Be American

>be American
>hospital makes you pay $40 to hold your baby

Why is this allowed?

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If she doesn't like it, she can go to a different hospital after the c section to touch her baby where they don't charge her.

Free market.

Except we don't have a law forcing hospitals to show their fees upfront

>not sure if trolling or American (read retarded)

If people wanted their fees upfront, they could go to a hospital that posts fees, or refuse to go to the hospital until fees are posted.

Free market.

because if the baby is handed right off they can't take the foreskin
>Why aren't we attacking banks and synagogues yet?

Yeah and you should see the fee for the father. If the father holds it right away it’s like $900

“During a caesarean, many people become shaky, nauseous, uncomfortable, even faint,” Grant explained. “These are normal physiological reactions. In order to facilitate skin to skin in the OR, an extra nurse needs to be available to assist.”


“I’m impressed with how low the number is,” another said. “As a mother who has had two cesareans, one with skin to skin and one without, I can tell you just how priceless it truly is.”

Wtf the doctor should come to the family house with all of his equipment and do it for freeeeeee and pay for maternity leave out of his own pocket plus tip

Holy fuck what a kike. It’s hardly a “free market” when the average Joe has no time to look into ways to fight a system that gives hand outs to billionaires. If it’s a “free market” i should be able to sell “edible” arsenic to retards like you.


If the "average joe" isn't smart enough to outsmart the system, he deserves to be scammed. It's a free market.

Maybe they should stop cutting women open and doping them up with drugs instead of letting them deliver naturally. Most c-sections are unnecessary.

Just go full nigger and have yo bitch go up in there with no insurance an it's free plus EBT an housing after.
I'm being serious if you're white you might as well game the system.

Because I know when my wife goes into labor the first thing on my mind will be which hospital gives me the cheapest price, not getting her to the closest place that's clean and will keep her or the baby from dying during the process.

Because nobody pays it. Seriously. If you live in America and still think you have to pay your hospital bills, you're an idiot.

Agreed, however that isn't the point. It was showing the reason for the cost - it's there likely because someone fainted and sued, which is the 'murican way of getting rich quick,

I hope you realise how wrong you are one day

Yeah. Nurse is already in the room. Did they have a fee for the nurse to hand the mom a kleenex to wipe away tears too? This is how insurance works. I used to work as a contractor doing fire damage repair. They literally itemize everything to jack up the rates. I mean everything, like Remove and replace light switch cover. It's bullshit

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Billionares pay 40% of the total income tax...when and how are they getting "free" money? If the average joe can spend hours on Facebook and Netfix but can't cost shop...that's an intellect challenge, not a system problem.

You're a poor person, I'm guessing.

>be meme flag
>make dumb non-pol thread
fuck off and enjoy no bump!

Good luck finding one that does that. At best maybe you'd find the cash price, not what you'll pay using your insurance.

We don't have a free market for healthcare here sweetie.

Based. Fucking this. My wife was giving birth the other day, so I logged on to a hospital comparison site to compare the best offers for a baby delivery. Free market, bitches.

top kek

>take out a loan for birth
>2 years later go bakrupt
>hospital puts the baby back

Looks like they also paid $61.96 for some pervert doctor to feel the mothers tits up

My wife actually punched a nurse in the face after they tried to take our son after repeatedly turning down having him mutilated.
Hospitals here are a weird fucking place here.

Because skin-skin contact with a c-section delivery baby is hazardous for the baby, just to appeal to the mother's vanity of holding the baby.

This isn't the 80s. C-sections are rare now precisely because of the issues they caused. The only reason they do c-sections are if the baby is facing the wrong way and can't be easily moved, or if there's a medical emergency and they need to extract the baby immediately.

>quantity 2
per tit it'd seem

To remind you that your child belongs to the state first.


Don't fix the system just be a giant piece of shit guys...ok faggot

Can only imagine the veterinary costs of taking a dog in to give birth

das Juden in action

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hopefully you can use some of that money to hold in your weasly little guys when we publicly disembowel you Mr. Moneybags

Dude what the fuck


>Free market.
I really hate you faggots. Quit standing up for mega corporations that are screwing people over.

He's being ironic retards. He's making a point that "muh free market" leads to shit like this.

>be American
>go to mexico to have a baby or have any other medical procedures done in a private hospital
>get fresh tacos delivered to your room

Mexican doctors (in the us) even schedule appointments to be done in Mexico. so you make the appointment at their us office and then show up at their mexico office to have it done

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it eats up extra time in the OR

And yet there are people in this thread ( Americans) defendind the ridicoulous shit you pay in Americanhospitals

They come up with shit like this all the time, sometimes even adding fraudulent charges because they know insurance is footing the bill and they have to recover costs from niggers than have no money or insurance

Welp one question:
I'm pretty sure it would be cheaper for everybody in America just to go to another country to make an operation.

