White Christians are just self hating Pagans

In ancient times, there wasn't even a name for the Paganism of the Scandinavians. It was literally synonymous with just being Norse. If you were Norse, these were your Gods. Same with the Greeks, Romans, Slavs and Celts. Paganism is our identity. To be White is to be Pagan. Just like Atheist Jews still call themselves Jews, Paganism is blood. So by default White christians are just self hating Pagans.

We desperately need an Ethno religious identity. Jews already have that. We once had it too but (((they))) took it away from us. It's time for us to say no to globalist Abrahamic cults. Stop worshiping a dead rabbi nailed to a stick whose name is rabbi "Yeshua bar yosef." Come back to the Old Gods, the White Gods. Follow the true European faith of your ancestors.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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God was black, thats how we know that Jesus was half black.

KFC is the house of worship

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Except the celtic gods don't have nearly anything in common with the Norse gods. They were different religions just as much as summarian gods and egyptian gods were different.

But all religions are just place-holders answers for the unknown. Ideas. Memes passed around explaining why there's lightning and where we came from and what happens after we die and wouldn't it be nice if all the assholes were punished forever. Some memes are better than others and some spread and take root deeper than others. For all intents and purposes these ideas have a life of their own in the mind-space of society and evolution kicks in as they start competing for that mind-space.

Christianity just had a higher success rate at the right time and right place. Rome peasants liked the idea of a good afterlife and punishing assholes and not having to kill off their babies. That's right bitches, the abortion debate was alive and well around the fall of Rome. Look it up. Oh how history repeats.

Anyway, people are the typically the religion of their parents because that's how they were raised. The native religions of Europe lost just as assuredly as the native americans got reckt by smallpox blankets. Deal with it.

And by deal with it, I mean realize it's all fucking bullshit retreating as fast as possible wherever science explains how things actually work.

The egg came first.

If not interactingi with anything else the tree not only doesn't make a sound as it falls, it both falls and doesn't and that only resolves later when it's needed. (Classic lazy algo).

We've solved the prisoner's dilema and it leads to cheaper goods via capitalism.

Lightning is a buildup of electrons that get rubbed off into clouds and rapidly shunt back to earth neutral. Kinda like electric rain.

Science bitches, it gets shit done.

More larp

Burn kid

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>In ancient times, there wasn't even a name for the Paganism of the Scandinavians
That's cause in ancient times, pagan merely meant those from the pagas area, which was predominantly non-christian
"Pagan" isn't a religion.

>le "christianity bad bcuz pagan ethnostate xd" meme
You are literally worse than fedoras. At least they sort of know what they're talking about. You are just advocating for values you know nothing about.

buddhism is the only religion to bridge science and spirituality

stop stealing Catholic-Muslim anti jew logos pagancucks

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Gay. Buddhisms one main premise is self contradictory.

Please stop with the "science" meme. That word stopped meaning anything because of faggots like you, who throw it in just because it makes their argument sound smarter.

>transcendental bourgeoisie

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Christianity was invented by kikes and worships a jewish god

Completely gay.

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Rome fell for all sorts of reasons.
Crazy emperors.
Lead in the water.
Unsustainable system of conquering nations further and further away.
They had so many slaves at one point they suppressed inventions of new tools because it would lead to unemployment of all those slaves. (and, hey, they DID have a problem with slave uprisings. I am Spartacus).

And the introduction of chrisitanity contributed. People stopped living for their god-emperor and started living for an afterlife.

But so much shit came together at the right time that you could blame or defend almost anything and be partially right.

Yeah. They were the demons that ruled the kings. Pagan gods were devils angels.

and so many physically paradoxical scenarios in the universe. nothing is merely the absence of entropy or chaos

No they aren't. Shut up pagan go jerk off to varg

But as we saw the true God, these pagan gods ( i.e. demons larping) fell outa fashion. Not going back sry pagan

Fedoras don't necessarily know what they're talking about, as much of it is just contrarianism or scientism.

