Headline of a news article that filtered up for me on Google. I'm from Vermont...

Headline of a news article that filtered up for me on Google. I'm from Vermont. Vermont is increasingly going from a rural, practical state to a retard libfag state. The guy in this picture looks like a literal onions meme image. Am I wrong to see subtext in this? Or have I just spent too much time on Jow Forums?

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Yes precisely.
Like, is it coincidence?

He's a fat slack-jawed progressive, OP. What do you think is values are, and what direction do you think he'll want to push VT?

We need to start using responsible meming. With great power comes great responsibility.

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He's a progressive so I'm sure he wants to ban guns and truck in a bunch of immigrants to live in government funded housing.

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Jow Forums needs a field campaign office in every state, these schulbs can't be allowed political power.

Why is the meme so accurate though?

There was a tranny running for governor of Vermont last year. You guys are in bad shape.

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>I'm from Vermont
I grew up in VT in the late eighties / early 90's and it was basically paradise. If libs ruin New England I will move back and start hunting them like the mutherfucking Predator.

Yeah. And the governor just abruptly passed the first gun control ever in the state. Fucking traitor that he is.
Btw I'm OP but my ID may have changed due to my Wi-Fi being retarded.

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>I grew up in VT in the late eighties / early 90's and it was basically paradise. If libs ruin New England I will move back and start hunting them like the mutherfucking Predator.
Dude, you don't even know. It's already happening. I'm only 31 but I've been seeing this happen even in the last 10 years. The last 4 years.
What part of VT?

We memed him into reality. The time between memes and reality is shortening.

I watch her chaturbate all the time


>What part of VT?
Caledonia county.

Up in the kingdom. That part of the state is still very rural although opiate addiction is an increasing problem.
You ever went up to lyndonville airforce base radio station?

Im from Lyndonville:) Almost went to Burke ski academy.

From NY on the VT border was gonna go to castleton or green mountain college. It’s where I intend on living when I return to the north east. Don’t let them fuck this up for me.

You know a guy called Ben Todd?

Vermont is still a lot better than NY but I am disgusted to see gun control and leftist city politics creep into my state. We have like zero fucking violent crime but leftists move in from out of state, put on their cat eye glasses and start deciding what our laws should be.

have you been to burlington? one fuckling street for merchants and boomer goy to pretend normality while one street to either side h junkies meth bums crackheads and hipster beardo potheads reflecting the true nature of socialist shithole that is bernie's home town

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Yes, I spend a lot of time in Burlington in the summer. It is the "nicest" city in VT right on the lake, which is why city people from our of state and traveling bums both are seen there. And it's the city that drives the politics for the state.

>You know a guy called Ben Todd?
Not that I recall, what year did he graduate?

>>>If libs ruin New England I will move back and start hunting them like the mutherfucking Predator.

Too late bruh

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