Whats the difference between Candidate Trump vs President Trump?

Whats the difference between Candidate Trump vs President Trump?
How has he changed?

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Everything is about Israel since the day he got elected.


he surrounded himself with billionaire jews who only care about tax cuts and Israel

trump wanted to end all wars and now he wants to start them

>thinking he didn't do that before getting elected too
literally why do you think he won, numb nuts?
meme magic?

I started supporting Schumer now I want Trump out like he does

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Look at these dumb stormfags pretending that Candidate Trump was anti-Israel.

The key difference between Candidate Trump and President Trump is that Candidate Trump had balls and knew how to counterpunch. President Trump is a cucked pushover.

Canaanite Trump

He has surrounded himself with people who are actively subverting his agenda (Kushner, Nielsen).

With who?

He did what every neocon has done.
>Runs far to the right during the primaries shore up the base
>Swings more to the center during the general to appeal to independents
>Executes the trotskyite, neocon agenda when in office
When the 2020 election comes around, we'll repeat the whole process again, and because the economy hasn't collapsed and we haven't entered a new war, he'll get reelected again. The average American will yet again be left in the dust to rot while the trotskyite neocons and neoliberals seek greater profits for their corporate buddies and globalism.

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he lied about wall. he lied about lockin her up. he lied about ending ahca, he lied about drain the swamp, he lied about immigration h1b/h2b. total piece of shit. his shit needs to be primaried. this is what bannon had against him and why we need bannon to run

Candidate Trump was chaos incarnate, and seeing him utterly shit on establishment politicians was hilarious as fuck.

President Trump is a retard who doesn't know jackshit about managing the executive branch.

>Whats the difference between Candidate Trump vs President Trump?
Pic related

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>candidate trump
Good goy
>president trump
Best goy

I'm starting to think the deep state told him they were going to JFK him if he didn't start playing ball. I wouldn't be surprised if they start building a wall before 2020 just to shut us up and secure the next election

He has mostly dismantled Obamacare. This is unavoidable.

He embraced the Talmudic teachings of being a dick

They next great depression really needs to hurry the fuck up before we're consumed by the rising tide of color.

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>literally why do you think he won, numb nuts?
A massive spike in lower&middle class white voter turnout.
They elected him. The bilionaire jews were against him.

Fighting congress and the media is worse than just fighting the media. Neither republicans or democrats want what's best for Americans. Trump is on his own.

Candidate Trump (CT) vs. President Trump (PT)
>CT: We're gonna drain the swamp
>PT drains the swamp right into his cabinet (Goldman sach execs, oil CEO, Bush neocons)

>CT: We are going to slow immigration bring back American jobs and raise wages
>PT is now calling for more immigration to help corporations and keep wages down

>CT: I will get the wall in the first month
>PT waited 2 years

>CT: We're gonna have a fair tax plan that benefits all Americans
>PT cut taxes to big business and the top 1%

Oddly enough Trump is doing best on trade with his tariffs and the nuNAFTA (2 things BOTH sides were against).

No they weren't lol

You can do this with every single president.

Not really.
Most Presidents run on very vague promises (and they NEVER claim to keep their promises). And if they DON'T keep their promises to they do so begrudgingly.
Trump went from the most anti-immigration President to one of the most pro-immigration Presidents in 2 years.

>The bilionaire jews were against him.
Yeah, so Soros, Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, every tech CEO, every bank and investestment banking billionaire/CEO, every media CEO,etc, etc, etc, was FOR TRUMP?
Even the Bush oil clan was against Trump.
Who are all these billionaire jews that were for Trump?


I don't understand how people absolutely fail to comprehend that he has to give in to some of the game to not be completely outed. Like, this is meant to be realistic here, as much opposed I am to defeatism and lack of cowardice, lack of imagination for change, the reality is is that these sick, PURE SCUM & EVIL "New World" controllers hold all of the cards and all the directive power and plays in the game; I mean think about it, you are asking Trump to come in horns blaring, guns blazing while simultaneously subverting and committing "treason" against the corrupted and co-opted powers that be (read in reality: restoring the representative govt power back into hands of patriots). Fucking stupid if you ask me. I think we need to sit back and wait, and pray he does the right thing, as frustrating as the long process/recovery may be.