Buddhism is really more of an ethical philosophy than a religion in a true sense, or at least that was what it was originally supposed to be.

Im pretty much all but converted to Buddhism.

Not really formally (yet), but I am certainly done with Christcuck faggotry, though I dont have anything against Jesus or God, but the Churches (all of them) and the people who attend are absolute jokes. Christianity has been warped to turn and keep people poor, soft, weak, effeminate and socialist. Not to mention it is fucking boring as shit, there is no self-growth, no self-improvement or spirituality, just a carrot dangling at the end of a stick saying if you live your life broke, poor, weak, miserable and penniless then you MIGHT get into Heaven when you die. Unlike Buddhism, you have absolutely no control over your destinty, it is truly the most Socialist of religions (which is why Socialism has flourished in the West IMO- Christianity is the gateway drug to Leftism), while Buddhism is the most Libertarian of religions by far.

Again, gay. Logic applies everywhere. If something violates the law of noncontradiction then it is necessarily false.

You retard. In Quadragesimo Anno pope Pius XI literally said you can't be both a socialist and a christian at the same time.(paragraph 120)

Really? Cause kiddie-diddler Pope Francis seems to think otherwise.

Lmao at quoting the Catholic Church. The same organization that protects illegal immigrant beaners in the US simply because their own domestic attendance numbers are falling. You do realize that left wing ass holes like Steven Colbert are Catholic right?

Enjoy submitting to some pedofile Socialist Pope that kisses the feet of Muslins- meanwhile in Buddhism they teach you how to become your very own personal "Pope" and how to empower yourself, not submit before others like some castrated faggot.


>Sicut Judaeis(Latin: "As the Jews") was apapal bullsetting out the official position of the papacy regarding the treatment ofJews.
>The first bull by that name was issued in about 1120 byCalixtus IIand served as a papal charter of protection to Jews. It was prompted by attacks on Jews by theFirst Crusade, during which over five thousand Jews were slaughtered in Europe.
>The bull forbade Christians, on pain ofexcommunication, fromforcing Jews to convert, from harming them, from taking their property, from disturbing thecelebration of their festivals, and from interfering with their cemeteries.
>Following further attacks, the bull was reaffirmed by many popes including
>Alexander III,
>Celestine III(1191-1198),
>Innocent III(1199),
>Honorius III(1216),
>Gregory IX(1235),
>Innocent IV(1246),
>Alexander IV(1255),
>Urban IV(1262),
>Gregory X(1272 & 1274),
>Nicholas III,
>Martin IV(1281),
>Honorius IV(1285-1287),
>Nicholas IV(1288-92),
>Clement VI(1348),
>Urban V(1365),
>Boniface IX(1389),
>Martin V(1422), and
>Nicholas V(1447).

specify contradiction please

If you didnt, seek an Orthodox church before you leave

jesus was a buddhist

I'm not a fan of the current pope either. Honestly, I'm just waiting for him to die at this point.
And on a doctrinal scale we only protect Asylum seekers, not illegals. Some parishes might do that, but that isn't doctrine in any way. And open borders are antithetical to Catholic doctrine. See CCC 2241
Yeah. You don't have the right to harm the jew, and the jew doesn't have the right to subvert your culture.

To avoid suffering you must rid yourself of desire. To do this you must desire to rid yourself of suffering.

Im starting to believe Jesus was a Buddha as well. The parallels are uncanny.

Celts weren't "Brits" user. They were Germans, Spain, France (Gaul) all the way to the Ukraine and even Syria (Gallatia)

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Any organization that allows people like Pope Francis and Jacob Frank to come to powr, or to allow scumbags like Steven Colbert to fornally speak on their behalf, do not deserve any respect and certainly not my patronage.

