Fuck americans and fuck capitalism

Kylie jenner, worlds youngest self made billionaire

Attached: preuzmi.jpg (206x245, 10K)

>self made
Fake news

It is not fake news

This seems like a perfectly acceptable situation in which I should stick my nose. It is entirely my business that other people make money. For some reason I feel entitled to some of that money.

>Defending all those mindless and zoged american cattle who mindlessly watch some whore doing nothing for hours
>Teehee im famous!
Your disgusting american """""""""culture"""""""" is showing

>be born into riches
>self made

>strawman argument

Did I endorse her at all, Pawel?

She is self made
I dont know who tf watches that umholy show
I watched 5 minutes of kardashians and wanted to shoot myself in the head
She brings nothing to society but drama and degeneracy
And shes a billionaire now
Thanks america

Heavily promoted by the kike media machine. Self made billionaire my ass. The agenda is to make fucking niggers acceptable to White girls.

Beats any other system