Anti-Yang Thread

Where are the Yang shills coming from? They are organized and have made hundreds of meme pictures and completely nonsensical posts here in order to shill him.

We need to infiltrate their discord and expose.

If you are a Yang shill, come forth and show us what is really going on. Your sins will be forgiven if you expose the discord or where you are organizing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Some real facts about Yang for those who don't know.

He's a typical Democrat leftist, yet with even more severe wealth distribution even worse than most typical socialists.

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reported for spamming/flooding

Shut up, boomer. If you want people to get excited about Trump again for 2020, then tell him to fucking get his DOJ under control and stop being a weakass who does nothing but tweet.

Jow Forums has NEVER respected weakness.

Uh oh the Yang shills are scared.

Must support Israel - migapede

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Love how Yang shills constantly try to change the subject.


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Exactly what I've done to about 8 or 10 of your precious threads in the last hour.

Yang shill is afraid.

>Where are the Trump shills coming from? They are organized and have made hundreds of meme pictures and completely nonsensical posts here in order to shill him.

it's not working haha


>more whataboutism

Yang shills can never actually address the problems with their own candidate.
>"We should allow U.S. Postal Offices to provide check cashing, savings accounts, wiring money and other basic financial services."
Kike bankers fear the Yang

Yeah the yang shills are a new kind of funny, desu it's either yang bought a botnet for like 100 bucks a day trying to get some young channers brainwashed or it's the regular old sharebluers trying something new. Either way it's incredibly entertaining. Don't even explain how we know theyre shills theyll waste more money trying to figure it out.

This. They cannot fathom that we would abandon him in the same way he abandoned us. I did so much for that clown. But of course, we are in clown world after all.

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hahahah tell those roundeye who know boss!

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Trump has always been relevant.
He was the frontrunner for most of the primary and is now the president.
Yang is a literally who?
They don't even include him in the polls.
He has no name recognition outside this board.

dang mang banning yang spam?

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>Trump failed, therefore I'm going to support an open borders, anti-gun, leftist socialist.

Do you understand why everyone knows you're a shill?

This is also the weird thing. At least guys like Bernie have a chance, but Yang has literally none.

The only thing I can think of is they want people to waste even more time and energy supporting something that will never go anywhere - aka controlled opposition.

interesting note is that the places where donald trump did the best during the primary were places that are staunchly republican and party loyal
consult my next post about a very possible outcome in 2020

Attached: 350px-Republican_Party_presidential_primaries_results,_2016.svg.png (350x216, 29K)

The funniest part of the yang shilling is THEY ARE EVERYWHERE

Jow Forums
4+Jow Forums

They are literally everywhere... wonder whos paying them

>waste even more time and energy supporting something that will never go anywhere - aka controlled opposition
This is the exact purpose of Trump shilling
Trump is a Zionist puppet

No one gives a shit if Yang's policies are utterly retarded, collapse is inevitable.

If Yang was good for the status quo every msm commentator would be a yangganger

We are here to help YOU and bring you 1000 AMERICAN DOLLARS EVERY MONTH

during the general* sorry

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That's fucked up. I'd be even more pissed seeing that spam on other boards.

If the mods notice it gets deleted pretty quickly.. but i have seen it on /sp/ and Jow Forums numerous times in the last week

>No one gives a shit if Yang's policies are utterly retarded

Yeah not all of us are doomers with nothing to live for.

If you want a real collapse candidate there are far better choices than Yang.

>The funniest part of the trump shilling is THEY ARE EVERYWHERE
>Jow Forums
>4+Jow Forums
>They are literally everywhere...wonder whos paying them

>Where are the Yang shills coming from?
The Yangster thinks he can harness the power of memetic energies by having his interns spam Jow Forums with promises of $2,000/month stipends.

Little does he know that those of us with Royal Blood™ already have trust funds and are not driven by the ching-chong shekel.

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>voting for a meme candidate because you're depressed
>not voting for 1000 dollars a month

We can help you friend. Yang Gang accepts everyone.

Normally I try to ignore the shills all of all stripes but now Yang is like half the catalog.
Any ideas for fighting back?

We need to expose them. There are likely hundreds of Yang shills, and one of them will crack and show us their operation behind the scenes.

Also drop the truth about Yang in their threads.

All of his policies are on his website. He is a huge leftist scumbag just like all Democrats.

>We need to expose them. There are likely hundreds of Trump shills, and one of them will crack and show us their operation behind the scenes.
>Also drop the truth about Trump in their threads.
>All of his policies are on his website. He is a huge leftist scumbag just like all Republicans.

>Unconditional basic inflation yay.

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The age of drumpf is over.
The age of yang has begun.


Notice how Yang shills constantly try to change the subject away from their candidate.