No he wasnt. Your buddha started his sporotual journey 3 years after the fall of babylon. Probably was or wasninfluenced by a fleeing chaldean mage. Nirvana is evil and when you attain it demons start appearing physically, according to testimonies

Not even a little bit. Buddhism seeks to rid you of desire, while Jesus said "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."(Mathew 5:6) in the beatitudes. Completely at odds with one another.
For more on the differences between Christianity and Buddhism see the book "The Cross and the Lotus: Jesus talks to Buddha"

>Rome fell for all sorts of reasons.
80s yrs after they became Christian Rome was split into pieces...

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Suicide is an option.

Do not decide the truth of a set of ideas based on the fallen believers. Just because the church as an institution is imperfect, sometimes to disgusting levels, doesn't mean that it's actual teachings are false. By actual teachings I mean the actual Catechism, the Bible, and most theology done before the reformation.

The difference is that God sends trannies and horsefuckers to burn in Hell for all eternity. Pagans, on the other hand, worship trannies and horsefuckers (Loki). Kys larper OP

>Im starting to believe Jesus was a Buddha as well
Hinduism would fit just as well but Jesus was created by Jews trying to Hellenize and promote themselves.

>Buddhism seeks to rid you of desire
No it doesn't. That's fake buddhism. Usually Western gnostic (new age)

>Nirvana is evil and when you attain it demons start appearing physically, according to testimonies interpretations.
Nivrvana just means to blow out. It's the BIG sigh..
You've been mind fucked by desert cults

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>The difference is that God sends trannies and horsefuckers to burn in Hell for all eternity.
Hell is a Norse god, idiot. You're larping as a Jew with pagan influences.

Also gnostic christians love trannies

>not worshiping Anubis

Buddhism at its core basically boils down to one thing- do whatever you want, just be a good person and help others along the way.

And yes, you can even pray for money and wealth, it is very common in fact to do so, and its not frowned upon like in Christcuck faggotry that seeks to keep people poor and submissive. In Thailand The strict rules like ridding of desire are mostly reserved for monks.

The new seat of power of Rome, the Catholic Church, had names Charlemagne as the new Holy Roman Emperor, and he forged a new Rome that held a vice grip on Europe for centuries, ending only with the death of Napoleon, the final leader of the Holy Roman Empire. Rome is the serpent and the inheritor of Babylon, to say that Christianity destroyed them assumes that they were ever even Christian.

Serious question: Is Buddhism the same as Stoicism?

christians destroyed rome

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> gnostic
> christians
Choose one. Gnostics are a satanic herecy

Buddhism is Libertarianism in religious and spiritual form. Thats whats so attractive about it.

>y-you took my name
I don’t care what you call it, the punishment for being a disgusting degenerate is clearly laid out in the Bible, “The wages of sin is death.” Hel herself (lol, imagine having a woman in charge of the realm of the dead) is the assumed to be the daughter of a literal tranny horse-cock sucker. Shove your vikangz larp shit up your ass.

> do what you will
Crowley satanic stuff

Two of the fundamental "truths" of Buddhism are that suffering exists and that it is cause by attachment or desire. Its eight-fold path is all about helping you achieve a state of nirvana, aka a state with no desire/attachment, so that you will have no suffering.

What flag is that?

So that you will seize to exist
Its an antihuman miserable philosophy

To be quite honest, I don't know a whole lot about stoicism. I think stoics might have a more concrete idea of God then the Buddhists, but I'm not entirely sure.

I already said I have respect for Jesus and God and the Bible, but I will definitely not adhere to the Church or their patronizing attendees.

try zen

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Eh, fair enough. have a good night user.

You dont attain Nirvana until after death, often following a lifetime of religious servitude in extreme monk-like conditions. Some fucking born-again Christcuck from Los Angeles who went on a Yoga backpacker retreat for three weeks in New Delhi India did not experience Nirvana. First of all, hed be dead if he did, second of all, the strict lifetime of extremes youd have to go through to attain it would only be really available to those who become monks.

