So which is it?

He's either:

1. A dumb ass who got lucky


2. An evil genius, working in secret collusion with Russian governments to topple American democracy for personal wealth gain..or something.

You can only choose one

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He's gonna destroy israel bitch

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the guy is a retard, so 1

a dumb ass who thought he would get lucky and not win the election

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>You can only choose one
The truth is he's an israeli puppet, just like every other President since WWII. And democracy is a fucking meme.

This is what Canadians actually believe

there's not enough greentext in the world for the amount of implications you just made


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Cohen said himself, in his hearing, that Trump never even expected to with the primary, let alone the national election.

There may have been some collusion but if there were, it involved those orbiting Trump but not Trump himself. There are a host of other crimes he's commited outside the collusion meme that he's bound to get nailed for, now.

You dont get lucky kiddo you get rich or get rich'd ya digg?

Dumbass puppet of some mixed group of jews and neocon boomers.

A sociopath in debt to Putin via Deutsche bank

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Op is either
So which is it?

it's literally a mix of both

it's luck in the sense he was born into a ton of money, he was in the right place in the right time. likewise the timing of his campaign was when anti-establishment sentiment was at a peak (though I'd argue it's even increased since he's been in office)

on the other hand, he cultivated relationships with Roy Cohn, Roger Stone and others very involved in the underbelly of American politics. It should be an accepted fact by now Manafort's role was to connect him to sympathetic elements in Russia's inner circle through Deripaska and the promise of better relations and decreased sanctions. this in addition to his relationship with Felix Sater who was keyed in to several very powerful circles, the CIA, the Russian mafia, and somehow having Osama Bin-Laden's satellite phone number and some information about Iraqi missile depots, if I recall correctly.

so, the idea he's ignorant of all this stuff, is ridiculous. Alexandr Dugin went on Infowars to support Trump- understand this is plainly a Russian intelligence effort to push Russia's goals. You may think its mundane, but it's hardly different than some CIA agent going on Venezuelan media to promote Juan Guaido or something. Trump without a doubt received aid from Russians and without a doubt knew about and courted it on some level or other.

he obviously has some dictatorial aspirations as well. It is without question he praises authoritarians more than democrat leaders, and his jokes about being president for life are like a lot of his twitter posts- putting out feelers to gauge how much support it might have. He's got the Roger Stone and Alex Jones crowd in favor of military overthrow of government if he's removed from office, and that's basically what Q user is about too.

Q user is a conspiracy to build support for a military coup of the United States by Team Trump.This is why Rosanne got kicked off her show- the media very strongly wants to quash support for Q user

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I think Trump is doing the best he can. I'm a boomer.

He's the most pro Israel president ever elected

Thats what he wants you to think goy. delete dis

>when you outkike the kikes, america and the rest of the world
wow. it's really time isn't it. let's play

He's working for a foreign entity, but it's not Russia, it's Israel.

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t_d is too scared to fuck with that, faggots only 1 vote from me.

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You killed a lot of his friends in 9/11. I too would be scared of the POTUS.

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>He's gonna be israel's bitch

A dumbass that got lucky by colluding with Russia. His people never did any of the heavy work.