Is Gen Z going to save the West?

Based 19 yr old Zoomer reporting in here. I read AmRen, am involved in the pro-white movement, and obviously, browse Jow Forums. Many of my fellow Zoomers are receptive to questioning diversity, and memes about black crime (13/50) and memes about the US bending over to Israel are gaining more traction. I'm very hopeful about my generation, but I want to ask, do you all think that Gen Z as a whole will actually be based and redpilled and save Western Civilization, or is that just a meme that people use to cope with the West's decline?

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kys nigger

Gen Z are larpers. All definitions and traditions have been lost and Gen Z are a generation of larping degenerates who base their entire identity on ideologies they read about after taking a political compass test.

There is no saving the west. You'll be a doomer eventually

I'm hopeful. All my friends are bernie supporting basedboys though.


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You save the West by not trying to save the West. Become human, there is no reality in the narratives that have been constructed in your head by tweets and forum posts.

>the generation that popularized fidget spinners, and is obsessed with shti like pewdiepie and fortnite
I have to ask, are you retarded or a zoomer masquerading as someone who isn't retarded?

your mom.

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Unironically yes. The workforce where I am is 24 and under and boomers. We are the only ones working and surprising many of use in technical jobs and and in management position over boomers.

Bro, you are almost a boomer lol. You are not young. I would say you are a boomer.

Are you a pro NEETbux zoomer like me op?

Will you ride the yang wang?

Sorry man, I'm not. I'll be supporting Harris in my state's primary to accelerate the overt racial stratification of the parties. Her support of reparations for slavery will help us big time.

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This thread fucking sucks.

I was hoping for more substantive responses

free moniez for da brack pepole becuz we wuz slaves

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That's enough time spent on the computer dad, AARP left a voicemail for you.

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Imagine being this underage.

I have the same experiences where I am, I think Zoomers will be a very polarized bunch. Every day my friends come further to the right with me so there is hope it's just a matter of organization and action.

I think white guys our age are based for the most part; the girls on the other hand not really. I'm 20 and I have various groups on snapchat and discord with my friends and we share Jow Forums tier memes and have discussions about race, politics, society, all of that. I'm almost certain the majority of whites in this country are at the very least aware of what's going on, but the problem is they aren't open about it or they portray themselves as being tolerant and accepting or whatever to cover up how they really feel. We can't stop hidding and just letting things happen. We need more people like the Covington kid that will inspire whites to stand their ground and not be ashamed of it.

Yeah, that's a common problem, too often I hear things like "Oh you wouldn't say that around blacks they'd kick the shit out of us" and it's just cowardly. As for girls they hold no real convictions, they just follow what they believe is trendy, its a problem of the times.

>the generation composed by 80% of niggers and non-whites
Yeah, no

I'm a Zoomer and most of the people I know around my age are either Conservative or have no friends.

First of all, you can't call YOURSELF based, you little fucking shit.

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19, zoomer in. Im getting my STEM degree and move up in the world. Best thing we can do is replace the stupid boomers which don't know how to use their power.

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Are u winnin son?

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Yes what?

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ITT:Boy I sure do hope my messiah shows up. Just gonna sit here and patiently wait.

No. Islam will save the west, and it seeds will bear their fruit in the next generation.

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>the first use of the word based in this context was “I don’t care I’m based”
>I’m based
time to fuck off and delete your post

That ain't happening achmed.

Zoomers are the last best hope, after them the damage may be irreversible

This. Islam will endure cuckstianity will fall to the wayside.

White zoomers will be inspired by a late millennial early gen x God like leader. Then together the West will be saved. No one wants to be told they are a piece of shit and that they owe niggers for long lost shit. People want to be told they have a purpose and are part of a great cause. Keep up the the good fight user. Something great will happen.

That makes no sense you fucking gay nigger kike.

oh no, dude, bro... your, like, totally going to change shit, user, like totally. JUst click on a few more memes and put them on facebook, and, we're like THERE, dude. done deal.(and yell "fuck you boomer" more? THAT helps alot too, you gotta click on less memes if you say fuck boomers a lot)

Muslims literally haven't won a war since Mohamed. They got rape slated by Genghis Khan and 2 million kikes walked right into their turf and jacked pissrael for themselves. No go zones will be turned to drone go zones and you will be made an example of Achmed.

Jewish sarcasm.

