Watching Jewish blacked porn is FREEDUM, Bongs are KEKED for banning it!!!!!!

>Watching Jewish blacked porn is FREEDUM, Bongs are KEKED for banning it!!!!!!

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listen simpleton Americans beat off to their 2d waifus, they don't indulge in cuckshit.

>coping this fucking hard
I'm sorry for your loss of Freedoms, dad but this is getting too much.

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>literally getting teary eyed because UK is banning degeneracy

You couldn't fucking make it up.

It's not about the pornography per se, it's the principals of the matter. The same reason why we declared our Independence from your overly taxed nanny state faggotry.

>i-i-its the PRINCIPLE!!!

Fuck off, I'll not deny that this country is an over-regulated draconian shithole but porn being banned is objectively good, no matter what the context.

>imagine being american defending jewish degeneracy
Mutts will be mutts

>banning it
lmao no
you just have to pay the degeneracy tax now

this but unironically

>Needing a fucking license to wank off
LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Before you know it you'll be required a literal fucking license.

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Porn can be a hugely destructive force on the developing mind. The problem is that it can’t be regulated to keep it away from children/teenagers like for instance, alcohol is. For porn it has to be all or nothing. I fully support banning it.

You don't need porn to wank and off you spastic.

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it's not being banned tho. they're just making you. pay for it

it's always the nappyheaded poortuguese who are the first to yell out "mutt" kek

This matter should be a personal choice, do you know what happened during the prohibition era? Crime and underground speakeasies were born, black markets cropped up and millions were made selling illegal alcohol. After it was all said and done those millions would have been taxed and the government realized this and so instead of banning it they taxed it. Bongs are just looking for another means of taxing you but banning it makes matters worse I can only imagine a lewd version of speakeasies with underground artists creating pornographic content giving birth to a bonerlord.

muts can't into morals

Enduring the shame of licensure should be a prerequisite for degeneracy in any self-respecting nation assuming the shit isn’t just banned outright.

Israel first. Trump won’t ban it


another one of these threads

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britcucks don't feel shame for anything except their (decreasingly) white skin tone.

>Implying that curious kids won't find a way round this in about 3 days.
The only people this is going to bother are computer illiterate boomers.

Individual hedonistic freedoms that are cancerous for the communities are bad freedoms.

LMAO as if bongs did not invent Blacked. Your anthropologist literally were the ones obsessed with Black physiques not Jews. You claimed they were of low intelligence but had impressive bodies and massive dongers like animals. Thus starting the trend of your women lusting for black men. It was always your kind lusting after other groups. You lusted after the Mediterraneans as well which caused your wealthy elite women to travel down south to get meded since the 1400s, and they still do it to this day you cucked faggot.

You can just look outside at your young women being raped and get turned on by that...

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>the mommy government controls my porn that’s a good thing next they’ll stop social media for kids

Lol your so fucking salty it’s funny as shit, go away you live In a fucking dystopia.

Bongs actually standing up to the jew is based, muttland loves its degeneracy and are too cucked to ban any thing profitable cause that would be seen as an attack on their freedum, even if it was harmful.

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That protubro is a 6 foot 2 grey eyed evropean, while youre a beaner mutt livining in a wooden box

I cant wait till they ban Jow Forums on your shit island so we can stop hearing you whine

Show your flag, cuck.

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We've banned murder and theft too. Haven't you too? And why didn't your "principles" stop you from banning them?

>Bongs having to nervously use VPNs to tell us we have too much freedom

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Freedom for what? It's meaningless without specification.

>be uk
>porn is bad, we can't let the younglings see it
>cover up literal grooming gangs


You got a loisence for this NSFW board, m8?

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No. Have you?
I notice you avoided the question, though.

Wait.....does this mean the Naked Attraction show will also be banned?

Let's hope so.

>No. Have you?

First Amendment. Don't need one, never will.

And as for Freedom for what? To be a fucking adult and make decisions for myself accordingly.

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You are comparing apples from oranges here, and if pornography was so damaging to the community what makes it all of the sudden okay for the community if you have a license for it?

Face it your culture is too capitalistic and individualist, every cancerous thing exsting today is coming from the US, social media, late stage consumer culture, obesity, much of the porn cause you're all brainwashed by kikes telling you freedom is the right to be a degenerate, I bet you blame immigrants for all of this don't you.

Freedom to be scared cuck in his oun country beacuse it's less than 50% white

UK literally has a show where people date based on nakedness. Sweden.....don't even get us started.

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>when you are in so much denial that you're government is going total 1984

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>First Amendment. Don't need one, never will.
It's simply not true that you have freedom of speech, association, political and religious affiliation, etc. No-one in the history of the world has ever had it for the simple reason that it is an incoherent idea. Your constitution was false before the ink dried.
>To be a fucking adult and make decisions for myself accordingly.
You have failed to specify again, which is telling. What I am trying to get it through your thick American skull is that the question is never freedom or no freedom (which are utterly useless terms when unspecified), but rather it is always a question of what is allowed and what is not, i.e., the specifics of law and morality. Crying ‘freedom’ as though it were a blanket that covers everything (or else nothing is free) is a cowardly way of avoiding getting down to the nitty-gritty of the matter. When will you throw off the shackles of your dimwitted eighteenth-century leftism and enjoy the freedom from it?

