Attached: yang is leftist shit 3.jpg (1903x1452, 906K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Most of that stuff can be applied to Trump. JIDF is really getting bad at making memes.


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The more anti-Yang shills post that image the more I want to donate to Yang just to spite you annoying fuckers.

The Jewish shills and slaves to Zion Don are out in full force

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Tranny shills please fuck off.

Fuck this Chink asshole.

You can tell the original trump memers have joined the yang gang. The yang memes are on point and every trump meme now reeks of t_d.

Better'n Trump but honestly they all suck.

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Nice filename.

absolute cringelords

Just as I thought, no one on 8pol is talking about this chink. Just goes to show it's a shill campaign.

Lol all these anti yang russian shills. Jow Forums is 1000 percent behind yang


Subtle, but I like it

I am 1000 percent behind all yang shills jumping off a goddamn bridge.

that worked really well in 2016 for Bernie supporters

fuck Yang

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Bump. Sick of the yang gang invasion on here in the past few weeks. Literally the same posts word for word over and over. Fuck yang, how about instead of basic income the govt just cuts taxes?

die chink

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Are you actually that fucking stupid? Those policies are not at all analougous.

Yikes that's some low quality shilling

>just cut taxes
Yes just cut taxes again. Thank you based trump

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Yang is the most absurdly forced meme I've ever seen. literal who to messiah in 2 days.

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how many hours in mspaint did that take? lmao

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I'm actually curious to know how much damage this ping pong can cause to usa.
And would be hilarious to see usa have a chinese as president. It's so out of context

So the govt has money to pay out 1000 per person...follow me here, instead of giving each person 1000, they instead cut taxes and say, " hey instead of giving you guys 1000, you can instead pay us less money."

Thousand dollar...sucky sucky

So does govt spending decrease debt? Where does the govt get 1000 dollars per person to distribute? From tax revenue.

Just wait you fucking dipshit. This is the first year tax code changes go into effect. It takes a few years for revenue to go up. It doesn't happen instantly you fucking uneducated moron. And by educated I'm not talking about a computer degree, I'm talking about a background in actual tax. In 2-4 years our economy on this tax plan will be crushing it just like reagan's cut did to the economy for bush 1 and Clinton's presidency.

It doesn't happen instantly bc it takes business a few years to gather up their money and gain confidence. Projects take years to plan and complete not months

>h-hello fellow anime lovers!!
this is getting pathetic man...
the discord shit needs to stop

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Thousand dollar...buy your whole family

Bump. Sick of these faggots spamming him. His ideas are shit and people suck his cock because he brought up heroine in white communities? So what. There is zero evidence of him being remotely /our guy/. Zero

No. You’re just a faggot.

about 9

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But when it comes to israel, its ok we give them billions right?

yang shills tried too hard
i will oppose him no matter what now

Neets all need to die

over half of people don't pay taxes

They are. 8pol consolidates the threads into one big thread due to lower traffic and to save space in the catalog. Just ctrl+f then search Yang and you'll see the 2/19 thread.

Cut spending too

kill yourselves fob gooks

The thread we needed

>trump saying he will ban bumpstocks
>trump saying he will violate due process for people with guns and take them away
>trump giving billions of taxpayer dollars to greatest ally™
>trump cracking down on people who dare criticise the chosen people
dang, tired of that winning?

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Of corse we’ve gone full yang because it generates the most outrage from reddit

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Didn't say it was. Youre a dreg. You want something for free that you didn't earn. That makes you a piece of shit. If you are proud of that then you don't belong on here u belong on Reddit w all the other lazy gimme Gibs, look at my new vagina that I traded my penis for, gimme reparations fags.

the amount of shilling against Yang TRULY has me curious

as always, do the opposite of what the Jow Forums shills say

anti gun fag
fuck him

Yes. You are right, congratulations. So is your point 1/2 of people don't pay taxes, so we should reward their lazyness and lack of contribution to this country by giving them $1000 for being pieces of shit and not doing anything?

Wait, so the 'yang gang' are leftypol faggots raiding us?

So I've been doing the right thing reporting every single thread on him?

You guys should help out. Report them.



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As if he wouldn't be doing both to further destroy and exacerbate the economy's debt... kys discord chink faggot

Already on it. The "yang gang" literally uses the same words in their op's. Over and over and over. Multiple times a day, just like the Kamala Harris losers were doing a few weeks ago.

look into and read his policies
he was raised by conservative Chinese immigrants who didn't even speak english and wanted to live the American Dream
that's how he was raised

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>implying Kamala fuckin Harris would stand any chance against Yang in a debate
post iq pls

The fact that he is a Chink is reason enough not to vote for him.

Only White men will ever get my vote

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What is American about being against guns again? Same socialist bs as bernie just a new coat of paint, with a different marketing slogan

>i'm a mouth-breathing, drooling alt-lite retard who knows nothing about economic systems so when the filthy communist leftist chink lied to me and told me neetbox wasn't communism I actually believed him

Anybody but Yang including Trump: Immigration, white genocide, civil war

Yang: All that + $1000/month

The choice is clear CIAnigs

I didn't compare yang the canidate to Harris the canidate. I compared the yang shill posters to the Harris shill posters. READ motherfucker.

The YangGang has the Kike shitting themselves, glorious.

>being against guns
do you have a quote other than the tweet from feb. 2018?
the policy that he's running is not "anti-gun"...

>shilling against shills shilling while also being a shill
Anyone enthusiastic about supporting or denouncing Yang is a fucking retard at best. This feeble reverse psychology is elementary.

