>be D list actor
>not happy with pay
>make up fake hate crime
>report it to the police
>nobody believes you
>Left doesn't buy it
>facing serious charges
>ironically suicide by noose
Well, we all saw this coming...
>be D list actor
>not happy with pay
>make up fake hate crime
>report it to the police
>nobody believes you
>Left doesn't buy it
>facing serious charges
>ironically suicide by noose
Well, we all saw this coming...
Fake and gay
Why do you fucking creeps make fake threads like this. Are you THAT bored? Real news isn't enough?
Checked, but it's real!
It’s not real and homosexual
fucking faggot ass leaf, spamming this bullshit all day yesterday too, THE DAY OF THE RAKE WILL COME
You probably can't even put that burger down...
Nice link fag.
you can't afford beef
Because Jow Forums is full of unironic retards who will believe it. Just wait. I guarantee some tard will come in this thread and start celebrating