Wins Presidency

>Wins Presidency
>NEETbux registry starts
>People buying loads of iPhones and Snickers
>Rent & Mortgage starts to go up
>A Burger is now $15
>People stop working and everyone is selling shit on Ebay part time
>Borders are opened, 1,000,000 Beans in one month.
>Rapes and murders are happening on the streets. Taco trucks everywhere and fat NEETs in line while being punched and robbed by Pedro
>Economy starts collapsing
>Streets are filled with White prostitutes and Mexican cartel Pimps...loud Beaner music pumps through the night air
>No guns to defend ourselves
>3,000,000 Beaners just crossed the border
>Beaners literally shitting in the living room of your 200 Square foot, $3000 dollar per month box.
>Logical White people and some Asians are heading for the woods to hide while roving Mexican gangs steal NEETbux to fund the cartels
>Everyone is eventually homeless with a backpack full of government cheese and socks and homemade crossbows
>Robots takeover, all have "Yang Industries" stamped on them
>Mexicans rape the robots

Attached: 1W9BKljE_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

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you need a bit about the social credit monitoring

You don’t know how inflation works you retard

Trump couldn't get 6billion to build the wall.
How's this guy going to get $328863150000 every month?

> Robots hand out Millions of tickets to homeless Americans for using wrong gender pronouns
>You protest ticket
>Honduran 6'4" Tranny Guard throws you in a ditch

This. Stop shilling for this fuckers, hes dead in the water.

>Andrew Yang aligns with AOC to make money obsolete. We trade beads instead. USA is in debt for 200 Trillion Bead Units.

t. hasn't listened to yang at all

>No guns to defend ourselves
We're not all in california faggot.


Attached: BANZAI.png (907x826, 36K)

>implying trump not being able to get the wall is just because of the money

Israel doesn't have this problem when you send them billions of dollars to spend.


hey kids,
see that little triangle next to the [reply] link? Click it, and report this thread and all the other ass cancer yang threads for spamming/flooding.

>$200USD a week, $1K a month total
>buying expensive phones

LMAO, this is just going to incentivize more lazy pathetic retards to turn to crime because they don't have enough money.

The wagie will still have a far better life and just like Australia they will start to modify the requirements for UBI, Like working for your credits, going to school, mandatory drug testing etc.

They could also use a card system where you can only use UBI funds at certain businesses. Nothing is ever set in stone with soulless politicians.

get your hats folks


Attached: D08-gZOWwAA09LB.png (630x1018, 123K)

Migapedes mad as hell

two bombs weren't enough

Attached: chingchongcat.jpg (200x313, 9K)


Based Yang.

you mean it'll finally happen?