So, I should worship the gods my ancestors may have worshipped, rather than worshipping the one God I want to worship.
Kinda sounds like fucking Libtard logic

OP is 100% right

If you're a Christian reading this right now and your church lights candles, sorry to break it to you but you're practicing PAGANISM
If you put a tree up on Christmas you are already practicing PAGANISM

add believe the gospel and a wise man you will become

nigger logic actually

Crowley was a pedofile, blood thirsty freak who engaged in abhorrent behaviors and rituals. He is not a good person and therefore not Buddhist.

Humble yourself asshole, I dont need patronizing retards like you telling me what I can and cannot do as long as I am not harming anybody or myself. This is the major problem with Christcucks

add the gospal so you will be legally free

Again, the strict Eight Fold Path is mostly reserved for monks.

Most every day Buddhists are out there praying for money, good fortune, career success, good luck, good health etc. I have even seen prostitutes pray with a wooden dildo at an altar for good fortune that day. As stated, it is without a doubt the most Libertarian of religions.

this is now considered white. LUL


do you think that prostitute would choose to be a one if she had a choice

that picture looks incredibly gay

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They do have a choice.

Thailand has incredibly low unemployment and a booming economy. Most prostitutes actually already have jobs as farmers on the family farm back in their home town, and only work as prostiutes seasonally. The country is not third world, at its very worst it is second world. There are jobs everywhere, but they choose to become prostitutes simply because it pays more than the average job and they can make good money sometimes even by Western standards. Most prostitutes in fact are probably even more wealthy than their old geezer Westerner patrons existing solely off of some pathetic retirement pension.

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when you realize our (germanic) days of the week are pagan
and majority of "christian" holidays conveniently coincide with pagan rituals

stop trying so hard. this battle had ended, over a thousand years ago.

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so if they could make more money they would not be prostitutes.they make thsat choice for financial reasons. so why don't they prey to be a queen or at least a madam of a brothel? and why would Buddha not answer there prayers.

Why would a pope give a shit about the Jews? They don't believe in Jesus and do everything they can to harm the natives. When the pope said that loaning out money is a sin, basically it handed over the choicest jobs in that society to kikes. It would be like, if the pope today said that only Black people can become farmers. It gives a monopoly to a group of assholes.

Very likely the kikes were corrupt and paid him off.

And, it sucks also that the pope caused all pagan holy books to be destroyed. We would be a different society if the pope didn't do that. Too bad a 1000 copies of every book at that time weren't printed and sent to every place on earth so that the pope's reach was too far away.

The pope was anti-truth. We have a spiritual void in our souls still today.


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ok your getting kinda close kek i dont have a crucifix and i like my metal like i like my coffee black

>false deity
lmao yeah im sure also using a jewish comic book image holy fucking shit man get out

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jews are our spiritual enemy i can prove this

I can prove that you worship a jew and allow jews into your religion based on religion alone.

>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.
His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
Samaritans aka Gentiles.

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Christmas is 3 days after Saturnalia end. Saturn got BTFO

Ethnotribalism is a herecy bro

yes Jesus=God in human body at that time in history was a jew then..THEN he was killed THEN
he rose from the dead THEN he became the son of God and does not have an ethnicity there is also that the book continues you should read it

It does not matter if he was killed or not he was still a jew who did not allow gentiles into the religion until much much later. He was circumcised JEW.

>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2

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>look mom, I posted it again

Attached: 1542348745261.jpg (960x960, 548K)

Very cool, spamming meme images and copypastas is a sure sign of high intelligence.

go suck some nigger toes faggot.
>copypastas is a sure sign of high intelligence.
of course it is. Why waste time when i can just post the same thing to a new retard such as yourself.

>m-muh nigger toes
Lol, I already posted my fucking polemic against the papacy. Thanks for admitting you’re a retard anyway.

sure sure how about some jew toes go suck'em faggot.

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Do you just get your entire worldview from Jow Forums image macros and copypastas? How autistic.

I’ll take your silence as an admission to my charge. Have a good night, user. God bless.

yes it was the law he is God he cant break his own law that would make him a tyrant

You aren't going to win.
You have already lost.
The only thing left is the mopping up operation.

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One of many paths to hell.
The only true Way is Jesus!

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