Basically this.

based and redpilled
trump is part of the druid bloodline

He's wading through a shit storm. Both parties want him to fail,just to prove that ONLY a career politician can be president. The worthless libs have decided to waste billion$ if necessary,to INVESTIGATE Trump. It's all political Kabuki,and American voters should see the new trend of the Dems becoming "celebrities" and stop voting for wackos! Can day of the Rope be far off?

I agree JEWS are evil But trump is not jew

>meme magic
I see that Kek has sent a false prophet to test our faith.


t. leftie

he is ZOG

never mentioned his overwhelming capacity for kikesuckery.
whats sad is there are a million or more people who genuinely believe this

>genuinely believe this
what i mean is they believe this and its a good thing!
gotta make sure the chosen occupy the region so we can secure the 3rd temple, goy

Or he was a neocon zionist conman from the start and all this “he was threatened that’s why he changed!” bullshit is pure cope

>How has he changed?
He hasn't changed in 40 years. The media has been covering him non-stop that whole time, they know this.

no depression under Trump.." Racial Disturbances" this summer ,starting with Philly,then Chicongo,Deadtroit,spreading to Baltimore and D.C. maybe Apelanta...Many brown folks demanding the attention they got under Obummer get killed by National Guard/Police in those locales to restore order! Ocassio-Cortez killed by rioters as she tries to make a speech to them.Trump re elected in a landslide after ending riots,blaming them on years of Democrat ruling in cities and promising racial harmony.

>build a wall deport them all
2 years later
>i want to see more immigration than ever

first post saddest post


he only cares about israels interests and just keeps lying to americans with no intention of actually acting on the things we elected him for

This. Tired of these dumbasses talking about Israel nonstop. I'm more pissed that Trump is a total pussy and is not governing like a C&C. There's no justice for traitors and seditionists and he's abandoning his base because he's worried about "optics".


Yes, I forgot. The cucking on gun rights and h1b visas. He's no longer America first. What a coward and traitor. Another politician..

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Also.. no patriots/paleocons in the WH. Fuck Drumpf.

hehe yes they were against him thats why he is all they talked about in all of their jew media all day every single day
because they hated him so very much :^)

He could have rallied his base day one to come to DC and patrol the streets non-violently, and then fully staffed his WH with based Pat Buchanan and Alex Jones types. But he didn't.

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He always said if you want to come in America, do it legally. He never said he is going to expel all Mexicans or shit like that. And he did ban Muslim countries, right?

is the same idiot, he does not pay taxes, still fuck hockers, ugly as fuck, rich but because of some corrupted bussiness... yeah the same trump. I wonder why americans get surprised that guy dont even want you to check his grades... because he was and still is retarded, but he is a functionall retarded and a corrupted politician

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>candidate trump
>populist nationalist threatening to violently shake up the system

>president trump
>standard run of the mill republican who occasionally tosses populist-nationalist bones to his base and says things that make leftists pissed off

I'll give him credit, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he definitely gets the conversation going in the right direction, but that's about the most I can say.

Implying that a nation of cattle ever stood a chance

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>I mean think about it, you are asking Trump to come in horns blaring, guns blazing while simultaneously subverting and committing "treason" against the corrupted and co-opted powers that be (read in reality: restoring the representative govt power back into hands of patriots). Fucking stupid if you ask me.
While I understand your point, he's got an exceptionally dedicated, very sizable core of supporters who firmly believe the country is in dire straits, and believe that there is corruption and evil that runs through to the very roots of our country. They are ready to do anything to save it.

He has FAR more of a public mandate than he ever seems to utilize. If he asked his supporters to march on Washington tomorrow, they'd do it in a heartbeat. If he came out and told the public exactly what he was dealing with rather than dealing in generalized Twitter rants, people would be up in arms. If he exercised his powers as the executive to their fullest extent, and actually started to put people in jail, his base would back him up 100%. Let's also not forget that he had/has massive military support.

His supporters will fervently back every single thing he does. He has the strongest core backing of any US politician in modern history. And yet, he never actually takes advantage of this. We do not have the time to "play the game", and which each passing day, more and more people are becoming hopeless and despondent, and the situation gets worse and worse. There are those who still believe, and those who no longer believe, and the latter category is getting larger with each passing day. Hypothetically speaking, what is your plan of action when 2024 rolls around and nothing substantial has changed?

>Who are all these billionaire jews that were for Trump?
sheldon adelson, robert mercer

>sheldon adelson, robert mercer
They didn't support Trump because he was Trump, they support whoever is on the Republican ticket.

this desu

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Q predicted this