You never hear anything about them in an Art History course.
What's the story behind all the Jew blood drinking paintings?
Luke Long
Carson Evans
jews are fucked up
Adrian Moore
Lol ancient antisemitism obviously, you bigot.
The Jews have always been persecuted, literally always. That’s why they’ve been kicked out of almost every country they’ve ever inhabited, for no reason other than the fact that white people are racist.
Joseph Diaz
Checked and they probably did it to give them eternal life or some bullshit. They're the OG vampires/demons.
Jaxson Baker
Blake Sanchez
Satire and reality have merged.
Not sure if srs.
Lucas Green
I can't find that infograph about the vampire disease, but ashkanashi jews carry that gene and when they showed up in europe suddenly vampire "legends" appear.
Michael Allen
Kayden Ortiz
Brody Scott
This video will answer most of your questions.