How would Hitler's National Socialism work in today's modern society? Is it possible?
Could National Socialism Work Today?
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It would require genociding 50% of the population in the US.
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We need something new that isn't tainted by Germanic genocidal anti-Slavic autism. I propose something like national populism or populist nationalism.
All forms of socialism is gay.
Forgetting the name, how is it practically implementable?
Only if the country is preparing for war.
Sounds based
Removing goblinos and nigs isn't the problem. The problem is that Natsocs are associated with murdering tens of millions of white people. Good luck getting anyone to ever support it again.
Yes and no. I think it could, but it would require an ethnostate or a state where all groups are highly integrated and equally productive. If you were to implement it in America overnight, it would just become a wealth transfer from whites/Asians to non-whites