Father is Iranian

>father is Iranian
>mother is swedish
>I am neither

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Gud thoughts.

hair / eye color?

You should probably punish them for giving you a squalid no-identity existence as nightmarish for you as it is for everyone that has to interact with you.

>mom is something
>dad is Nigerian
I have it worse

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had a good chuckle.

You are Iranian with a touch of cuck. Your father is where a mutt's heratiage from. The cuck part is what you get from your mother but to be fair you can catch the cuck from even interacting with anything swedish, like Ikea.

The anger against millennials will be a hundred times more intense than the anger against boomers today.
>thanks mom and dad, for throwing away my country and identity, thanks to you we are all the same

you have to go back

Gå och lägg dig Hanif