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Lmao didn't 91% used to mean something on RT

either bait or uh
just annoying
either way fuck off

Attached: shootaz.jpg (701x696, 39K)

Reminder this is the gorilla marketing strategy tested with black panther, astroturf opposition to woke product amongst the hateful Nazi incels to generate buzz and demonstrate product to be brave and powerful because standing up to hate

>Audience score not available

That's what actually matters, I'll be surprised if it's above 10%.

Movie (((critics))) are the most useless people in the world

Nobody cares about this nigger capeshit


don't care

Nigga you retarded

All the Marvel movies have been fun blockbusters. People getting bent out of shape are fucking brainlets. People losing their mind over "MUH BLACK/WOMAN ROLE MODEL" are fucking brainlets. They're all shitty, stupid movies to go see with friends and watch aliens and shit get blown up by animated fireballs and shit and thinking they're anything more is fucking retarded.

I for one am going to see this movie as soon as I have a day off. I've watched and enjoyed every MCU film and there's no way i'm going to skip as pivotal a movie as this just because the lead actress was outspoken on the publicity tour.