>Muslims literally haven't won a war since Mohamed

Gen Z whites will be hateful because that is because society has made them that way. Gen Z was the first white minority demographic. they were told in schools their entire life that they were the enemy, they were evil and everything was their fault.
this kind of propaganda worked fine on previous generations because they were majority white and you didn't have such a massive anti white bias in entertainment and media.

a generation of white children were raised and educated to be self loathing while non whites were given a free ride even though they were no longer minorities in their age demographic. as non whites gained ground they gloated and pushed their advantages to the maximum to pushing whites.

so yeah it's no wonder a lot of gen Z whites are "racist" they live in a society that is absolutely against them. liberals fuel this hatred, non whites fuel this hatred and cuckservatives fuel it even more because they're supposed to be the ones defending them. gen Z whites are the generation of whites that was thrown to the wolves, survived and filled with righteous indignation.

you don't have to agree with me, you can think I'm completely full of shit but whenever that hatred breaks we're all going to feel it.

>All definitions and traditions have been lost
Sure does suck that you killed them for us, Grandpa.

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I'll spin my fidget spinner on your grave, Kike.

Ya good point. But they got their faces crunked at the gates of vienna. Arabs certainly haven't won a war since mohamed

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Jews thought they were special because they deployed group strategies because they were always the minority. Now it's Whitey's turn to be the diaspora strategists. It's just natural to work together when you're the hated minority

I hope you are trolling, but considering the average Jow Forums IQ, you are not
Fuck the white race is doomeed

You are doomed when the white race stops paying taxes to subsidise you and your fugly children.

Everyone listen to me now.

Tonight you’ll be teleported to a deserted island. If you live in a normal house, only your bedroom and around one foot in all direction from your interior wall will be teleported with you. If you sleep on a couch just yourself will be teleported. Stock up a bunch of survival shit into your bedrooms NOW because there won’t be any going back. You’ll be watched by the whole world like reality TV.

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are you serious?

I'm a white zoomer and I agree. I'm only 20 and yet I long for this world to burn. I can already see how my life will play out. Graduate college so I can work as cyber security for shekels that will be taxed to shit to pay for nigs and spics. I'll marry and the bitch I pick will probably cheat and divorce rape me. Gun rights will be non existent once the brown hordes vote for communism. I'll be told I have privilege even though my entire neighborhood is non white and all the friends I cared about have been defacto dead for a long time. If America descended into civil war tomorrow I would be fucking ecstatic

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nice larp

Protocols of the Elders of Zion is real
Mossad did 9/11
jews have a totalitarian modernist strangehold on the west using it for one last push to genocide all opposition while propping up their judaic terror apparatus and king dullah


zoomers will save the west if they're not afraid to deport all non-whites and they stop jewish pop culture.


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OP where do the 15-17 year olds stand politically? I see a lot of you zoomers walking out of class to support gun confiscation and other faggotry


Gen Z is full of a bunch of proto Neo Cons, they will inevitably morph into left leaning tards or cliche conservatives.

No, Zoomers are the most pozzed generation of all, and the generation after that will be more pozzed.

what are the zoomers gonna do when the nogs and spics riot after food stamps can longer be paid for.

They had no choice in the matter.

30 year old boomer here and i don't see that much of a difference in the youth today.

they're more aware of memes and grew up posting their assholes on facebook, there's no revolutionary change.

i also think op is a narcissistic little turd who thinks its an accomplishment to read a book, which is why he felt the need to create this thread.

Neato fact my dude, most of those videos are from commie controlled California, plus Teachers will hold their grade captive for not agreeing with them on gun control legislation.

Things are different in America, Emus cum-dump.
Let them break shit, Cops will get more racist for it, and that's a good thing. (unless it's my shit they're breaking...)
By the time I was 13 Facebook fucking died, get with the times old man.

Alright, zoomer. I don't hold your year of birth against you. I just need you to answer the following questions. Your answers will tell me whether you or your kin or capable of saving the west (I also think doomers and millenials should answer these questions too):
1. If I told you to turn your phone off for 12 hours starting right now, would you do it?
2. Do it. Turn your phone off for 12 hours straight right now.
3. How many hours of TV do you watch per day? If you only binge on netflix once or twice a week, work out the average per day.
4. How many social media platforms are you on? [facebook, twitter, snapchat, etc.]
5. When was the last time you slept overnight in a tent?
6. How many times a day are you listening to music?

Gen Z is on it's way towards ecofascism

The only thing we can do to stop the degenerative society we already live in is to burn it all and start again. Lets infiltrate into their bases, lets make them our friends, and when they dont expect it, we start killing every single of them and destroy everything that they created.
Total extermination, that's the only posible way

1. No, but I could. Still not going to.
2. No.
3. Nothing good is on, and if there is I can pirate it and see it without ads.
4. Snapchat, I have a Twitter account, but like never use it.
5. idk, maybe once or twice my whole life.
6. Daily.

Gen Z and Gen X are the only hope at this point.
The Boomers and Millenials are fucking cucks that sold this country down the river for GIBS.
>Boomers "Bring in the migrants to pay for muh social security
>Millenials "I'm a Bernie Bro, pay my student debt, gibs me day 15 an hour.

