Yang cash throwers not welcome.
How would you improve EBT?
limit allowed items. no more soda, sugar or fruit drinks or any bagged snacks.
Yang Gang sliding your thread?
Call 555-6709.
Forbid nonwhites from using it.
End it.
Fuck off Nemelka you fucking cultist faggot.
This. I'd increase the amount you could get but limit what you could get to bare essentials. Rice, beans and dairy, tiered in amount for number of household family. This would mean people who actually need it will get what they need to survive and get by while people who abuse it get nothing they'll want. It would cost less, stretch further, and automatically filter the majority of niggers without having to specifically target a race like a hamfisted caveman. This is what efficiency looks like; killing 4 birds with half a stone.
Make it like the WIC system with an allotment of specific food types (milk, creal, produce, etc.).
Raw unprepared food and canned items only.
No sugary snacks, no soda, no drinks except water.
Introduce weekly limits instead of monthly.
Fresh produce and ingredients get a discount.
Purchase histories are monitored and any abuse is punished by fining the perpetrator to pay back 200% of the value stolen.
Canned fruits are basically sugar water desu, canned foods should be looked at carefully
Depends on the brand you buy
Education. Teach em wtf to do with a bag of flour, how to shop by price per ounce instead of randomly grabbing shit and no clue how much more expensive it is, make sure they can do basic math, etc.
Every politician should also spend one month a year restricted to a snap budget cause that steak and lobster every day is bullshit
Only mistake is that the F stands for Fourth instead of First
End it altogether and reinstate slavery.
(thunder and lightning)
Instead of getting money they get food credits
they go to a designated location once a week and redeem a food credit to receive a preassembled care package of wholesome food, enough to feed one person for a week. Families would get more food credits so they can afford to redeem for enough packages to feed every eligible person in their family. These packages contain wholesome foods such as whole wheat bread, fruits/veggies and other healthy staple foods, enough to meet all of a person's dietary needs, along with instructions to prepare the foods and stretch them to last as long as possible.
Solves 90% of the problems associated with nogs abusing the welfare system by taking all control of what they eat out of their hands.
Yang Gang is trying to slide this thread. They're going to win. They're like BattleBots. The useless kind with the hammer.
1.25L bottle of soda here is 65 cents. 1 600ml bottle of water is 2 Dollars
That is just counter productive
Don't give it to gays and minorities
Don't give a bonus amount for additional children.
Best of all, only let it operate in certain stores. I work at a gas station, and there is zero reason people should be allowed to use it there. It's an inefficient way of utilizing public resources.
Fuckers blowing it all in less than a week buying $15 iced Starbucks coffee... Knew an asshat that did that shit