This is the first generation (maybe second now) to really push new ideas of sexuality, gender, race and equality and sometimes we don’t get it right.
If you’re offended by the fact that people who are not straight, white males may be approaching or in rare cases actually having an advantage for the first time in thousands of years then get over it pussy.
This is the first generation (maybe second now) to really push new ideas of sexuality, gender...
>This is the first generation (maybe second now) to really push new ideas of sexuality
imagine being his arrogant and stupid at the same time
No, I think continue resistance.
I was thinking the exact same thing, fpbp
I'm listening to a podcast, and supposedly, Africans have been doing that for millenia.
Living successfully with a matriarchy where women can marry women, men can be wives, women can be husbands, and men and women have no clearcut differences.
Now, that was until the Westerners came and ruined everything with their "science" and "knowledge" and "rules".
So, take that!
More like,
>the left became de facto social authoritarians so they labeled me fascist, racist, bigoted, homo, trans and xenophobic
>general arguments are wrong because they don't apply to me!
And then you became fascist, racist, bigoted, homo, trans and xenophobic? Yes.
Don't make me post it, Norway
Africans ruin civilizations. It's what they do. Go and move into a mostly African neighborhood and tell me what you think.