Britain YES!

Britain YES!

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The redpill is that the natural order always prevails. There is no and has never been a multi ethnic or multicultural society, only a society in transition to a new demographic power.

The ONLY difference is (for now) this is done through population settlement rather than direct warfare, in this regard it is similar to the colonial period except the state has turned on it's own people (or the state is now ruled by a rival tribe, which it is).

This is what white shitlibs don't understand, they think there will be something sort of star trek utopia at the end when in fact they themselves are Kulaks and will be liquidized.

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To be fair learning such things could be a death sentence back home. Quick 10 story drop.

Daily reminder there absolutely nothing wrong with Islam, in so far as the ultimate issue is our demographic replacement, a mass indigenous conversion and white ethnic Islam would be absolutely based and I for one welcome it as a hammer to smash the left with, it would also due to brithrates, turn the UK 95% white in a generation and most Muslim nations are nationalistic. Picture somewhat related (the part about the left dying regardless). Always fight on ALL fronts.

The Left starting to devour itself.

Beautiful. Totally beautiful.

t. ahmed from rotherham

To build onto this essentially what is happening is the state is collapsing and we are entering a pre state senario where different tribes compete over the remaining apparatus (like any dark age ever). Almost 85% of all Britons live in 90% white counties, so they think all is ok. When in fact in just 10 years half of all children will be invaders. The only think masking this is technology and the only thing propping that up is prosperity and the only thing propping THAT up is fiat currency.

Shitlib Kulaks will perish sooner than you think.

What's worse; a 95% white English Nationalistic Islamic England or a 50% African Jewish run Goyim Weimar slave state?

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t. BASED blackman civic Nationalism

>replacing one mental illness with another

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At least Islam is actually based and good for society.

It’s almost like... they’re incompatible with each other...


Your ancestors were enslaved, had their cocks cut off and indoctrinated into Islam to fight their own people. While your women were sex slaves.

>At least Islam is actually based and good for society

Bro how can you say that? How can you fucking say that? HOW?

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You have 1 post to convince me that white sharia is not the way forward for at least 3 generations.

Trannies BTFO. How will the jews push this mental illness on children now if the muslims won't put up with it? Quite the like conundrum.

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>A 50% nigger Jewish run globohomo Ukraine is worse than a islamic 90% Ukrainian Ukraine.

It only took like 400 Muslims 1 day to do what flabby and meek Christians have failed to do in 50 years.

>The redpill is that the natural order always prevails


It's a sort of paradox of tolerance. Any liberal society without rules and allows anyone in eventually gets taken by those who WILL set rules

No one can.

islam will only turn your country into the shithole islam came from.

Wow goes to show how much they love their dumb muslims

islam is an arab supremacist religion. it would not preserve the ethnographic makeup of europe.

I didn't say Islam was good for other societies. But for their own, it's pretty great.
That's why we should all convert to Islam. Either we get a perfect excuse to gas the kikes and fags, or we get rid of Islam because it becomes a hate religion. Win-win.

Yep, tolerate so much that the tolerants become the minority and the majority impose their way on everyone.

This. Nature is truth. You cannot fight it.

go live in north africa for a year and you'll see why islam has no place in Europe.

it doesnt matter that muslims are the enemy of our enemy. they aren't our friends. they hate us.

we can come to terms, not savages anymore

>All these fake news UK slide threads

Not fooling any GCHQ. The real issues in the UK are under funded NHS so American pharma can take over and worthless Tories profiting of it.

Yeah because Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran are Arabs and not nationalistic at all.

> Leaf

What if we become the Muslims instead?

>timeline where mudslime overthrow jewish oppression
Well, that’s embarrassing.

what if we stay Orthodox?

>Half of all children in the UK will be foreigners within 9 years
>The REAL issue is muh NHS!

The NHS is gone either way you dumb meme flag kike. Look at the kike shitting himself over a ruthless Islamic English volk.

To me this is so obvious I automatically assume everyone else understands, but I have to remind myself that the average center-left normie doesn't get it. School/media bluepills people into thinking that muslims are oppressed victims.
Bluepills think "save the refugees" but the further left you go, the more they believe islam is the next horse to hitch their revolution on. Because it ain't their daddy's religion and it's the hot new game in town.

Good job muslims

maybe the brainwashed liberal nazis will learn two things from this

1 muslims are not your friend

2 no one thinks homosexuality is healthy or desired.

please stop brainwashing kids and fucking them


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North Africa is shit because north Africans are low iq genetic detritus.

Are you honestly telling me that a Muslim 100% German Germany would be a savage Wasteland? Delsuional kike.

Even a non ethnic Islamic sect would be dominated by high IQ whites.

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Brown subhumans are not our friends, Islam itself is.


Looks like muslim parents need to spend some time with ((scientists)), educating themselves. RSE is just for awareness, kids dont get affected by what they hear and see and will try to mimic it, no sir!

Nice fake quote

lay something out then.
you know exactly what i'm talking about. every single one of those countries is multi-ethnic. in every one of them they all hear the koran in arabic which is not the native language of any of those nations.

Then we won't have support from anywhere if we rebel against the kikes.

>Britain yes! Too many shitskins
>Britain no! Refected degeneracy
More like Britain meh. We all knew this time (degeneracy vs islam) would be coming. Newspapers already don't know what to write when antisemitism is at an ath because of muslims.
Just sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

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Every single one of those has a dominant ethnic group and very few ethnic minorities that are going to be replaced any time soon. (Meanwhile half of all kids in the UK will be foreign in a 10 years).

Neither is Latin in mass.

klopt luca

>Are you honestly telling me that a Muslim 100% German Germany would be a savage Wasteland?
Would it be great DUE to Islam, or alongside it?
Islams history is full of prosperous times, successful conquers, great historians, great philosophers and for a while the intellectual center of the world.
However, success through conquer and replacement, how would that work out for Germany?

No it wouldn't be great due to Islam. But it would be great inspite of it and would be far greater than a Africanized liberal Jewish slave state and you know it.

>However, success through conquer and replacement

That is also the opposite of what the OP is saying. Dumbass.

>place is culturally thriving
>gets conquered by muslims
>immediately begins to go to shit
>irrelevant islamic shithole in less than 100 years after islam
muh islamic age of enlightenment

Not to mention chechens, albanians, bosnians, indonesians and so on

yes goys nothing wrong with importing muslims who want sharia law

Oy vey we must spend 5 million on "Queer Allah" posters.

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Why is pol suddenly pro kikes and pro degeneracy all of a sudden?

Do you brainlets think Joram Van Klaveren converted to Islam because he had some sort of message from God?

>white ethnic Islam would be absolutely based

We don't need Islam, we just need to preserve our lands.

Yes I agree, and that's why we need Islam. As one of many tools needed to smash the left and raise our birthrates and nationalism.

But you stupid christcuck burgers just can't lie for a bit can you? Why not go adopt a BASED black baby eh mutt?

but I like bacon and dogs

Won't do that if Christians were to ask. But everyone has to bow down to the muslims.
I guess I get it. I wouldn't want my school blown up, either.

stfu paki

What angers me most is that when good conservative Christians ask this degeneracy be stopped, they are just ignored. But it only takes a handful of ragheads WHO DON'T EVEN FUCKING BELONG IN THE COUNTRY to completely change the school's mind.

You might as well introduce a compulsory "kiss a negro's arse day" in the whole country.

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>st peter was crucified upside down because he hated christ

Are Muslim chistian's allies and or the feminists allies?
I have seen many videos, - i have may be fooled by the translation - but the muslim scholars and religious representants seens to see christians as possible allies and the possibility of peaceful, in their terms and descriptions, existence. But they really do not see this possibility with atheists, feminists, homossexuals and specially jews.

what I really dont understand is why do libturds defend pakis when clearly the pakis are right wing?

that's not very bright is it seeing as jesus did not exist, I mean if youre upside down you would shit and piss in your face until death

We all know libs will bow down to brown people. If the Christians were all black it would have been the same outcome.

So Europe has the choice of being invaded by muslims, or invaded by fags and trannies. Either way, you're fucked.

Their first objective is destroying the West. They think they'll magically build a communist paradise afterwards. That, when made equal, the Paki's will stop being right wing conservatives.

Marxism is hubris.

I keep trying to explain and no one in this lefty shithole listens

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t.desperate muslim trying to get others to join his cult.

No thanks. I don't need to pray to Allah to kill kikes and fags.

fuck you all. being gay doesn't hurt anyone. muslims censoring society does.

Even if you are not religious it is hard to say Jesus did not exist at all


prove it

Islam did in a day with 400 useless eaters what 50 years of organised Christianity couldn't do. Notice no one really kicked up a fuss, why? Because deep down we all hate trannyglobohomo is just Islam can get away with fighting it.
What will resume Nationalist votes, right wing behaviour and birthrates in natives within 10 -20 years?

>Pagan LARP
>Trying to scrape together something new.

If every English family converted to Islam and had 5 children and voted for the National Front our issues would be solved overnight.

I would rather the Muslims than the fags. At least the Muslims keep women in their place.

And who's going to do it? You fags can't even hold a gun without trying to fit it up your ass like a dildo.

>absolutely nothing wrong with Islam
It's multiculturalist religion consisting of 99.9% arabs and niggers. It's even worse than christcuckery, which is no small feat.

>Preventing schools from promoting degeneracy is censoring society

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>being gay doesn't hurt anyone
>what is HIV?
You fags are the reason we have AIDS

Never though I would ever say that but thank you muslims.

Shut up faggot. Survival and power is not less important than your degenerate "freedom".

One truth vs many falsehoods.

WTF! I love LGBT now!

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Id take gays over muslims without a single hesitation any day.

Bahahahhaha incoming "wear your bedsheet to school" week

No they wouldn't you massive faggot.

The left has lot the plot and they don't even realize. Let's do this, spread this shit in Birmingham. Try to get the jew hating incestuous American raghead rep. to go along with it.

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Contrary to popular belief, the Muslims largely just want to be left alone and are fine with grudgingly ignoring other religions so long as they stay out of their space. The reason so many of them are on a crusade against the west is because we keep polluting their country with western ideals, fucking with their countries' governments, and funding their Israeli invaders. Hence why they're more offended by western pollution like feminism and homosexuality than Christianity.

Most trannies are pedos though. They're like Muslims but with even less inhibitions. Super charged Muslims.

As much as (((Karl Popper))) tried to use it as an arguement for open borders globohomo tolerance. Any one with 2 braincells and an unjewed mind should realize that tolerance just gets you replace by someone who isnt a sap.

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do you not know how to read dumb fuck?

hes against the immigration, not the religion itself, hes talking white shariah

Muslims are top of the sjw oppression pyramid.

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Are you a bot or retarded?

It's not the left devouring itself, it's the established British Caliphate asserting itself and reconfirming its control and supremacy over society. The left is inconsequential.

>This is not the way forward
I am shocked there are leftists that genuinely believe Mohamedans will support their faggotry

You are full of shit. You clearly do not live in a place populated with sandniggers or have any living next door to you. Come to West Yorkshire UK and I will show you how 'wonderful and peaceful' they are. We can go out after dark and you can see for yourself what goes on here. I suppose you can do us all a favour, quit posting bullshit.

>pagan LARP
underrated post