Some Holohoax claims

I was reading the Wikipedia for Holohoax Denial (, and they put forth some claims that I'd like to know if anyone here has the counter proofs for:
- Korherr Report
- Höfle Telegram
- Wansee Conference
And I'd also like to ask you for the Posen counter-proofs too, I didn't save them when I seen them posted here
Thanks in advance

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Other urls found in this thread:

do you make this thread every single day?

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Nope, this one I only made today

Adolf Hitler - The Jew Wanted This War

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No big deal that they were caught lying about 75% of the death camps. It's illegal to not believe the last 25% of the story.

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>more 6 million

Attached: jews_6_million_3.jpg (718x1024, 158K)

Thank you

even more 6 million, goyim.

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What kills millions yet not a single one, all those mass greaves and yet we've found none. Yiddle me this goyim.

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someone post the memri webm for the hue

This is why they changed number recently, people figured out their scam was being written before it supposedly happened, so now they need to change number so all your evidence of premeditation is worthless since the numbers won’t match anymore in few decades none of your old images of newspapers and articles will make any sense.

oy vey! the evil nazis set back the transgender movement 70 years!

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more specifically, the rabbi
>fabricating events of the holocaust blah blah blah


oy fucking vey

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this one?
no big deal, just rabbis admitting the whole point of judaism is to enslave the whole world

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>new book reveals
read any pro-nazi history of the period and you'd have known that decades ago

>oy vey goyim die in our wars

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All the text looks cut and pasted over the articles lol.
Furthermore all the 6 gillion text is in the same font, as if from the same book.

no. but thats a good one.
theres a memri tv interview w/a rabbi talking about the potential backlash against fabricating the holocaust. its a supreme redpill and i never saved it.
the hue op could really use it

you are a very good goyim.

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damn sounds good

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tell me about elie wiesel, why does he draw the tattoo?

somebody here has it. i saw it for the first time a few days ago, i knew i shouldve saved it

could you imagine if he used echoes, or even three *s?
hol up, i just realized
>putting stars around owns
next level echoes. literally identifying jews with stars

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>do you make this thread every single day?

G...goyim stop making these threads. 6 goriliion died dont question it

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