You are all stupid

Politics and history of mankind is just are eternal war between two model of natural selection: based on physical attributes (health, empathy, sex) and based on mental attributes (will, mind and IQ) both hidden on political groups and persons

This world is stupid little game. God the biggest sadist if he true exist. This reality is awful and builded for circle jerking retards

Attached: 4B11B300-7EC8-46B0-B170-7C6A3250525B.jpg (850x500, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>i am so smart
>give me attention
retarded manbaby

Fuck off slave of nature and reality

We are all slaves

You are so fucking stupid to even realize it

>Op makes an intelligent post
>ad hominem in response

How does it feel to be a hylic in the presence of pneumatic?

Attached: 76F55E68-B32D-4FB5-8F41-47426C2A9FED.jpg (750x500, 70K)

>intelligent post
>calls us stupid while he writes an oversimplification of human nature and human behavior over a long period of time.
this is you right now.

His post doesn't make any sense at all.

It seems over simplified because the world is awful in a simple way

Simplification is the transition to essence. You're one of those talkers who dislike the truth, because it burns. You like verbal tinsel, not the essence, central point

You are enemy of mankind

Please first learn how to write proper, then start thinking, then start developing an opinion and then kys. Thanks.

Actually God is not the sadist, his Son is. God himself is a perfectly innocent special snowflake godform. Also, you are blaming God for the damage done to our conscious collectives by evil godforms. His only sin in this was not being able to win his war against them sooner, how are you mad at him for that? Mad at him that his enemies fought tooth and nail to kill him?

Also, his Son is the violent one between the two. He's a fucking animal, he was bred to slay evil.

if you do not understand anything, it does not mean that there is no meaning

actually it's people trying to breed with whoever they like vs people telling them who to breed with, sherlock

thanks to ((((them))))

Fucking deep dude woah

Fuck off bithchh
Ad hominem - this is your "argument"
I am drunk and I can speak only truth at this moment

ok I'll bite: why is OP a faggot?

God or something strange create both groups
Because God is creator, admin of reality
Fuck him and both options. There is no good or evil side
Just two big evil sides

Ad hominem
Ad hominem

You are so fucking pathetic and stupid slave

Ad hominem, well sure, because I didn't give an argument, I only advised. O, so learn to read first too.

Blah blah you haven't said anything that resembles any truth whatsoever. Pseudo intellectual

Still ad hominem
You are pathetic. White "intelligent" people pretend they are "smart" but they just weak pale black people, which hate strong natural black people
And both groups are slaves of same absolute
Same algorithm

And we're all here complaining about it

>I don’t like it
>this is not truth

Ok. Keep dyin for Israel with rap music in ears, American "intellectual" lol

I never said i don't like it. I'm just saying your premise in your op is oversimplified. Like i said, your "truth" is misguided and oversimplified. But thanks for playing.

I understood you fell for some variation of the gnostishit LARP, but you are a cultist so trying to shake you off it is pointless. Enjoy your collective insanity.

Oversimplified means I respect the time of people

There is line between LARP and nonLARP
stop using retarded terms nigger bot

Where* ?

You'll only ever hear the real truth from children and drunks

You are just masturbating yet another attempt to rewarm abrahamic faith (single personal crazy megapowerful god, symmetric (fake) duality between evil and (fake) good, some sort of procedure to be saved or discarded, a messiah saviour, a overpowered evil entity, some event that sorts everything magically...). This shit is tiresome.

>This world is stupid little game. God the biggest sadist if he true exist. This reality is awful and builded for circle jerking retards
this is why you’ll always fail, vodkabro

love that climax

No abrahamic shit is still shit you are stupid
I talk that dominance time to time of both sides are evil
Because everything repeating REPEATING
This is mental cage for humans for our sons for our grandsons etc

That’s why repeating

>my country full of brilliant Math students
>his country full of rapers
3000 years before
>my country full of brilliant retards
>his country full of shamans with wisdom
And etc and etc
You are monkey and slave of reality

Reading OP we can understand why the Slav accepted the yoke of the Bolshevik so quickly.

Fake correlation between my text and some group of people and their history
You are dumb
Sorry, but truth

Attached: op.png (900x600, 102K)


Why we here? For eating and reproduce and some social false flag bla-Bla hidden our real interestests (eat. Reproduce) ?
Wow thank God this is so interesting! Let’s play this game 10000000000 times because we are so fucking smart !

A masterpiece. I need to re-watch it soon.

This is obvious to anyone. I've noticed that individual reactions to this realization tend to depend on where the person in question comes from/currently lives. I don't have any issue with the fact that I was born to reproduce. You, on the other hand, live in an icy hellhole where everyone is drunk and has AIDS kek

Perhaps you have drank to much Stolichnaya? Rather than wallowing in pity try rediscovering the Russian soul through Dostoyevsky.

if I lived in USA in the sunny state, truth, what I wrote would not have changed. truths it’s not about your feelings, your status and place
So eat my shit stupid slave

Ad hominem
Ad hominem
Ad hominem
American style of discussion
I am not even a russian and Dostoyevsky was shizo Christcuck with totalitarian issues

itt: (((modern edjjuuucation)))

Modern education better than Jewish books (bible, torah, kuran)





History of every single creature
Wow. So interesting world, so many sides, so many characters. All different, yeah
Best world and universe to live sure


>the natural world
Dumb da dumb dumb dumb!

Do you even christian bro?
Literally gods first commandment is to overcome that state of corruption

>And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

We are to return the earth to its paridisical glory

Slaves to what?

>You are monkey and slave of reality
Just because it's true doesn't make it very meaningful. Of course we are [apes]. Of course we are slaves of reality. So what? What are you going to do with that?