Would Jow Forums be willing to donate $20 to put a pepe billboard up in NYC? It would take only 200 $20 donations

Would Jow Forums be willing to donate $20 to put a pepe billboard up in NYC? It would take only 200 $20 donations.

Attached: IMG_5484.png (640x1136, 534K)

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yeah i realize im at 1% lads, im taking a shit i hope it lasts


If you can get something reputable going I’d donate.

How many days does the billboard stay up?

Post the Pepe you intend to post there

How's this one?

Attached: IMG_5485.png (675x675, 346K)

Need way more details if you want people to hand over money

no idea all i know is what i posted, i also dont have $20 to donate

Should be an it's okay to be white one.

Put up the billboard first then to a gofundme to keep it up and recoup your expenses.


As long as it is a aye tone meme.

No this is a glow nigger post don't give them money.

>not using honkler
Yeah fuck this nigger

the regular pepe is one of the most iconic and recognizable symbols of this century. You should post it.

>asks others to donate $20 to troll dems
>doesn't want to donate themselves

Its calm aura of smugness also does more to infuriate leftists then any trumpshit or newfag meme ever could.


>thinking big billboard in Jew York City
>lets make it a mildly suggestive frogpost
How about you actually put some thought into this nigger.

Attached: 1538786306928.png (600x805, 494K)

same memeflags all pushing same idea


hes literally saying to use his idea instead of mine you idiot, also i dont have $20 im poor

but i agree about my idea not being good. I didn't put much thought into it. If folks get on board ill donate $20 as well but like i said i am poor because i am irresponsible. What about this one?

Attached: IMG_5424.png (700x906, 262K)

third memeflag to support the other 2... hrmm
really makes me think

Who are you calling a Memeflag?

AnCap incarnate.

This is a cointel operation.


Exactly. Make sure it's the true original, not a high-res with minor aesthetic edits. The crude shit-eating smug grin on the original is the absolute best.

its over


Attached: cortez trouble.jpg (678x726, 109K)