Vatican's Secret Archives

If everything in the Vatican underground library was digitalized and uploaded to the net would that start a political race war?

Attached: Vatican.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

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Vatican's "secret library" was destroyed by Napoleon. It's long gone.

It would really just confirm how much they are bullshit and pedophiles.

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t. Jew MSM

They would never upload the good shit online. You'd have to actually go there to see that.

audit the fed too

The secret part is just from old latin meaning "private"
It's really nothing, they have people go through it all every few years

There are way more interesting documents in the Forbidden City (some matching v*tican accounts altho jewish edits are obvious), which is specifically why Trump was invited there.

Just a distraction to make you forget about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

Attached: A48EEB5B-DA06-40C6-9B5A-D642B219E562.jpg (1920x1200, 478K)


No seriously. They're not even hiding it anymore:

Attached: FaceOfTheSavior.jpg (750x496, 146K)

>$36 million inflation adjusted

wow user, truly a huge sum

It's just some dusty books about Prester John

it would cause some catholics living in anti-catholic countries to get their shit pushed in
a lot of stuff in there are things like secret marriage records. if you're a catholic living in a backwards islamic shithole you would get married in secret so the local village chief doesn't come and rape your wife the next day.

No, the hidden in plain sight strategy is fully in place, so nobody would believe it...especially the juicier bits, which would be written off as sensationalism.

this thread really makes me realize how little Jow Forums knows about the world and of the vatican.

enlighten us my good sir

go on..

I'm not that kind of guy.

This wouldn’t start a war but Paul wrote four letters to the Corinthians. We only have two of them and we are told the other two were lost to history. It’s likely the Vatican has some copy of the other two in its library

>Political race war
Close, but not quite. More like an esoteric occult war with the right handed path versus the left. GWB Spiritual Mysticism versus Temple of Set Shaitanism.

Jesuits are based. I went to a Jesuit university. Big drinkers. It was great to sit and talk about my papers with them.

Attached: Baptize.png (596x864, 701K)

1. global economic crisis due to off-the-books gold and black finance

2. religious crisis due to documentation of ritualized child sacrifice and pedophilia, centuries old UFO accounts

3. orthodox science crisis due to preserved texts from the library of Alexandria completely shitting on mainstream history, partially validating 'fringe' history

4. political upheaval due to combination of 1, 2, and 3

but it will never happen

Attached: Vesica_pisces_1920x1080.png (1920x1080, 152K)

lmao you bunch of retards
its just correspondence between bishops, popes, cardinals and priests and old copies of bible books
you retards are expecting shit like:
>lmao Jesus aint real signed Pope Cuckvanius III
>lmao that kid fucking party was so much fun last night heres a graphic detail of it signed Pope Pedous IV

Vatican has been bought out by the Jews centuries ago.

Just imagine being someone who doesn't realize how fabricated history is.