Bill Gates Paying Off Nigeria’s $76 Million Debt to Japan

Interesting turn of events. Polio being removed from third world countries, re-appearing in Western nations due to Vaccine conspiracies. He could help fund your wall, pay off American debt, but no.


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if he does this, he wont go to hell as the bible says

His net worth wouldnt make a dent in the us debt.

in other news Nigeria runs up more debt and accomplishes nothing

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I meant to say pay off some American debt, I figure you would want to at-least assist the nation that allowed your rise and gave you such a great life


This won't help Nigeria. They have to learn how to pay their ow debts. Why not try to help them build an industry?

Slants were probably angling to take over some critical infrastructure once the niggers defaulted. Won't help them long term because every country with niggers is addicted to spending.

Dogs and cats are pets for children....
Now niggers.... those are a rich mans pets.
He will be the largest nigger owner on the planet now. Besides kikes.

Bill wants a statue in Nigeria.

All knows Nigeria is rich in oil.

"Nigeria, one of Africa’s two wealthiest economies, has overtaken India as home to the world’s greatest concentration of extreme poverty, amid warnings that the continent will host nine out of 10 of the world’s poorest people within 12 years."

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>Bill Gates Paying Off Nigeria’s $76 Million Debt to Japan
Bill Gates Buys Nigeria

I mean we go over there and build and maintain power systems and the niggers just chop down the power poles because they are too fucking stupid and lazy.

It's 2019 you can't just buy black people.

Can we meme the American nigger into being against this??
Tell them that it's just a white man trying to be daddy and the nigerians are coons if they do this...
The american nigger will make the African nigger loathe them even more.

My god why is he such a nigger lover? This is kind of annoying. What is his real objective?

76 million dollars can accomplish lots of things, but it's not going to fix Nigger shithole Africa. What a fucking cuck.

He thinks he can get into heaven by buying his way there, but it won't help.

How dare you tell black people what they can and cannot sell in the current year? They don't need the white man regulating their commerce. It isn't the 1950s anymore.

>nigeria borrows 100 mil from japan

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Why didn't he just give me the money?!

Nigeria is a christian country


fuck my sides nigger!!!

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Is he related to ruth gingsburg bather ?
What a kike

nigerians are by far the best africans

this is indisputable

>bill wants africans to prosper so they stop fucking like rabbits and invading europe
Pretty based tb.h desu famalamaman

>When the Nigerian King spam e-mail finally worked