
fuck yang
fuck trump
and fuck jannies

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based and berniepilled

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Um, no sweetie...This is a /Yang/ board now.

big tittie latina 2028

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fuck Sanders too

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>tfw I will be the leader in the future, say, in about 15 years
things will be so autistically logical & methodical
you guys will love it

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Fuck Jews
Fuck Chinks
And Fuck Niggers

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We’re coming for you niggers.

The Berniebros get the rope first.

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2015 episode 2, election boogaloo

>:This time, its nothing personnel kid

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This will probably be true for both Hillary & Bernie

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This fucking bernie turd was on some hiphop morning show and he sounds like every other politician that tries so hard to get the black vote - he literally said everything thats wrong with blacks and how he would fix it: less jail time, legal weed everywhere, reperatations from the fucking civil war approved, and all the orange man bad lies he could pitch. This fucking guy will do nothing for you black people. Trump has done more for the black community than any USA president in history.

www.magapill.com look at all this winning you filthy commies.

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beta bernie bots better think TWICE before coming at the #YangGang

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selling Bernie as a badass is very hard after the BLM incident

also when the dems nominated Hillary he was crying, not a good look

back to redit, faggot

trump hasnt been in cool in 3 months

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Of course Sander's gun control priority is a clear rejection of Marx's vision.

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>trump hasnt been in cool in 3 months

I see how that English as a college Major is working for you, wage slave. You will never get all the things for free. Change your major to business now you worthless faggot barista.

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a silly snownigger with a terrible meme appropriation, back to plebbit scum

>bernie turd
I think we've all had one of those
am i rite fellow humans?

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>the year 2000 was 19 years ago
where does the time go, frens?

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I see bernie shills are back.

Nice 2016 meme, gen x retard. It's Yang Gang now.

Why are south east asian women so masculine and gross?

Trump is still based and redpilled because of how mad he makes cat ladies and out of touch actors. He's just not the meme zeitgiest anymore.

This board belongs to YANG GANG

U mad JIDF?

I'm not even going to fight it anymore. The memes are funny, I just hate to see people becoming unironic leftists because of the Yang memes. It's going to happen to anyone that's not careful.

>unironically thinking that bernie is a threat to the capitalist powerstructure

if he was anything other than a shill for capitalist jews (which he is) he wouldn't even be allowed a platform, why do you think national socialists are deplatformed but low iq commies like you aren't?

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Fuck Trump
Fuck Sanders
Fuck Hillary
Fuck Yang
Fuck that spic
Fuck that muslim


>mfw i fucking really nailed it that time

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