Some Holohoax claims

I was reading the Wikipedia for Holohoax Denial (, and they put forth some claims that I'd like to know if anyone here has the counter proofs for:
- Korherr Report
- Höfle Telegram
- Wansee Conference
And I'd also like to ask you for the Posen counter-proofs too, I didn't save them when I seen them posted here
Thanks in advance

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do you make this thread every single day?

Attached: 1437633218372.jpg (640x838, 65K)

Nope, this one I only made today

Adolf Hitler - The Jew Wanted This War

Attached: 1531294928850.jpg (1138x640, 128K)

Attached: jews_holocaust_6_2.jpg (793x1024, 201K)

No big deal that they were caught lying about 75% of the death camps. It's illegal to not believe the last 25% of the story.

Attached: holocaust_death_camps.jpg (942x750, 368K)

>more 6 million

Attached: jews_6_million_3.jpg (718x1024, 158K)

Thank you

even more 6 million, goyim.

Attached: jews_holocaust_6_million_over_and_over.png (1080x1920, 2.3M)

What kills millions yet not a single one, all those mass greaves and yet we've found none. Yiddle me this goyim.

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