Britain, no!

Britain, no!

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The left will eat itself.

>yfw Sharia wipes out libtards and degenerates

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>school stops LGBT bullshit
>Because 400 Muslim parents complained

On balance I suppose it's a win though.

leftists couldn't possible have thought that importing millions of muslims would be good for them and their idea of "progress", right?

We need to play both sides, get a war started, race card V pink slips.

It's beginning. This os the point where their glorious communist diverse leader gets into power, and proves itself to be the absolute bane of their own existence. Before you know it, thousands of SJW's will be slaughtered with us in the streets for bitching about the new communist regime not being gay and diverse enough.

Islam is a religion of peace and is based and redpilled. Christcucks may not reply.

rare flag

shut the hell up fat boy

Partially correct. They expect tribal thinking like nationalism and religion to move aside for individuality and tolerance.

Don't forget the fundamental difference they have to you and I is a belief all humans are equal/one race and that everyone will one day be as deluded and cucked as white society is.

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Islam is our only hope against (((degeneracy)))

There’s your problem right there

No seriously. Who thought this was a good idea? I

I guess I love the gays now.

I think at this point it would make sense to create a new sect of Islam, Europeanise it by introducing pagan customs, idols, ideals, and high festivals like Yuletide (Christmas) then wipe out the jews, Christans, atheists, degenerates, Sunni, and Shia with uncompromising Moslem vigour and brutality.

We told them OVER AND OVER AND OVER that exactly this thing would happen. It's consistent with Muslim majority countries that LGBT get fucked over by them. I just don't understand how they couldn't expect this.

So either you're taught the Koran, or how to be a tranny at 5 years old. Fuck this world.

The left's long term vision goes only as far as the end of their elected term. They need to import as many shitskins as possible and give them gibs to get their votes in order to keep their seats. That's the only thing that matter. The country can get fucked for all they care.

Yep. It's begun

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>tfw muslims actually do good

islam finally did something worthwhile
even a broken watch is right twice a day

I have been suspicious of you for a while now.

Useful idiots ...they used them to pave the way and execute them first.

God what a bunch of fucking retards. Bring in the people who hate your cause the most.

How do you still fucking manage to pick wrong?!

You know what? Nevermind. You deserve it.

this pisses me off so fucking much. they only change shit because of these muslims but they would just mock and shame and probably arrest us whites if we did this. IS THERE NO FIRE LEFT IN THE BELLY OF ANY BRITISH MEN???

Finally , can't wait Islam vs SJW

And we shouldn't interfere and take sides

This is a good thing. Unlike most here I like my musulmans...well more like musulwomans
Ps: there are only 2 genders

The muslims are already there so at least enjoy any reliefe they might accidentially give to you concerning libtardship

Lmao, the UK caved to the Muzzie invaders.

Fuck gays and other degenarates!!

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Keep dreaming, this is the beginning, Islam is going to start testing the waters now, soon you'll be getting thrown of buildings and force to wear the full ninja suit

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Trust nobody not even yousif

This, we need to be completely unapologetic

is that correct? I m finding no reliable sources to confirm they have rescended t

Reported to Trudeau for hate opinions

Liberals believe that everyone thinks like they do, especially POCs.

lgbt lessons v. islam: this is what have become of the anglo-saxon world. hopefully we will never see this autism here in europe.

It's almost as if importing millions of people with a wildly different culture and beliefs associated with that will lead to some form of culture clash. Who could ever have predicted that? You know, aside from all of the people who did exactly that, and were destroyed by leftists for doing so.

There is a difference between the leadership and the followers. The followers are dumb idiots who think their leadership is trustworthy, and consequently don't apply any checks to them. They are lulled into this by the soothing rhetoric that being left wing immediately makes you a better, more moral person than anyone who isn't. That is self-contradictory, but that's why they're dumb followers. The leadership is more esoteric. They goal is quite clear: Destroy Western society and replace it with something "better" where they will, by pure coincidence, have total power. They might believe some of their nonsense, but they apply it in such a bullshit 3D chess way it's impossible to tell. At present they favor Islam, likely because Islam is the best, fastest way to destroy the West. So they apply none of their rules to Islam, because that would hamper their progress.

I have no idea how they imagine they'll put the djinn back in the lamp once they're done. They seem to be filled with incredibly hubris, which I suppose they ought to be given their insane plan for continental social engineering. Just look at what the EU bigwigs constantly say. Even their speeches for the masses are completely unrealistic, and shot through with the attitude that they are what's best for the world. Imagine what they say behind closed doors.

How would they post here? My theory is that they’d samefag in PTG as Magapedes and /leftypol/

It's not the left eating itself, it's the inevitable consequence of "multiculturalism." We won't live together a harmonious amalgamation of culture and ethnic diversity, the stronger culture will simply dominate and subjugate all others. British (and I'd wager wider European) prisons are a sort of microcosm of this happening on a smaller scale. Frequently non-muslim inmates are forced to convert to Islam for the sake of their own protection. Our society will be transformed into an Islamic theocracy because it is the most dominant and assertive culture in the petri dish. We've been warning leftists about this for years. Time to reap the whirlwind.

Checked. Rare and basepilled.

Islam is winning the Oppression Olympics
How can anyone else compete?

This is encouraging. What is incredible about it, though, is how little the muslim parents had to do to achieve their aims. 400 people is a tiny, tiny protest and yet it was met with very little resistance.
If 400 white people had resisted this gay shit they would all have been doxxed and thrown straight to the wolves. Perhaps even jailed.
But 400 muslims can completely retard the regressive progressive ideology.