He’s not wrong

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If you dont like American culture, stop consumer their products and media.

>needing to watch ANOTHER MAN fuck a prostitute on camera to spunk.

Do you realise how pathetic you sound?

Doxing is against the rules

name something as degenerate like porn or social media coming out of sweden or the uk that has spread and infected culture world wide.


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>You are comparing apples from oranges here
Nope. Instead of dumbly crying about your principles of freedom, you need intelligently to make a case for why some things are permitted and others are not. We don't permit murder and theft for good reasons (though it restricts my freedom to murder and steal). We likewise can make a case for banning pornography. Again, simply saying "muh freedom" is dreadfully dumb. It is not "freedom" (unspecified) that is at issue; it is rather particular behaviors that need to be addressed *specifically*.

We have the first amendment which protects us against government, unlike you where you have your government prosecute you for being critical against refugees. It seems that you've been under the umbrella of your nanny state for so long you fail to grasp the concept of being an individual.

Yep, that is their blessed "freedom". And "freedom" to live in a cesspit they call a culture. No thanks.

Your definition of pornography is entirely different from ours and quite frankly I am alarmed at how you've put emphasis on men in a pornographic setting.

Hollywood is Jewish culture

American culture no longer exists

our own governments commit murder and theft every single day though taxation, law enforcment and war. Don't try to get on some moral high ground and claim that your society has banned murder and theft because "it's bad m'kay" your logic is moot.

>sour grapes interpretation of Yank freedom
>needs a fucking government nanny in adulthood and is so cucked he defends it
>crypto-fascist gets trapped in a nation that's going crypto-fascist against his ideals

If only you had some sort of a legal document that said this wasn't okay.

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They will not, European media revolves around the Americas. Have you seen how many European actors and politicians on social media feel like they have a voice in our own personal issues? they always bring themselves into the discussion unwanted. Whether it's about our ethnic groups, our media or whatever. They always force themselves into the conversation. To stop consuming our stuff is to cease all relevance of their continent. They will bitch and moan about the state of us, but continue to watch our films, shoot our music to the top of their billboards, buy our games and products, use our social media and interfere in our personal matters. Everything that happens in the US Euros feel like they have to voice their peace. When Black lives matter was a big deal. All these euros were writing articles and taking sides and it's like, dude, it's not even happening in your country stfu.

> dont buy it hurrr
> surrounded by western american degeneracy every where you go
> only escape is to move to a shit hole in the middle of nowhere

You're the ones that pushed it onto everyone else in the beginning and you let the kikes do it.

Most cuck porn comes from the us. But the us and uk might as well be the same shit though.

Okay marrow-brain.

>needing Jewish degeneracy to release sperm out of your todger

Still pathetic as fuck.

You do realize that Jow Forums would be considered a porn website, right? Enjoy your mutt spam because all of you faggots are going to be blocked in less than a month.

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>which protects us against government
Hahahahahaha. By the historical measure of almost any state before the twentieth century, you live under a totalitarian government.

>It seems that you've been under the umbrella of your nanny state for so long you fail to grasp the concept of being an individual.

You'll notice, by the way, that our government has become more totalitarian the more it has adopted liberalism and individualism, individualism of course being the necessary destroyer of society that makes totalitarian government possible. England under kings and lords was never in the slightest totalitarian. It was blessedly authoritarian.

But keep dreaming your dumb American dream, and don't wake to see the nightmare that is already upon you.

Your downfall is encoded in your very constitution.

o i am laffin at you mutthurt Ahmeds.

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Honest to god limey, do you stare at a fucking wall while you fap?

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>being autistic enough to not know that 90% of people are stupid plebs with no free thought who won't just magically rise up against degeneracy.

Those brown genes are affecting your cognitive ability, Randy Rodrigo Gonzalez.

Wtf based Pakiland

Not him but I have a gf

>Don't try to get on some moral high ground and claim that your society has banned murder and theft because "it's bad m'kay"
What the hell are you talking about? A society that permitted murder and theft wouldn't last a week, because these are *bad for it*. Likewise, pornography. And it has little to do with whether some in the elite are immoral or not. They at least are practically minded.



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>imposing a porn license so only (((large porn studios))) can operate
>bongs see this as a good thing

What did I miss? What's banned?

Virtually all porn in the west comes from your shithole country

>>sour grapes
Ha! If I turn my thoughts to America, I am most thankful that I do not belong to it.
>>needs a fucking government nanny in adulthood and is so cucked he defends it
I have made no defence of it. I was seeking an intelligent discussion of political and social reality, immutable truths, etc, not some baby-tantrum about "muh freedoms".
>>crypto-fascist gets trapped in a nation that's going crypto-fascist against his ideals
Neither I nor my government is fascist. I am authoritarian, and my government is libertarian-totalitarian.
>If only you had some sort of a legal document that said this wasn't okay.

