Who you're voting for, your iq

who you're voting for, your iq

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Other urls found in this thread:


143 unironically, yang also unironically.

>I don't vote

unironically yang, 127 last time I was tested




> Not Yang
> 30


I used to feel bad watching gooks die like cartoon characters in China hate rekt threads especially that mother that got chewed up in the shopping mall escalator.

Not anymore.


/ptg/ are the ones behind the yang shilling and were the discord trannies the entire time.

>Yes I posted it again.

These threads about this chink aren't natural. They'e being pushed by some people who have an interest to destroy Trump's core base of support.

We won't fall for it though! FUCK YANG!

Fuck Trump and fuck ptg
t. former ptg regular

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My iq is 103, I'm not voting for anyone because the popular vote doesn't even matter, only the electoral vote matters.

Do you guys actually vote?

You're Canadian.

>(((We))) won't fall for it

Attached: trumpdwesternwall05222017getty.jpg (640x360, 35K)

No, the people behind the Yang meme are the old people who were creating all the Trump content back in 2015. The only people who still think Trump is some savior are the people who hated him in 2015. MAGA is totally co-opted and all the talent has left.

>Less than 1% in Iowa
>Less than 1% in NH
>Drops out

There, I spoiled the future of the Yang candidacy.

That's why we need to abolish the electoral college.

It's a meme to make MAGA Inc mad. It's like when trolls supported Trump to make Conservative Inc (Rubio/Cruz/Jeb supporters) mad. Boomers thought they caught up, but everyone left.

No, I want less democracy.

Rampant gook posting.
The bugger force is in full giddy up.

the system is unsalvageably fucked. why not just rip the band aid off?

Its so weird how cultish meme pushers are. You respond to the concern in a word for word manner that others have.

Is this the gook force fives final push? They were quiet earlier now it seems they're everywhere

> Yang
> 134
Feels good man

Yang raised $570,000 this last week. More than Kamala Harris (the front runner). This meme is going to be around for a while.

>Wants less Democracy

This is what I assume most conservatives believe privately.


Attached: file.png (500x343, 194K)

It actually doesn't cross their mind. But it is the logical conclusion to any conservative who is willing to be honest with himself.

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Attached: YangGang.jpg (747x960, 141K)


do you actually have an argument against accelerationism? Trump is fun and all for the meme and donkey-punching congress critters, but the legal framework called "United States of America" is going to come to an end, even if Trump's win in 2020 results in his coronation.


>implying it wasn't kushner and trump himself who destroyed trump's core base of supporters

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>Canadian shilling for Chink Commies

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The votes aren't counted retard.

Good ol' leafs doing what leafs do best. Ain't it cute.

>t. former ptg regular
There is no coming back from that.

Old Jow Forums knew that democracy was a sham and that presidents are chosen by kikes, not elected.

>Voting in American elections
Less than 30 IQ I see "Yang voters" have.

>Trump (but I probably won't vote)

Once again Jow Forums

Attached: Screenshot_20190305-005735_Samsung Internet.jpg (720x1280, 308K)

Why would you want to accelerate into a future of artificial intelligence with every billionaire against mankind, super weapons, and a literal global surveillance state? You think you have any power to say what direction mankind heads in? Accelerationists are the biggest larping retards ever. If you were actually an accelerationist, you would be a Zionist Christian and support Israel build the Third Temple so that the Apocalypse begins.

You're not voting for a damn thing, you Cowering Canadian.

Except Trump was fellating Israel and had jews in his immediate family when he was candidate trump. If you were ever fooled at any point that democracy was real and Trump was a nationalist outsider you might be irredeemably retarded.

Im going to spam Yang all over this board until the maga pedes and zionist boomers from reddit abandon this fucking place once and for all

Higher than yours

Attached: 8B240883-3066-468A-8E48-710746C00FCB.jpg (1800x1800, 439K)


good luck user i hope you succeed



>shariahblue, the thread

>197 iq
>i need $1000 a month because im driving a truck for a living.

Attached: dobbs.jpg (800x430, 109K)

Not voting for miga


To clarify, the 160 IQ is unironic, but all it does for me is make it harder to relate to people.

I say Trump, because while I do think he's somewhat of an idiot, it's too early for universal basic income (Yang). It will be needed in a post-scarcity economy, but we're not there yet, and doing it too soon will cause it to fail.

So why Trump? Because the left's reaction to him is delicious, and also:

Attached: Trolled.png (600x450, 173K)


I'm unemployed virgin and deep in the autistic spectrum. Trump posted a Pepe meme during the campaign so that's why I voted for him :D

160 would make you 1 in 10,000, which you are not. You'd be lucky to break an IQ of 100.

shut up subhuman retard your IQ is probably 86

Maybe Gabbard if the senate remains Republican. If it’s not looking promising, I’m not voting.


>Donald Trump
I also have a 13 inch penis.

Attached: ahY1Px7.jpg (600x315, 62K)


True a hallmark of conservative mindset is to simply never think through just how wrong or indecent the motivations are behind your actions. You can't let a guilty conscience weigh you down.

Imagine being so dumb that you dont want free neet life

Yang is a chink socialist for degenerate talentless faggots who can't land a job. But please do vote Chang to split the vote, socialist faggots.

Attached: yangforfaggot2020.png (1389x1549, 224K)

that meme had me in tears. holy shit

also IQ 7

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> a leaf

upwards of 300 tho I don't like to brag

131 (SD 15). I'm rooting for Yang.

can all of you discord Yang shills do this

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>Patrick Little


Yang is pro market and for direct wealth distributions. He knows the government is very bad at creating programs and inefficient, but free markets are very efficient. So the best way to make society more equal, is to use direct wealth distributions, send money directly to people rather than use it for some government program. Tax the free market system (which will generate wealth most efficiently)-> send money directly to people equally . The free market system doesn't benefit people equally so there needs to be some equalizing systems or people will revolt.

If yang wins, will he legalize eating dog?


trump is alread doing this retard


real quote form his website: "Immigrants have been a source of hard work and innovation for America over the centuries. Without a doubt, the melting pot of our country has led to the most dynamic, most creative, and most successful nation in the history of the world."

he's going to let all the shitskins in

your absolutely dog shit at memes m8

trump is already going to do that? did you see his CPAC speech retard?

lets see ur oc agent z

Engrish good, no say Winnie The Pooh

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>197 IQ



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>Jeb Bush

Of course they're counted the votes are data.

>won't vote if it's Trump vs whoever the DNC decides again

>>anything a bugman does being natural

CrInge, ew a jew shill

134 and I voted yang

876 yangang lol

if you keep getting mad it'll keep getting posted and I will probably join in because it's funny

Yeah its the discord trannys and their faggy attempt to make socialism the norm on Jow Forums, but yangs a commie gun grabber feminist gook and fuck off with he said one line about poor white people . If you look at most yang poster its often a 1 or 2 post OP so it is spam forsure

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