>muh guns

Trashed. Dude is obviously just dumping DNC talking points on his website.

this is from 2 hours ago

Attached: yang gang guns.png (607x462, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: yang gang 17.png (858x571, 371K)

He is an entrepreneur running as a Dem in 2020
He has ZERO chance of winning 2020
and will run as Republican in 2024 against Jared Kushner or another one of Trumps zionist minions
His policies will change when he runs in 2024

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the jews always shift every president more and more left with constant pressure and control. having this as your starting point only means the worst is ahead if bugman gets in

He’s becoming more and more based. He’s clearly not into the whole gun grabbing thing, and even if he was, we’ll have a republican senate that stops any anti gun legislation. So who cares

Jow Forums BTFO

Andrew Yang is a chinese socialist and he will HANG

who here HANG GANG

donald trump isnt running the country his duel citizen son in law is

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>guns issue is tough
what part of shall not be infringed is tough to get? aren't asians supposed to be smart?

he was raised by Chinese Immigrants and was raised conservative
wake up, moron

Attached: idiot.png (1884x2202, 3.86M)

>who cares
The absolute state of Discord Trannies.

>Same copy pasta from a different thread, using a different ID.
As if I didn't need more confirmation that the think has paid shills on here.

>same post, different ID
do you even know how Jow Forums works?
holy fuck am i speaking to bots, or retards?


Attached: yang gang anime.png (1280x922, 1.27M)

I like it, we need more

We need one of our patriots on the ground to take one for the team and place a bullet into his faggot skull.

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You shouldn't say such violent things about the next POTUS

in your dreams asshole fuck

Oh look it's another Yang shill thread.

Kill yourself.

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>I know the guns issue is controversial so ill say something vague enough to make you think im on your side regardless of my actual opinion or belief.

what a fraud


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> Chinese cunt: "Americans, give up your guns - how can China attack America if everyone is armed, hashtag unfair advantage"

You seem worried enough to promote violence. I thought he had no chance? :)

Attached: yang.png (800x450, 773K)

His answers are literallly boogie2988 tier. What a joke


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he's a typical anti-gun cuck, like all the other chinks I know. Statist authoritarians that believe in absolute monopoly on violence for the state.

fuck this faggot.

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>anti-gun cuck
can you read?

The state already fucking has that, at least give me some money if I have to pretend to have freedom

>So who cares
well thought out argument, my tranny.

Attached: beautiful_tranny.jpg (543x1024, 80K)

a california "conservative" is hardly useful.
read his fucking statement.

huh idk he refuses to make up his mind and has no real solution and will basically just bend to the will of who every is talking to him
not that hes a cuck or anything

I've been around long enough to see a faggot waffle around and try to dodge. fuck him and fuck you too.

>that Faceboomer tier image

This wins for me. I now understand what he is saying, he is pandering to win the dems ticket and he wont touch guns.
It was an important issue for a lot of people.
That he actually openly says their is a better way and talks to people, this man just might be the one america has been waiting for.

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no, they dont.

r9k really wants their 1000 neetbux/mo. I see

he's from new york, fucking retard
how's Trudeau treating you lot?

an actual fuckin retard posting on 4pol

holy shit NY is even worse, nigger.

Your death cant come soon enough

Why does yang trigger incel Jow Forums losers so much?

imagine thinking that just handing out 1000 wouldn't make prices adjust
imagine falling for a chink trick

can you?

that's where his parents landed and raised him conservative in a liberal state
grow up, kid
you're retarded.

thanks for point yourself out faggot.
how's the latest bout of intestinal worms?
They treating you OK over at discord?

Attached: intestinal_parasites.png (750x1334, 1.07M)

This is what i'm thinking. He has to cuck to dems to get elected, but it appears the only issue he cares about is UBI. He seems genuinely concerned with the coming automation and the need for UBI. Even Elon Musk has said the UBI is inevitable.

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Dude I am not sure if you are a shill or not or just really racist to the point of stupidity.
What this man just said is a nudge and a wink to tell gun owners he is pandering to retard dems and taking over their party. a conservative is taking over the dems, lol what a day!

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President Andrew Yang...can’t wait :^)

> conservative in a liberal state
this degree of cope.
fucker is wishy washy on guns, and he wants to hand out gibs to losers. Sure as fuck sounds conservative.

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>imagine falling for a chink trick
>what is the canadian real estate market
No offense, leafbro

>racist to the point of stupidity
ON 4pol?
not a chance, man.....

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make assumptions or find the truth, faggot
you've done a lot of assuming and you keep getting shat on

imagine knowing next to nothing and shitposting all day

you're delusional. He's trying hard as fuck to ride the middle with his non-statement.
This latest batch from discord is less intelligent than the retards pushing for Harris-the-Ho, or Tulsi-the-Swimmin-Poo

This. He only cares about UBI. Very clear he doesn’t give a fuck about gun control or muh diversity or anything else stupid

Shut the fuck up Gook you showed your hand and you lost already so go fucking kill yourself ant. You want to take ARs from civilians by force, you can go fucking killl yourrrr sellllffff

wont matter, I hope they're paying you well to shill for some third tier nigger candidate.