>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless youve been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban supressors
>Ban high-capacity magazines
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to the FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license.
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
PAID perental leave
>requiring employers to offer at least 9 months of paid family leave
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn’t rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
>Fuck the home owners & "start taking the needs of renters & those who would be interested in moving into areas e.g. cheap getto nigger housing.
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>Automation will soon take 10's of MILLIONS of jobs. Yangs solution is UBI $1000pm for everyone will not only get wiped out via inflation, its already a barely livable wage. NEETS on it will barely afford to live, & turn to crime to get all the shit they cant afford, drug use to numb their meaningless boring existance. You will be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist.
>Appoint judges who support a woman’s right to choose to kill their child. Access to birth control should be provided to all Americans (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentivize the break down the of the nuclear family.
POLICE "Fake News"
>Introduce penalties for speech

>i don't know how things start on 4pol
you realize that this entire site and their mods/jannies have been comp'd for about three years, now?

the fuck are you even talking about?

>vote for israel first. nation-based socialism is bad.

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i support him just because it burns your ass so much faggot

trump is bad, so vote for this other candidate just as bad
aznidentity and/or discord trannies shills are not very intelligent

I'm talking about
>someone shills yang
>someone shills against yang
>another person shills for yang by saying that the shills are REALLY shilling against yang. This must mean it's big!!1 yang gang!
All of this is orchestrated and I fucking hate you is what I'm saying

Oh? I missed the PRC social credit system.
So, fuck this commie...which is where I am with any liberal of any stripe...The PRC is Orwellian, for real. Too many of these assholes and globbies love the PRC model as a Third Way.
Trudeau thinks china's basic dictatorship is admirable, for instance. As for UBI.
What's the current US population times $1000 a month? 380 million? 40-60 eligibility? Who's hoofing the tab on that bitch? It sure won't be Andy Ant or any of the Central Kommitee.
Don't swallow the Wang.
say No to Yang.

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Right from his own page. Ban high cap mags, tier system for ownership, annual licensing, etc.

Now shut the fuck up


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daily remainder that this guy will legalize all the illegal immigrants in the is(12+ million), that will receive UBI, he will make puerto rico a state, and other 20 million non whites on UBI, he will increase guest workers(that will never return to their countries just like the turks in germany) and his UBI will attract enormous amount of immigrants, numbers never seen before that will shit out a baby and get UBI
on top of all that he will make guns more difficult to get
he also believes in bullshit such as the racial and gender pay gap and LGBT issues

Ohhhh ok so its ok to give israel billions, it ok 43 millions on food stamps, 60million on medicaid, but financial aid that will help whites is somehow bad?


I didn't say I approved of any of those programs. In fact, anyone with reading comprehension skills would deduce that from my post I am probably against govt welfare. But you don't need reading comprehension skills do you when you can vote for your Gibs.

Seriously you sound just like a Reddit poster. Are u admitting to being a piece of shit that wants Gibs, just go ahead and say it, "I'm a piece of shit who is too stupid to figure out a way to survive in this life, and I need the govt to take care of me." After you say it out loud to yourself I think you'll realize you are in the wrong part of the internet.

And bf you reply read my post again. We've already established your reading comprehension skills are shit, so take a moment and read what I said 2 or 3 times bf you let your little commie socialist emotional feels get the best of you.

Why should we care how a goddamned commie chink insect was raised?!

>reddit spacing unironically
Ahaga my god you cant even see what a gigantic faggot you are its absolutely hilarious. Gtfo my pol.

Take the yellowpill user

You either pay for reparations or you get paid YANG WEED MONEY


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And you just gave the typical liberal commie response.

When the tard has no other avenue to travel down bc all their words are shot down with logic and reason they resort to spouting some verbal shit like u just crapped out. No logic, no reason, just baseless attacks, bc they don't have the brainpower to converse with their intellectual superiors. Reddit is Def more your speed kiddo. They all love their Gibs over there, go be with your kind

Fuck yang
Fuck tyranny
Fuck commies

Not a Trumper but kek


But user he's Taiwanese

Good try kike shill. Were getting zion don out of office and were going to start helping americans.

Don't let this piece of shit win and grab our guns! From my cold dead hands!

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same thing, he also said that we should not see china as a boogeyman(aka removing tariffs, while china obviously won't remove theirs, aka unfair trade)

You guys keep screeching
But you ignore every other policy and constantly ignore that nogs would get it.
>Inb4 muh they dont qualify
He believes in racial and gender wage gap, even if he doesn't include them in it himself it'll be added in anyway. Congrats now whitey is getting taxed EVEN more while MORE nonwhites flood in for the UBI gibs, MORE non whites are popped out for UBI gibs, but don't worry. Whites get a piece of their taxes in return so it's okay. Nobody even fucking approves of those policies, go wash your mouth out with buckshot faggot

True Americans don't need their govt to help them. They do it themselves, they have family, friends, and community. Nothing is American about resticting freedoms (guns), or giving out welfare. If you think govt can help it's citizens by doing anything other then getting the fuck out of their lives then you my lil tard are not American.

Can't wait until the next shiny shill toy comes along. AOC, now Wang.
Sick of this Wang shit.
He's a nobody with no chance

>removing tariffs
that's an awful lot of assuming, no?
he's a businessman
not a politician
what makes you think he would ease tension with China? the fact that his eyes are slanted?
grow up, you fucking faggot.

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implying people don't ALREADY come here to shit out babies and receive our benefits
this way, they'd have to be a fuckin citizen and denounce their homeland


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You shills need to understand that "us white nationalists" aren't as one dimensional as
>It'll help white people
I don't need UBI, I didn't ask for it, and I'm where I am today because I worked through hard times without handouts.

oh dude Trump is going to lose by a landslide.

...If he's even allowed to run. I don't think convicts are allowed, are they?

Migapedes mad