Why does Jow Forums never talk about the real reason Tech companies are SJWs?

Google, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook etc. only put themselves at the forefront of social justice because they don’t want to appear totalitarian and have the public call for them being broken up.

You know what’s cheaper than providing all of your employees a pension or lawyer fees for years of anti-trust litigation?

Pretending to give a shit about social justice.

This is the only reason they are censoring. When the inevitable breaking up of these companies occurs they can also say that they are being attacked for political reasons.

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I’ve heard people say that before. I’ve also heard the big tech companies are selling user data to China.

They are a cult user.
They emplyes are literal brainwash victims. Some programmers at google identify themselves as "dragonking".

Basically modern grown up people (age 19-25) has the mentality of a 13 years old and google is grooming then into metal retardation, sexual deviancy and obedience.

It's evil to the core. Imagine travelling back in time to the 50s and telling people that in the future corporations will push sexual deviancy as a way to break the moral spirit of their employees and to craft obedient golems. Nobody would had believed you.

They also need spineless peons to do the actual work of implementing their garbage.

this site is the lefts creation to trap your ideas in purgatory. you have to meme your ideas out into the wild. make memes man this place is purgatory.

Attached: leopardSeal.png (1030x773, 915K)

> mfw brainlet whose never been to basedlycon valley.
People of privledge are sjw because they have no real life struggles and it makes they need a 'cause to fight for'. It's like some middle age white bitch in the hamptons protesting for black lives matters even though she has no black friends and thinks blacks are beneath her. It's all a charade.

Tech companies are composed of educated people who are highly paid. Surprise, there's no real life struggles. They went to school and make six figs upon graduation. They have no life generally and think everyone can live like them. So, they protest about dumb shit to feel alive. Most people in tech never grow up or mature because they work 24/7. Basically grown up cry babies.


Leopard seals are so fucking cool. They're like furry god damned mosasaurs. Look at the shape of that skull. So rad

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>work for very large known place
>have to go through 3 sets of diversity and sexual harassment training
>can select my pronouns for my work profile and even make shit up if I want to
>have to do sexual harassment surveys all the fucking time and bullying ones
>attending a seminar next week for one
>everything is plastered with diversity and ever shit colored version of everyone, always 8 women to 10 men
>employee rate is 73% are women
>somehow still managing because governmental funds
>one of the things to "watch out for" is sexist or offensive jokes because that person is probably a rapist or wife beating or minority attacker
Fuck me, I like the job and the people I work with don't seem like loonies but I just keep my head down and go in and out each day. The benefits are amazing too but all this SJW shit makes me want to hurl every day.

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Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they are based in California the most liberal state?

As someone who lived in the Bay Area until last year, I also seriously think these tech companies discourage actual relationships and marriage which then leads to babies and then leads to employees realizing that a 75k salary isn't worth sticking around for to pay for your crappy 3K a month apartment. Liberalism is inherently against putting down roots.

Interesting post user.

all SJW people do it because they know they are terrible people. every fucking one.

You idiots try really hard with this actor meme? But you failed to ask, who cares?

If you have no life of your own you attack others for the ones they have. It's that simple. Most SJWers are losers who are more concerned with other people's lives than their own. Fits perfectly with someone who works 24/7 and never develops a life outside of it.

from SJWs for SJWs
they don't annihilate their main user base

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>only put themselves at the forefront of social justice because they don’t want to appear totalitarian

No dumbass its because of business requirements. They have to be able to hire anyone on the planet and have them fit in. Whites are a global minority. Conservative whites are an even smaller minority. Somebody has got to be screwed in the name of tolerance and equality (so the most amount of people can be comfortable working in these environments) so its going to be the smallest group that is willing to lay back and take it (white conservatives, because they tend to care more about money than culture and in-group identity.).

I’ve heard that companies don’t go woke and get broke. But Instead they’re going broke and hope that getting woke will save them. A lot of the companies you’ve named are in the middle of a major creativity drought, and when you don’t have any real substance then you have to sell something else.

This is the end game of capitalism, no cultures and all workers are replaceable cogs.

Look at their headquarters in Israel. It looks like a fucking McDonald's Playplace. No wonder they only hire bugmen and soibois.

Attached: google-tel-aviv-office-interior-_dezeen_ban.jpg (1568x1120, 310K)

(((surfboard for rent)))

Sounds pretty gay, what do you do? I gotta admit it's nice working a blue collar job with Rush Limbo on the radio in the shop but man the money sure sucks.

You're not wrong, but a bigger cause is the brainwashed millennials who went though marxist indoctrination in universities and have now infested the workforce bring their idiotic ideals with them,

I'm an Accountant. Most Accountants are conservative because they understand businesses, money, finance, and taxes to some degree but there are plenty that are still absolutely cucked faggots. There's also lots of women that are Accountants which is also a huge negative and they make up the most of the SJW bullshit in this career field.