Like Jews, Like Jew worshipers

Christians are really good at mental gymnastics. We're supposed to live in eternity with Tyrone and Paco if they also love the kike Jesus...yet the bible and Jesus were redpilled on race.

>you can live away from Jose and Tyrone the christnigger on earth...but then you spend eternity with him in heaven because rabbi Yeshua saves all mankind.

No amount of gymnastics can change the fact that this Semitic death cult is foreign to Europeans.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Christianity is too old to be valuable.
A new religion must be formed.

Christianity was meant for the Israelite.

Christianity is the only religion that stands against all faggotry and deviance. fight for God or fall into darkness.
>muh paco
show flag, david
>b-but tyrone..
they are both better than you, OP. would rather have minorities on my team vs some weak quitter who thinks his skin color and heritage is more of a factor in his deliverance than his ability to love his neighbor. all of what you have is a gift. leaders know how to use it.
don't waste it.

Shut up Jew. FYI White/European people make up less than 5% of the world’s population. We are the real minority. A global minority. So no I'm not going to let you have the moral high ground here.

Germanic Paganism prohibits, homosexuality, race mixing, adultery, feminism, desertion and other christian degenaracy. Read Tacitus Germania and get redpilled folks.

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>waaaah im the real minority too! we're gonna to show you, you big jerk! lets all make angry signs and cry and look unstable. we should be more like antifa, guys. it will be good for our moobment. who has new leader? will subscribe and follow.
show flag already. prove whiteness if it "matters" to you.

you'll find kikes are the best at nigger gymnastics , unlike good Christians

go back to shilling your anti-christchad memes at /leftycuck/ fucking faggot larper

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And the Israelite is the White Man

8 chan cucktianity is the most redpilled board in the chan history. Only a weird semite would call it leftist. This reminds me of zionist prageru calling alt right leftist.

The (((bible))) teaches that humanity was divided into nations as a punishment. Christianity is the original globo homo.

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Get a load of this Jew worshiping faggot. Christian Identity crap. Cuckstians of Jow Forums can only synthesize their desires for white nationalism with Cuckstianity by WE WUZing Jewish tribes. Truly pathetic.

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Nice way of outing yourself you fucking commiecuck shill
holy fuck the absolute state of modern /leftycuck/ raids lads
>The (((bible))) teaches that humanity was divided into nations as a punishment.
That's not even the true of the story of the tower of babel, but divind the nations is not based?
fucking idiot

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I can literally provide two pieces of proof for the CI truthful doctrine that will send PAGANEETS like you into pagancuck oblivion faggot.

fuck you kike

>Germanic paganism
which is..
>prohibits, homosexuality, race mixing, adultery, feminism, transgenders, furries, women game developers, desertion, lying, cheating, stealing, social justice warriors, waiting in lines, parent-teacher conferences and other christian degenaracy
i agree we should be in the wheat fields with the blonde girl.. im only telling you how to do it, you complete and utter faggoty deserter. too cucked by your own self important attitude that you forgot that life is a gift and who to thank for it.
even if you don't believe in Christ right now, you believe in a fantasy more than i do. overcome yourself, with Jesus. be a real man.
>8 chan
>most redpilled
>the chan history
>Only a weird semite
>This reminds me of zionist
>alt right
>The (((bible)))
>teaches that humanity was divided into nations as a punishment.
>[insert jewish teaching]
>the original globo homo
do show flag


What answer does pagamism have for excessive masturbation, porn, sexualization of children, birth control, etc.?

The JIDF is in full force today I see

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> g-goys are reking me left and right
> i'll just pretend it's a JIDF r-raid
kek how can a shill get more justed lads?

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>be drunken tattooed millennial viking wannabe with android phone

as opposed to what ideology/religion exactly?

kek I fucking rekt this shill faggot
see how he's not responding anymore with balls?
it's because I exposed him as being a /leftycuck/ shill in another thread lad

Have you guys ever thought about how paganism/occultism is promoted by the elite so that white genocide can be justified even more?

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>Jewish roots

In the New Testament, Jesus is pictured as frequently in debate with the “scribes and the Pharisees,” the former having perhaps formed still another, separate group. The Pharisees were divided into various “schools,” the best known being those of Hillel and Shammai in the first century. Their most renowned teachers became rabbis, though the beginning of the use of this term is also debated. Unlike the Sadducees, then, many of the Pharisaic traditions have been preserved in the so-called rabbinic literature, for it was the Pharisees who survived the war with Rome and reorganized Judaism along Pharisaic lines at the coastal town of Javneh (Jamnia). Here the books of the Jewish Scriptures were decided, the oral traditions collected, and the prayer against the Christians (Nazarenes) and Heretics added to the important set of Jewish prayers, the Eighteen Benedictions. Henceforth, the heart of Judaism was the Torah, the synagogue, and the interpretation of Torah by the rabbis.