>mr Beast hosts meme review
>the absolute kvetching to come from this
Mr beast isn't very funny. I don't like him much at all. I think he makes pewds related videos and gets views from the autoplay feature. He'll be broke in a year or two
Why do you even care about e-celebs who have nothing of value but to 15 year olds at best
>why do you care about the next generation user
>le be kewl like me an edgy
Maybe because this has an effect. If you want to be an edgy dutch faggot, fine, but fuck off to another thread and do it. You're not cool, bro.
This Swede has done more for Europe implicitly than you've done ever. I'd rather him over you.
Im not edgy I'm just not below the age of 16 so I don't enjoy this crap. It's not even remotely funny.
serious question, who is mr beast
Maybe search him on google?
Who's Mr. Beast?
hes not a real celebrity im not going to go through all his social media links
>i'm not below the age of 16
No one cares about you though? So why the fuck are you stating that?
>millions of views
>le memes lmao
>pal throws a "nazi" salute
Who cares if you are too cool to know? Just enjoy the fact that this has an effect of zoomers.
>real celebrity
Good goy. You keep thinking random people who are given (((stardom))) are worthy of you searching for but not someone who probably thinks like you on fundamental levels.
Nothing worse than "who?" fags.
or maybe the fact that real celebrities have informative wiki pages
jesus fucking christ you retard not everybody knows your favourite eceleb
More proof this is the counter-culture now.
I'm also picturing a ton of ten-year-olds giving their mom the Nazi salute after she tells them to do something.
You’re a retard with no brain that doesn’t know how to type in a search engin aren’t you?
we must organize an operation to make Pewd's look like a real nazi.
he will be arrested by UK orwellian police
Gen Z will get mad as fuck, become anti-SJW for life
The west is saved
Or maybe you are just a faggot?
LMAO! That is picture is fucking funny. Same with the kids that heiled pewdiepie when he hit 69million subs.
>yes goy shut it down
Fuck off, chaim.
You're the edgy one here
>Nazi xD pewds so based
>no u
Sure got me, pal. Coming from an edge lord like you who doesn't care because that is for normies lol!!!
Is it that hard to believe I genuinely don't care about these internet celebrities?
Mofocking genius
sup bro
how is it doing Bolsonaro?
Based pewdiepie
Hola, boludo.
Not much, we can't kill fags and nigs freely yet. He had a meeting with Guaidó a few days ago though.
What are your expectations for the elections,
Correlation =/= Causation
Causation is fake
T. brainlet
Meme magic =/= Causation
He Elon Musk to host meme review? Nice.
Causation doesn't exist