Surely there are better options

Right up there with Mao. Believe his lies and give him power, then watch him wreck us like Mao did to his own people.

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>implying normal people will vote for an insect
kys faggot

This thread

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There are multiple ways to interpretation that, and that pic is but one interpretation.
If Yang passed his gun safety law, and the courts said it was unconstitutional for reasons stated in your pic, then good (I don't really care about gun reform).
If the court found Yang's gun safety law to be constitutional though, then you still wouldn't see much difference. I mean you already need a CCW licence to conceal carry, so it's not much different than that.

>and the public largely agrees
Lies. Now fuck off, pinko faggot. We already have too much "common sense gun control".

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>the gays aren't going to be forcing it on kids, drag queen kids and pole stripping is a right wing conspiracy
Trusting the left, watch what happens.

>If Yang passed his gun safety law
It would spark another civil war. We're already balanced on the brink here, go ahead and push some more.

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>it would spark a civil war
>already on the brink
>go ahead and push some more
Good. I think I will, you scared faggot.

We have too much as it is now and what we do have should be rolled back.

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go usa, meme the world

good, force us underground, thats the end goal anyway

also doesnt support tuition free college

Jow Forums writing shitty Tom Clancy novels is one of my favorite things


cold dead hands chinkyboy

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yeah. let do it

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user, it's 2019 why are you still supporting Trump?! Don't you see he's a failure who has proven time and time again he's a neoliberal, Jewish shill? Take the Yangpill, at least you'll get free money while things accelerate!

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Imagine unironically being this retarded lol. The second amendment isn't a bargaining chip, it's a pillar of the constitution.

"Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity."

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Yang is anti-white. This is a shill campaign.

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I wonder how pro white wang is, id imagine not very much

So far he's been more pro white than Trump has been. He's actually addressed how whites are facing problems and his UBI would be the first attempt so far to actually try fixing them.

UBI is difficult in the limited time that wang would have. also id worry a lot about how much power the president has and how much power kikes have over them.

An attempt has to be made regardless.

>People think they will actually get those $1000

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How is that anti-white. I'm not seeing it.
The war on drugs has been a total catastrophe. Are you some kinda reagan neocon?

>He’s a goddam cheapskate. $1,000 a month is peanuts. I need $10,000 a month and once I get the G5 I am going to need even more.


not really thats foolish and would only undermine what he might be able to achieve in a second term is it fails. also corporate kikes are not on the side of progress and maximizing the extent that automation and machines can improve the standard of living for people. on top of that a lot of people are retarded and fear tech and will (just like with drones) believe terminator is coming true

There is nothing pro-white about yang. Shills are just saying this. He mentions in a speech to Asians that he fears the growing unrest with whites will cause them to be anti-Asian like they were anti-Jewish in the past. He is NOT pro white