We have thousands of them. They do not help much when the will is against them. As you would understand if your weren't so brainwashed.

>I need daddy governement to be able to stop watching nigger porn! I am definitely not a mentally ill cuckold
the state of britbongs

After the first of April, all websites that host pornographic content will require an ID to prove you're of age in the UK. Failing that, those websites will be blocked. Basically, you will need a shitpost loicence with your real name/address in the UK to post on Jow Forums (because so much porn is posted here) or watch porn on other websites. It's hilarious that the bongs ITT are celebrating this. At least 95% of you will no longer be posting here in a few weeks.

Do you not have an imagination?
>England under kings and lords was never in the slightest totalitarian. It was blessedly authoritarian.
This, the kings and lords didn't give a good golly fuck what you did as long as you didn't mess with them or theirs. Additionally, policies were made to last, not get overwritten in 4 to 8 years. Americans look at kings badly because it was drilled into us with the revolutionary war lessons that "lel monarch bad freedum good" then turn around and gape themselves for big daddy government and their dirty-money wrapped cock.

>he says this while having lost the freedom to have a foreskin

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The average person does, yes. Porn addiction is real.
>just stop being addicted bro lol

Keep laughing. It'll help you cope and thus be in line with much of American thought: coping.

>needing the government to regulate porn to stop watching it
The first step is admitting your (((problem))) Nigel.

I'm laughing at the fact that all of you mutthurt Ahmeds will be blocked in a few weeks. Fuck the UK.

i hope this is bait, no one can be this much brainwashed

I don’t watch porn, I have a gf unlike you virgins

>porn is the problem

kek implying that both Britain and Sweden did not help popularize the lgbt culture in the west.

We first started hearing about this multiple gender shit from Europe before Obama was pres, then it spread to the Americas.

Sweden is the literal first country to actually have a gender neutral term


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>why are you banning porn, you hate freedumbs?? Lol europoors!1

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>implying that both Britain and Sweden did not help popularize the lgbt culture in the west.

This lgbt political correctness shite started in America

>Why are all these dissenting viewpoints on my FREE SPEECH board? You should all be blocked
>Jow Forumseddit

>the kings and lords didn't give a good golly fuck what you did as long as you didn't mess with them or theirs.

Indeed. As soon as you make government about "muh people's freedom", government becomes totalitarian.

Tragic, really. For three centuries now, people have been calling for their own enslavement to the state because they want "freedom" (always unspecified).

>The average person does
the average person is beyond help and deserves a bullet to the face then

>rise up against degeneracy

Says the country that brought us Muslim child-raping death squads...oh, I'm sorry, "Asian Grooming Gangs".

But that's probably haram to you, right, Abdul?

>tfw I can call them what they are from my balcony window with no legal repercussion whatsoever except maybe a noise complaint...

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That's not an argument. I'm not saying that they should be blocked. I just think that it's funny that Bongs are actively celebrating the fact that they will be blocked from Jow Forums while posting on Jow Forums. And I don't like Bongs so it's a win/win for me.

No, it started in the UK, you've been right along side America in championing these ideals.

Europeans legalized same sex marriage before us as well.

That is true, and UK is the largest porn producer in Europe.

Oh, what a loss to our humanity!
There are vastly more important things that we and you have already lost, but keep concentrating on the things that don't matter, dear boy.

You have some serious problems with your mental order of operations...

>Nope. Instead of dumbly crying about your principles of freedom, you need intelligently to make a case for why some things are permitted and others are not.

You're so fucked in the head that you can't even conceptualize what freedom is, or how that statement epitomizes the ideology of a servant. The root of your thought pattern indicates you lack the basic concept of how freedom even works.

>We don't permit murder and theft for good reasons (though it restricts my freedom to murder and steal).

This statement is so fucked that it's difficult for me to phrase a response without losing my objectivity. Your actions are not dictated by the permissions of others. Your statement implies that there are zero murders and zero thefts in your Country. How could there be when they aren't permitted, according to you? There's a significant difference between a "permission" and a "prohibition"; the difference being the implication of ownership.

>We likewise can make a case for banning pornography. Again, simply saying "muh freedom" is dreadfully dumb.

You don't know enough about freedom to hold an opinion on it. Freedom is the ownership of a "property", in this case referring to a personal choice. Slaves and children identify with permissions.

Ah, either the way you typed it made it seem that way or I may have misread it because I'm tired as hell. Either way, I doubt they'll ban Jow Forums, because only a portion of it is porn. They'll most likely just add popups to stuff like pornhub and xhamster.
And besides, you don't kick a hornet's nest. Containments exist for a reason.

They'd at least block the 18+ boards--so that means no more Jow Forums, /b/, etc. This website is too large to slip through the cracks.

>no matter what the context.
That's insane. Your overlords are banning porn out of a feminist rage to attack masculine heterosexuality, not out of any concern for moral degeneration. You are celebrating a destructive impulse that will ultimately command your grandsons to be sissy cuck slaves.