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Yet we multiply and we haven't given our children over to sodomites and sexual deviants for education. Nor have we allowed our culture to be destroyed from the inside by women. These days we are at our lowest point, and we are where we are because we deserve it, because we strayed from righteousness and unity. The torch is being passed and Islam will see a resurgence from the west and a new Islamic golden era will spread throughout the world and into outer space where inshallah we shall witness the birth of the Space Caliphate.

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yup and all of their strategies of suppression will just disconnect them from society making them care even less about it.
it's a sentiment a lot zoomers have. I'm 38 so young Xer or old Millennial. I used to teach high school in diverse area and I saw this developing 1st hand. people for my generation can't understand it because for us we were the majority. you have a different attitude and a different view. who cares about affirmative action or racial quotas. it not something that really affected you. the country was like 80% white and you could actually go places and only see other whites. treating a few non whites special didn't matter but with your generation it's different. I wasn't forced to grow up being the enemy, nor did the media cucked themselves non stop over so called victims that are really just assholes.

this country is fucked because you have a generation of young whites that have been vilified and their only alternative to "fit in" is become a self loathing faggot. on the other side you have non whites who've been raised to believe that they are the victim and that they are entitled to everything whites have because whites have supposedly taken what's rightfully theirs.

when the boomers die out around 2030 there is going to be a reckoning and it isn't going to be pretty. the generation of whites after the zoomers will be exactly the same. there is no going back until something breaks. our system is too broken to be turned around.

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Pick one.

1. By 'NO,' do you mean yes?
2. In other words, you aren't able.
3. How many hours, on average, per day?
4. So two of the worst ones?
5. Okay, so you're an indoor cat?
6. Of all of your waking hours on an average days, what proportion would you say is spent listening to music? 25%? 75% 5%?

> doesn't embrace coming space caliphate
user i...

1. By No, I mean No.
2. In other words, i'll do what I want.
3. maybe a hour a week, if added together.
4. Depends on your perspective.
5. Yeah
6. Depends, if it's one of my days off, I listen to music on the background of my computer while doing stuff, so probably ~75%

No. Gen Z is the gayest, most left-leaning group to ever walk the face of the earth.

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If you'll be praying to a black cube in the desert, at least be on the planet that the cube is on.

It is clear to me that you and your kin are incapable of saving the west.

yes, and millenial age anons can do their bit by getting a 18 year old WHITE gf and spread the message, they love to natter to their friends. my girl has a better kikedar than I do its amazing lads

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...and you nailed the characteristic apathy.

because i'll do what I want, no Goberment or Boomer will change my mind.

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you're not based, you're 6 years away from full brain development, only focus on school and getting new pussy (condom every time) becuse you literally don't know shit, and thats ok at your age.

I hope you do save the west, but I doubt you will. Yes the zoomers that aren't shit trannies are better than millenials on average. I still it's too little to late. The best you can hope for is surviving to pick up the pieces. Worst case scenario there is no grand collapse and we just slowly slide into being brazil.

>New Pussy
One of these don't exist in the other. (presuming you're talking about college.)

Governments and Boomers aren't particularly interested in you being a responsible, dutiful, self-aware, motivated you're acting entirely in-line with their will.

You're right except for Gen Z whites being a minority, even newborn babies are still majority white albeit only slightly.

Boomers will do right in the end

Just get the boomers on pot

Hell introduce them to mushrooms for all I care

just make sure Yang gets it

One thing I would like to know is why you can accept that Jesus was born of a virgin birth and that he ascended to heaven in lieu of the crucifixion but allah put a look a like on the cross to deceive his followers? What kind of God uses trickery and deception? Muhamed was a trickster too and he made all of his assertions fall under the noahide laws of Judaism. Islam is meant to be subservient to Jewish law. Jesus did miracles and Mohamed only won a few battles against other Arabs. You are servants to your Jewish masters. You are being used because they know you are stupid but will conquer the white Christians for them. So they think. But 2 million Jews conquered coveted territory from a billion nearby Arabs. We are a degenerate society because of your masters the jews poisoning us. One thing we can learn from Jews is that you are easy to conquer if we can just get a few million willing to fight. You are filth , you are the locusts spoken of in revelations.

A trickster God

First of all, it's not your place to call them filth.

Second of all, I'm married to a Jew

third of all, just get with the program

>new born whites
That are to be raised as gender neutral kids?
you do realized that only the jewed libtards are having kids right?

>Based 19 yr old Zoomer


because they have already imported nigs and spics to pay for Muh Social Security, and lost a war to boot.

Did for me, school during day bartender at night, worked great actually.