Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?

Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?

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Why advocate for the support of Faggots and niggers when you can just kiss a speeding truck?

That's no fun.

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I'm pansexual and everyone is already mixed anyways. Love one another.

Because the truth needs to be said.

>when you could just be quiet?
Can you?

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Silence is violence.

YOU'RE telling US to "be quiet"?

Fighting against the normalization of mental illnesses isnt a negative thing. Wanting to chop your own dick off, isnt healthy.

Fighting against the dirtying of a gene pool isnt a negative thing. White people should have the right to defend their superior genes.

Fighting against women doing things men should be doing isnt a negative thing. Women and men should fill different rules and the removal of gender norms is the leading benefactor in suicide, fatherless homes, crime, stagnant wages, and weak men.

Everyone is already mixed anyway. We all came from Africa.

Through evolution, the white race has removed the negative aspects that other races still possess.

We have purified our gene pool. Whites are the peak of all life on this planet and have been for a long time.

Make Homosexuality Illegal Again

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Kill all gays. Line them up shoot them with gatlinguns. Watch them scream. Then we will see their real colors.

If you're on Jow Forums, you already are a weak man.

Why are you racephobic and want to force people to all be the same?

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You one of them retards that has a sexual relationship with cars?
I support you sucking the exhaust pipe of a running car. I support you 100%

Why be a beta glycine max drinking faggot tranny when you could just join the percent who kill themselves

Why be black, a woman, gay, or a transgender when you can be dead?

Are you sexually attracted to a pan?

you forgot eskimophobic you exclusive bastard

Even that would be a preferable alternative.