I mean i looked up how much its costs to fy to europe from America.
Why arent companies just chartering their own planes euqip them with shit you need for sick patients fly them to european countries let them be doctored here and fly them back after few weeks?
Its actually cheaper

>an extra nurse needs to be available to assist.

that's one pants on head retarded excuse, that nurse makes an hourly wage to begin with, its quite literally her job lmfao

what it boils down to is you gotta pay your nurse a tip in order to hold your child after birth, that's funny

You have 9 fucking months to figure this out retard, not like childbirth fucking sneaks up on you

Because we don't want to die in some third world shit hole

What I find more disturbing is the patient appears to be billed for 79 C-sections but only 1 hold her baby?

>C-sections are rare now
No the fuck they're not

Imagine being this much of a cuck

Start your own state if you dont like taxes and consumer protection laws.

Free market, faggot.

But you guys die in America thats the same thing + without paying so much

>nurse gets paid hourly
>hospital had hourly expense associated with nurse
>they charge patients she's allocated to in order to cover costs
are you such a brainlet that this is beyond you?

They let the intern try

79 hours of inpatient care

We should offer government insurance for all. Free medical but you choose which hospital to keep the free market benefits. Conservatives are retarded on this. If you get insurance from your work, your boss writes off the high amount he pays on his taxes and you still got to pay deductables. It is already socialized. Accept it and get rid of deductables.

>giving birth in a hospital
>PAYING to give birth in a hospital
Cringe and bluepilled

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*C-sections are the default now

Why did you go there to have a babbeh?

You asked for it user. Enjoy your privilege.

Oh yeah? My wife was also giving birth the other day and we could just go inside the nearest one and have the best doctors in the world deliver it for free.

And then my kid gets to go to uni for free as well. Healthcare is all free too.


>lactation consult lvl 1
what the fuck?
you americans are insane

How did she get 79 C Sections on one visit? Damn close your legs bitch.

thanks for that spanon


in canada i paid a total of 14$ for both babies, and that was for parking.

we only pay 150$/mo for our health insurance.

Something is seriously fucked up with the US system, it's not just a meme.

why would you have this saved desu


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That is fucking insane, no memes all serious.

The medical system is why socialism is coming to America. The capitalist “free market” is apparently unable to address this problem.

>Americans are proud of this

Agreed. Just squat down and plop the little fucker out.

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you understand any american can go to college for nearly free as well? the ones that cry about student debt are the ones who chose to go to private out of state expensive school

more like
>german government seizes the baby and sells it on ebay

What's beyond you is the absurdity where they draw the line. The operations and medicines hospitals provide are already marked up. Being charged a fee to hold your kid after birth is funny. its hilarious infact. idiocracy becoming a thing

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hey the hospital has to make money selling those foreskins to beauty product companies so evil women can rub their faces with it.

>current Healthcare system is capitalism
no you retard

>*gulps down anti depressants*

in germany, i pay 150€ a month and i can go to the doc/hospital and get literally every treatment for free.

LOL wut? I went instate to an extension school and paid like 10K a year just for tuition. That was like 10 years ago.

be an asshole and treat everyone below you as subhuman. i bet people love you!

its more akin to going shopping at a grocery store but there arent any price tags but you still have to pay whatever is put in your basket.

hospitals arent legally obligated to post their chargemasters, and the overwhelming majority dont.

Burgers. I Don't know if it Will Be by arrogance or stupidity, but you guys Will wipe yourself out of existance soon.

Most drugs prescribed are only to supplement a shitty diet. Blood pressure medicine, statins, immune suppressants, drugs for thyroid problems (often just for deficiencies in iodine and selenium) , you name it. It’s almost all the result of a shitty diet.

Jews have utterly perverted and destroyed the real purpose of the medical industry. It’s all for profit now, nothing else matters

>free market
In a free market you don't get charged for holding your children.

>Being charged a fee to hold your kid after birth
You're so God damn stupid you still think this is what the charge is for

It is fucked up because of over regulation that is never going away. The free market argument will never beat the regulations that big pharma uses to their advantage. It is time to accept defeat and take the gibs.

>he pays insurance on top of taxes

this but unironically
god bless america

>I pay $150 to get stuff for free

>posts from 3rd world shit hole

Nope, some women can't dilate enough to safely deliver babby.
t. 2 c-sections

Thank you user. I cannot describe how this made me feel while eating my tendies.

Libertarian faggots should be shot before even the leftists

it's because the people who run insurance companies and governments have not yet been extrajudiciously killed. if that were to happen all of this faggotry could stop.

No it's not. It's the american, bastardized and ZOGGed version of a "free" market.

Caesarean is also another scam a lot of women don't need to do it, but doctors do it because it's easy and makes a ton of money.

I just love retarded Euros - everything is always free over there.

we all know the hospital could not afford to pay the nurses their wages if they didn't charge parents to hold their kids - we know doctors aren't the ones reeling in the money for hospitals, I mean shit, the overhead on the tools required for C-section is out of this world, a $2 scalpel, right? its not the doctors knowledge/education, their ability and operations that rake in money, no, its charging parents to hold their babies, you got it all figured out.

My grandfather, got a problem whit a kidney, my mom told him, why don't you go and get operated on the States, bc if I live I don't want to be poor, so he got it here, and he lived, we have very good State, doctors they have operated so many and messed so much, that by 30 they are top notch

A few extra for the air in the room. Oxygen is precious you know! Some would call it priceless!