They thought exactly that because in their world only white hetero men have conservative views about anything. They conveniently forget the fact 90% of people in 3rd world countries are basically hillbillies.

this bong knows whats up

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>cry islamophobia at every turn
>surprised when islam takes ove

why is the left so fucking stupid? is it the flouride?

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This is the biggest white pill you could have given me.
If Islam actually dominates then they will crush the LGBT agenda and we will actually have a conservative society again.
Okay, it'll be an Islamic society, which is sad, but fuck it, it's a start. Once this begins to happen the only reasonable thing for white people to do is to band together to stop it. Anybody who isn't with us is against us. We will actually be united for the first time in 70 years. Then we can just kill all the muslims and rebuild the continent as it should be.


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Exactly. That's why I'm suggesting to harness that energy by creating a pagan/Islamic sect. We could clean up Europe in a week with their attitude. Instead of buildings it will be bog marshes!

(The Druze are similar, they are also an Islamic sect with paganism.)

I hope they get raped by the people they defend so much
absolutely loathsome displays. Christ almighty

All it took was 400 parents saying no, and trannies surrendered. Yet white christcucks couldn't manage to so much as slow the homo agenda in 40+ years.

Was about to post this.

>Then we can just kill all the muslims and rebuild the continent as it should be.
Sure it only took Iberia 700 years

Based mussies ending western liberalism and erasing sjws once and for all. And once they're finished the remaining whites will conduct the 8th crusade.

Islamo-fascism is the first only true way to preserve Europe.

It's interesting that Hitler allied with several extreme Muslim groups and countries. Jow Forums allying with TERF feminists and Muslims I love it.

Unironically yes, among other reasons.

>Christians parents laughed off and called backward
>Muslim parents listened with attention for even nore backward wiews
maximum pottery

I notice the discord tranny brigade are mysteriously absent from this thread. None of you fags want to chime in on the current acceleration towards your wholesale slaughter in the west thanks to the Islamists you've helped import?

So now you get to choose, Bongs:

Your fudgepackers, faggots, crazed bulldykes and mental patients who mutilate their genitals while cross dressing,

Or your towelhead enemies for centuries that have run a campaign of invasion and domination on your local populace for the past decade or so.

Which is it?

Rejoice you bleedin infidels, we're here to save you from the homos.

Based and thank you. Inshallah brother

but if you fuck goat, fear the day of the moat

Waiting on team death matches

Oh shit, the intersectionality is bending me over and fucking my intestines.

Based sharia

What the fuck would you know about Christianity or being based when you live in a literal chink vasal state

>Import the third world in the name of fairness and equality
>surprised when third worlders hate faggots

But I like alcohol. And rashers ;_;

Bektashi Islam. Very moderate.
>be American expat
>Albanian gf
>celebrate Eid with her family
>roasted pork and wine
On the down side, Albania has been experiencing an influx of "conservative" Muslims, who pray 5 times a day, etc. Meanwhile, everyday Albanians go to clubs, drink, wear Western clothes, intermix and intermarry, and generally carry on like Westerners.

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It's like watching a fucking comedy.

All the gays and libtards wanted them in so badly now they've turned against them and they can't do shit about it

Islam is ba...

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Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum!

>Europeanise it by introducing pagan customs, idols, ideals
not realizing that this is how Jews corrupted Christianity

Absolutely haram. Albanians really are the niggers of Europe.

Muslims are not the left.


Is Humanitarian UK suggesting Muslims aren’t progressive. Humanitarian UK is cancelled

It was never about 'progress' it was only ever about being anti-white.

I've lived in Albania, as well as several GCC countries.
I'll take Albanians any day, gondoo

They did because they think non-whites only act the way they do because of their environments.
They truly believe all humans are exactly the same with no genetic differences between racial groups. So, they believe if you simply put a black person in a white family they will act like a white kid. This has been proven to be complete bullshit.

>Anti degeneracy
>Homelands are ancap AF
>Celebratory full-auto gunfire is the norm for every occasion
Islam will save the west.

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They have been brainwashed for years so yes.

And you know what the funny thing is? Once they realize what mess they got into. They' ll blame it on us males for not stepping in.

The biggest issue with Islam is polygamy and their anti-empirical mindset. If you could reform those two things it would be fine

Deo gratias

No they're not, but the people here who fight to protect their rights to be cunts are most definitely the left.

That's obviously a very objective statement with no consideration of the availability of pork and alcohol in the countries. How would I know though, I've never been to Albania or a GCC country.

it isn't a no or a yes.
a result is women and trannies at odds because they started the cesspool
Britain is fucked, England and Scotland.
There is no defense we are over like Sweden. Run with it

Just another day on Clown Island

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imagine living in your own country and not havkng the guts to stand up to the authorities....white Northern Europeans are pathetic.

Islam is fundamentally opposed to everything Western - including our innate sense of innovation, skepticism, exploration and individuality. Compare Eastern Europe under the Ottoman Muslims to the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of Christian Western Europe.

>white Northern Europeans are pathetic.

t. abbo

one rule for them another for us

people who praise islam for its traditionalism don't understand that islam, especially since the abassid period, is the triumph of irrationality, dogmaticism, feminine passionality, romanticism, pauperism, etc.
they don't understand the very foundation of islam is an unspeakable, bestial hatred towards logic, objectivity and masculine thinking. islam mean "abandonment to god" , enslavement, dissolution of coscience, erease of the human thinking ability.
it is good for those beasts, not for european freemen, born without masters (visible or not) but themselves.

They are for conquering the west. They don't care about left or right. You should know this by now Germany