Fuck twitter!

We should all make ten or so fake twitter accounts, tweet about regular things for a week and then delete them to shake the investors

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Other urls found in this thread:


You don’t do shit to people invested with your 2 follower account.

your plan is stupid
twitter manipulates the data it reports anyways
fuck you

spend 50 quid on sim cards to fuck with jack? hmm maybe

Just spam cp and gore

If a million users disappear... it will show. In the same way it shows that you and are jews


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>he doesn't raise a crop of burner accounts
>he doesn't larp as a lefty cuck for followers
You cunts are all lazy

you can make twitter accounts on a pc dumb phoneposter



Have a listen to this bullshit

Develop a way to accurately count Twitter's Monthly Active Users. Then the investors will flee.

This is counter productive and either a lefty shill trying to dredge up legitimacy for Twitter banning or a complete ignorant retard.

Remember, never fall for the Jewish trick of agent provocateurs. They'll use this shit to justify their bans.


Let this poo know how you feel

>Assuming anyone on Jow Forums hasn't already been banned enough to stop caring

David Brock just bought 50,000 more shill accounts he will use thru 2020 to counter act any effect this thread would have made

you're assuming they will have honest user data reports, which they won't

they now want you to give your phone number almost immediately
if someone knows how to get past that automated filter please share

It's so fucking weird that such a shitty platform has so much power, people talking about "redemption path". Fuck them, it's a shitty public graffitti wall.
The bigger problem is all the others alternatives are being censored.

>be low IQ reporter
>make fake report of right wing wrong think used by Jow Forums that never existed
>Jow Forums then creates multiple threads doing exactly what reporters claim

This is a good use of your time? To prove lefty media correct so they can create nonsense and watch you willingly drive in, justifying their fake news that you just made real news.

Damn, Jow Forums is definitely a useful idiot/tool for the left. Way too easy to provoke to create evidence to push policy.

It's the only place left where you can say nigger and not lose your job

Journalists can literally false flag themselves here to push for more censorship online. THATS WHY THESE COMPANIES CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO BE THE ARBITERS OR ALLOWABLE CONTENT>

>Jow Forums is a useful idiot generator

i remember my first ban

they aren't if you're not on their platform. This is the lesson here, abandon their platforms.

I only read black twitter... more emojis than words. Is regular Twitter equally retarded? Who cares about this stuff?

Cuck Rogan running interference every time Twitter was backed into a corner was about as cringe as it gets. Fuck that guy

No they are not. That's the whole point. These companies have gotten so much power that they are threatening the very foundations of this republic and human sovereignty. A company does not come before the people of this country. You only have talking points and say shit that everyone has heard for years because you're a corporate shill. I can't wait to see the fucking whining from Journalists and Zionist losers when they realize that complete free speech is coming to these online platforms whether they like it or not. YOU WILL NOT CONTAIN THIS AWAKENING.

Only caught the tail end of the stream, but it looks like it didn't really go anywhere. Jack is going to continue to fuck people because of his retarded ideology.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I love the shit and vent often on here. I'm just saying there are instances that people from the left are manipulating this board (not necessarily on this thread) to drum up proof of exactly what everyone on here is fighting. Calling for creating several fake accounts, spreading from Jow Forums leaves everyone that visits Jow Forums bannible per terms of Twitter. At the very least, gives them the excuse to silence dissent.

Make no mistake, the left is fucking salivating for someone with links to this board to commit acts of violence. This is what they're drooling over night and day.

Until then, they'll provoke attempts constantly to show proof censorship is justified on account of a Jow Forums thread. So why give them the ammo?

*PTSD flashbacks*

On a side note, they really need to incorperate reaction shots more when shots start firing. I would love to have seen Jack or that poo's face when Tim was all over their ass just stretching it wider.

>Join twitter
>start talking politics
>get into one argument with a leftist
>calls me a bitch asshole racist fuck
>calls him stupid
>get a 12 hour ban
>he doesn't get shit

i fucking hate social media

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that is why we are here

thats true

Use Google voice mmguy


This is the thing: Eventually the only way to beat these techno-kikes is to stop drinking at their watering hole

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My only real concern in all of this is the nose ring.

Get em jay

It's a cause for major concern

>dogpiling event's are not fun, joe


Dog pile her

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