Is this not the most Jewish thing ? How is it legal ??

Is this not the most Jewish thing ? How is it legal ??

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Because they're Indians

Look up Scott Tucker


Because your country is run by Jews so they can do whatever they want

>Doesn't know about the feather jew
Good paleface.

Can they sue you to collect or just kill your credit?

A cask of whiskey and beads can be traded to settle debt.

80% apr, wow

why do we need laws to protect the stupid? they should fear the smart

>get 10K loan
>invest in bitcoin
>wait one day
>lose half of it
>oh fuck what now

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>get 10k loan
>go to Indian owned casino
>win big

they collect your scalp

*Uses Pakistan to clash with Indian*

Why is it the government's job to stop you from making dumb decisions?

>How is it legal?
Tribal sovereignty is a bitch. Of course, that's why nobody wants to do business with them. They have the power to screw you over whenever they feel like it or if they aren't getting their way or signed a really bad contract that only benefits you. And they tend to be really greedy and short-sighted. The only winning move is not to play, and that's exactly what people have taken to doing.

There were some funny shenanigans regarding that. Apparently it got out that since Western Sky was based on a reservation, they couldn't take you to court if you never paid back, so people were maxing out the loan to $10k, never paying back, and nothing could be done except a hit to the credit score, and the people using it already had shit scores so who cares?

>Is this not the most Jewish thing ?

Because this is; they run so many scams.

Attached: LA jews in poverty.jpg (1520x2688, 509K)

Why do you want to abet scammers in your own country.
This is possibly the dumbest stance libertarians have

One thing the christcucks and mudslimes got right (past-tense for the former, unfortunately) were laws against usury. Oh, and fun fact: as part of the Torah, Jews are not allowed to collect interest from other Jews, but no similar protection is offered to the goyim.

It isn't a scam. They literally say in the commercial that it's expensive, the total amount due is in print, and the monthly term is in print.

Scam means "we said 12 months but its actually 84"

didn't trump remove the law that protected people from this scam.

Who do you think made them print the details?

Black intellectuals

The government did. It's not a scam because they're following legal guidelines.

Scams are illegal. This isn't illegal.

>80% apr
>89.65% apr

isnt this a quick way yo build credit.

take 10k loan
let money sit a week
pay back 10k loan with the same 10k
get higher credit rating

could you just collect all of these expensive payday loans and vanish from the country?

When you payoff a loan it drops your credit score because it’s a “closed account”. If you’re buying a house and have loans and you’re going to close do not pay off your loans. Even if you’re on your last payment for a car loan let that shit go 15 days past due if you’re closing.

No that's not really how credit scores work. On Credit scores you want to have long histories of on time payment and high available credit.
You're better off getting a 200$ credit card and paying it off every month


Aren't there anti-loanshark laws that specifically prohibit excessive interest rates on loans? In Canada, the limit is 60% and loans have been dismissed as invalid because of this.

My favorite are the people that went into reverse mortgages in order to "invest" after bitcoin went from $17.5-18 to 14 and falling. I'm sure they feel stupid and if their kids expected any inheritance, a wee bit of anger.

pyramid schemes are often legal marketed as MLM. I had some cousin come over and try to sell me some shit.
The product was literally brainwashing themselves, motivational shit. They didnt realize they were doing 10 hours work a week.

It’s a loan with a high interest rate. What’s illegal about making horrible decisions?

I heard this too.

>10,000 loan
>62,000 payback
holy smokes you'd have to be spectacularly bad at finance to go with this Indianjew

>84 monthly payments of $743.99

Only a nigger or illegal would take this. Nobody with the intent of ever paying it back.

Would love to see the P/L and P/E reports on this buisiness tho


Interest rates are peak Jew, and Jesus and Mohammad both saw through it.

I never got involved in a pyramid scheme at all, but I've had the odd guy try pull me in before. One guy I knew well, and I noticed he was almost a different person, just fucking hyper excited about this deal, and practically huffing and puffing when he was talking about it. Like he was all jacked up. They all seem a bit like this, so what you say about it being a motivational thing makes sense.

>$62,495.16 for a $10,000 loan.

Scalping is still big business for Indians I see.

It would be a good deal if you were planning to live it up before killing yourself

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In most states you can go to prison for unpaid debt.

That native American chick is hot where do I sign up for some wigwam pussy

Not if you get comped for sushi

She's at least 60% white I'd say. But watch out and be careful around them. Even though she's only say 40% Injun, you put one drop too much alcohol in them and they go fucking berserk. Like Jekyll and Hyde.

I dont think so m8

Apparently the goyim are too pathetically fucking stupid to avoid getting loans with interest structures that are disadvantageous for them. I guess they should blame the Jew then. Easier than dealing with the fact that their IQ is chimp level and can't deal in basic math.

Yeah something about that doesn't sound smart.

they sell the debt to a US collection agency
Indians are allowed to establish joint business ventures with US firms in some circumstances

Fucking 90% interest... LOL

This shit is for niggers and spics and the interest rate is so high because they know there's going to be a huge percentage of them not repaying the loan so they have to cover the losses.

I love how those drunk fuckers still haven't learned what happens when you get white people to sign agreements with terms we don't like

Thats fucking sad