Why do you still support trump after his allegiance to Israel has become so clear?

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Because he's outjewing the jew and destroying zionism by isolating the zionists away from teh jews who don't want Israel to speak for them.

No he’s not you stupid migapede

You are Israel's best friend. Please keep working 2 jobs and send that check to Israel. They have free healthcare and college, it's not gonna pay itself.


t. Trump shill

Trump fails to build a single inch of new wall
> It's 4D chess: he's playing them at their own game and will get triple what he asked for I BELIEVE I BELIEVE I BELIEVE

Trump's campaign manager admits to sharing polling data with Russians. Trump campaign advisor admits to liaising with Wikileaks to release material hacked by Russians. 8 convictions, 38 indictments in two years.
> Liberal witch hunt, there is literally no evidence of collusion

His daughter and close advisor son in law are Jewish.
> He's beating Zion at their own game behind the scenes! Just you wait!

Does zero preparation for meeting with NK. Completely fails to achieve anything. NK is still building nukes.
> Only Trump could solve the Korean crisis

Trump promises to pull troops out of Afghanistan and Syria with literally no transition plan to prevent a resurgence of terrorists and no plan to restore stability to the region.
> Waaah which is it liberals? I thought no war was what you wanted

Trump's former lawyer says Trump asked him to make illegal payments to Daniels. Brings signed checks as evidence.
> Cohen is a crackpot liar, no evidence

Trump tells his AG to end the SDNY FBI investigation into Trump.
> No obstruction of justice!


I don't, but what better alternatives we have for 2020?

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I don't

I'm voting for Trump for the sweet salt it gets me from shills

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I'm unironically a Zionist

You fucking baby boomer Trump shills have ruined this board

Mmm fuck yes


Because i like puppet theaters

Hitler rose to power thanks to Jewish backing. And then he turned on them...

I dont. It has become apparent that Trump is wishy washy as fuck and isnt going to follow through on actually making America great again.

Making America great has nothing to do with the economy. It has to do with returning America to the great western european culture that we had all the way up until the year 2000


Israel has a right wing government and is an ethnostate. I support them 100%.

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>I support them 100%
That's because you're a filthy Jew.

Actually that’s pretty accurate. He’s using the cultural divide between Israel and the diaspora to create internal conflict