If you voted for this man, you are an idiot and a traitor to your nation. How will you cope with this information?

If you voted for this man, you are an idiot and a traitor to your nation. How will you cope with this information?

Attached: HpR-A5Vn_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

cuddling my guns and fucking my wife

why would i care what a small mind thinks of me.
the fact you resort to ad hominem means you have no ACTUAL complaint and are just bitching for the sake of bitching, as usual.
you are a child.

>how do you cope
I'm not the one posting these threads on Jow Forums and /b/ like clockwork for years at a time.
You still have 6 more years of this so I hope you're at least making a livable wage.

I feel betrayed.
I feel ashamed.
But I won't make the same mistake again.
2020 will be my retribution.

You're a top retard, just like Trump. Only the worst brainlets voted for him because they believed he'd be any good and not just a neocon boomer. The thing is Shillary was the alternative so there was only one right choice.

Vote for him again so we can mine your salt like we did in 2016?

How? Quite simply by recognizing the source. You’re like the homeless drunk who wanders my neighborhood during summer nights. Nobody pays attention to him except to throw rotten tomatoes at him and tell him to shut up.

Obviously not a yank but if I voted for him I certainly wouldn't feel like a "traitor to my nation". Bit over the top, don't you think? I doubt his voters in 2016 wanted him to turn into the gigantic neocon cuck he has become. They'd only be traitors to their nation if they voted for him again in 2020, because now they at least know for certain that the guy is a fraud.

OP's argument is: