Bump if you think asian girls are cute

bump if you think asian girls are cute

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The next world war will be wiping out Asians.

Attached: Futanari.1.webm (1010x568, 2.33M)

look at this dumb fucking bitch wearing boots in bed


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Migapedes only like jews

Hori is a good girl but also a bully.


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They can be very cute.

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japan can stay
they're kawaii and shit

>inb4 makeup tutorials

yes but not all just like us whites

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blessed yellow pill thread

Only if they don't act kawaii uguu and don't squeal like goddamn chipmunks.

Hapa is better than pure Asian.

That Iranapanese girl was cute but other than that I don't agree at all.

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maybe they're brand new boots

only the handpicked ones

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japanese only

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alright buddy

Attached: doyeon.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)