Explosive packages found at Heathrow, Waterloo and London City Airport


"BBC Home Affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford said the package had Republic of Ireland stamps on it."

What do you think pol, is this a warning from the IRA about the consequences of implementing a hard border in Ireland?

Attached: IRA-gunman-terrorist.jpg (615x409, 61K)

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Uh oh we can't leave the Irish like this, guess Brexit's off

cool man

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Should just grant N. Ireland independence. Doesn't benefit us having it as part of the UK.

>What do you think pol, is this a warning from the IRA about the consequences of implementing a hard border in Ireland?
Highly unlikely as the U.K and N.I don't want it. You'd never get an ulster man to leave the U.K. The fact you don't understand this outs your Semitism, please test your fake narratives elsewhere

Attached: 1546117204593.jpg (720x540, 62K)

>You'd never get an ulster man to leave the U.K
this is true, I talk a big game about reunification but's all talk. realistically, I cant afford to change my lifestyle.

more likely an mi5 false flag to derail brexit.

>implying I give a fuck about leftist paddies who want to sell their holes to an unelected Brussels elite

>Guess who's back
>Back again
>Paddy's back
>Tell a friend

On the day before the Bloody Sunday case is finalized
>Really dribbles my Guiness

Attached: IRAPEpe.png (600x600, 382K)

It's not even that, like Mogg said, "let them try and build a border" you Micks simply wont have it and I can't blame you.

>MFW the RA and UDF start a guerilla war with the EU

Attached: 15aeil.jpg (280x300, 9K)

Seems like quite easily the most simple false flag attack in the history.

>Buy fstamps
>End Brexit

yep maybe our close security ties with EU will crack the case!

false flag jiffy bag

It was muslims

The Irish are rent free tho

Who is influencing these young potatoes to commit acts of terror. Do people still give a fuck about all that IRA shit?

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Goddamnit I love the Irish.


Attached: 1542293413926.jpg (720x867, 269K)

Most likely a false flag attack by the UK government trying so they can back out of brexit. If this doesn't work they'll set off the next one. Not like they care about their people.

Attached: 1488675865345.png (423x287, 171K)

This is definitely the IRA giving the Brits a gentle reminder.

Attached: IMG_0127.jpg (1011x743, 369K)

>What do you think pol, is this a warning from the IRA about the consequences of implementing a hard border in Ireland?
your parliament is gonna finance some terrorism again. It's a repetition. And lame. Maybe if you take your German queen's cock outta your mouth, you'd stop it from happening again?

Everyone is IRA if they start bombing something here

The media just call anyone who claims to be the IRA something else to try and break the continuity of the cause.

As the population swing to the right the IRA naturally do the same, but the older crowd are mostly leftist.

Honestly, I think it's Greenpeace.

They flew the drone and sent parcels to disrupt air travel. The train package was to throw the cops off the trail.

If the (((IRA))) or (((MI6))) or (((EU))) try and instigate a conflict again it will only backfire the mood in middle england isn't very forgiving at the minute

was at work in security when they pulled us over and notified us. defiantly seems like IRA. they did the same letter bomb in Dublin a day or two ago.

Can't, good friday agreement fucked us. Has to be a vote on United Ire once catholics have a sizeable majority.
IRA going back to terrorism is the one thing that could rip the deal up, so they'd only be hurting their cause...Fucking idiots they are.

It was Sandniggers.