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Remind me when I ever will be afraid of a European? Keep your mouth shut you towel head lover, let more in your country to fuck women and ruin your whole fucking country.
Elon musk did say that I remember the article, this get better and better, 10 to 1 elon musk is the one Yang appoints to his cabinet as a tech advisor.
Dont post your disgusting gay shit faggot. Why the fuck are you shills obssessed with fag shit. Is it because you are from europe? where you get cucked by muslims? Fuck off with your shit.

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Yang is not about "taking guns from civilians"
comprehension is important

Here's a bunch of transparent shit I use for Yang memes.








Kill yourself gook supporter

Attached: privilidge.png (593x244, 53K)

>third tier nigger candidate
Trump is going to win 2020, moron
Yang will run 2024 against Kushner in the republican party

more likely that you.. are the shill....

>10 to 1 elon musk is the one Yang appoints to his cabinet as a tech advisor.
that would be glorious. Imagine if he was VP. Yang/Musk 2020

Right here you faggot shill

this tweet is from one year ago
read what he has been saying recently, moron

responded to it.
how much has Trump changed in a year?

Get a job, neet. Stop asking for handouts.

>what is obvious pandering

I dont give a fuck retard, people who said they support gun rights have turned and tried to take them all the goddamn time, this gook rat is just trying to appeal for a vote, youre too dumb to see it

it's hard to be a white man in america

Now that I see this its full steam ahead. I am gonna donate money tonight.
This man will bring america to where it belongs, the best, hands down, and I like that his immigration policy is so strict compared to even trumps.
Hell I hate towel heads more than anyone on the planet, but I am not gonna sit back and stop a man who is natsoc for america and wants to tell the chinese to go fuck theirselves. In his speech he basically called china a third world tyrant of shit and puke. lol which it is, chinks have no value on human life, thats how I know yang is the man.

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>opinions never change
He clearly doesn't care about legislating guns.

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You got the hat file, trying to make my own.

>republican senate
doesn't matter what the gook wants
and read what i said about Yang 2024 and avoiding a Kushner president
again, you're the fucking shill. kike.

Yeah, just handing out money is insane
>hands out money to nogs
>gives free government services to muds
>Grants and tax breaks for minority run small businesses
>massive corporation tax breaks while workers pay taxes
>affirmative action hiring and education practices

Giving out money and freebies is insane but so it thinking we're not already doing it. It's just not money for whites.

hah. anti-gun gook, just like every single other gook I've ever met in my fucking life. These fuckers have little understanding of individuality or living outside of a walled in city. Fucking insects.

fuck this nigger.

Read his campaign promises. He clearly says that he wants to infringe gun rights, by implementing background checks and requiring permits.

> doesnt care
that just mean's he'll sign any anti-gun shit that comes his way.
No thanks insect.

Hes literally playing you you fucking retard goddamn it I want you and all of the fucks supporting this gook in a mass grave HE IS LITERALLY BAITING VOTES YOU FUCKING RETARD GODDAMN IT

No i'm not a shill, youre the fucking shill dumb fuck, i'm the one who supports gun rights at any means necessary this gook fuck would change his goddamn mind the second he hits office and if you dont see it coming youre a goddamn retard.

you're glowing

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>Kushner president
what a massive straw man argument. Kushner has the charisma of a rotten corpse.

no one on here supports that and incase you can't tell thats already fucking countries up

I dont even know how to use this discord shit you tech savvy faggot, I am a labor worker, better luck next time. Spend more time talking about faggot gay shit and trannies and you will make me puke.
People like you deserve to be dragged outside and smacked around for being some closeted fag posting gay shit in every thread.
My whole family would vote for him. Elon named them.
I work harder than you. handouts to the rich and the poor but not to working men like me? is that it you jew cunt?
Sure thing there asswipe, you cant face facts, get over it.

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he's a conservative
he has said nothing about "taking guns away from americans"
he HAS SAID other things

Wonder how much the Chinks are paying you, did you work with Shareblue recently as well? Because the Chinks are obviously using the same methods trying to shill this puppet gook everywhere

Exactly, Ivanka has a better chance at being President than that kike ever has

so is your anus.

Attached: obama_cucked.jpg (560x400, 45K)

>it's okay to bribe someone to vote for you as long as that bribe comes in the form of a new welfare entitlement
This country is fucked.

Nice try CIA Nigger. POL is a board of peace.

get a job you fucking vermin

tfw you stopped giving a shit because you realize every other government in the world has already disarmed their populace so in an apocalyptic event there's no way us burgerstanis would be the brave heroes who were the only ones who were able to resist the government's tyranny. we should have to deal with the same shit as everyone else.

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next up: "I support the second amendment, BUT..."
hah. you've had your shit pushed in all thread long, and you're still enjoying it.

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His parents left China and denounced it upon becoming US citizens
he was raised American
in the way that THEY believed America to be. they didn't even fucking speak english

you guys are fucking exhausting
too many kikes to count, at this point

you and one other faggot are on the same page
knowing 4pol stats i'd say you are both paid interns in some shithole witha VPN
but who knows

but the guy is right, you are a shill zog rat, you support trump and his kike kid. you are a fucking parasite on the world. The sooner america rises the better so we can point our attention to telling you and your shill kind that if you step foot into an american election we will regret it.
"he is bating votes goyim believe us, keep paying for the poor and the rich and slaving away while your family gets nothing hahah goyim"
no thanks rabbi fucklestien.

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never said anything about taking guns away