Its mighty suspicious that the aoc and tulsi spam stopped when the yang spam began
>i can smell their rotting axe-wound fauxginas from here

>seething miga cattle has to make a general to whine about people not liking trump
just go back to your hole in /ptg/, nobody will bother you there

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Where are all the miga shills coming from 2bh.

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Big time

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>Notice how Trump shills constantly try to change the subject away from their candidate.
It's really simple, kike. Anything you can say about Yang being shilled applies just as much to the Zionist fuck being shilled here nonstop.

Yang is the only viable option. You're stupid if you haven't jumped from the MAGA ship yet.

Yeah but whattabout trump huh?

LOL please.

Go ahead and find anything like this on Trump's website, I'll be waiting.

Yang is a leftist scumbag.

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fucking tranny discord

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Again, Yang shills can't even talk about their own candidate, they are constantly talking about Trump.

It's so fucking artificial
These threads came out of nowhere

Shills always lose in the end

Yes please take away my guns Mr. Yang.

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Good observation

You don't seem to get it, largely because you are a shill. No one actually thinks Yang's policies are good, but the difference between Yang and Trump is that we might get to siphon an extra 1000 shekels from the system as it crashes. And it's hilarious. Trump isn't hilariously retarded; he's just an ordinary Zionist faggot. He hasn't done anything to reverse the collapse. He wont do anything to reverse the collapse. He's said from day 1 that he supports Israel, faggot rights, nigger communities, and all the other nonsense that makes Republicans no different from Democrats. If Trump wanted to promise UBI, maybe he could be the chaos candidate again, but all he's going to promise is record levels of immigration and aid for Israel.

Gas yourself, kike.

Yang gang is more powerful than Bernie, hilldawg, and tulsi posters combined. Be afraid

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Yang 2020 fuck boomers fuck kikes, fuck cuckservatives. NatSoc revolution or 1k month now.

Seems to me the Yang cunts are shilling primarily for free gibs.

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>but Trump!
>but Trump!
>but Trump!
>but Trump!
>but Trump!
You're a broken record.
It's okay to dislike Trump without filling half the catalog with some irrelevant dude.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

$12000/yr for yangcucks
248 million adults in US
= almost $3 trillion/yr on neetbux
>you all are literal memetards

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Oh I get it. You're just a complete loser who wants to destroy the world.

At least you admit that Yang's policies are terrible.

which happened over a period of half a year

yang shilling is chinese atroturfing and it's obvious as hell

>They are organized and have made hundreds of meme pictures

How far Jow Forums has fallen. It's time to eradicate the cancer.

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_ G
_ N
_ G

fucking kek

you can tell whoever made that can barely speak english

I don't like Yang but I've seen 3 anti-Yang threads today and I haven't seen a pro-Yang thread here. You probably just saw a NEET who wanted UBI and assumed it was a shill op.


>you don't support the Zionist candidate, so I'll call you a loser
You shills are transparent.

Psssst. I'm an american. I made like 30% of the images you're seeing. I'm a neet, I have nothing but time for my candidate.

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$1.8T already spent on welfare programs that UBI would absorb. The rest will come from a VAT on the nations wealthiest corporations, particularly the ones driving AI and automation.

>I haven't seen a pro-Yang thread here

Yang shills don't understand that lying will get you nowhere.

Go to the catalog and search for Yang.

>Where are the Yang shills coming from?

and I'm king tut with 3 dicks

Again you completely deflect from your own candidate to something else.

Explain how a leftist Democrat isn't better for Jews (protip: Jews overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party).

So if I vote for trump I get to keep guns, a fence on the border and Supreme Court justices and makes liberals crazy but he sends sheckles to Israel? I'm willing to accept that price.

>I don't like Yang but I've seen 3 anti-Yang threads today and I haven't seen a pro-Yang thread here.


wow so organic

wtf im a #yangbanger now

Discord trannies

>people on a site with a high number of neets supporting a candidate proposing neetbux? Must be some discord shariablue jidf tranny shill raid!
Stop being so fucking delusional already

The MIGAPedes are flustered YangGang, they'll see the light in time.

>Where are the Yang shills coming from?

whole board hates them

Asian masculinity, lefty pol and trany discord. Not a single group but many
Ye because we did not have raids by chinks for years now lmao.

Yang is worse for Jews because UBI will total the economy that they've been desperately propping up. Trump has kept the Obama status quo rolling. Yang is worse for the Jews because he might actually try to pull some outright gun confiscation nonsense instead of the creeping gun confiscation that has happened without a peep from Trump.

if you don't think people get paid to shill here, especially during election season, you're either delusional yourself or you have to go back

Is there a sub where they are organizing?

You're right. We're out to subvert you. It's all a big plot by the transgender Chinese Jews.
Nah, are you crazy? The most convoluted spooky answer is always the correct one

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Nobody here ever supported neet bux here

>if they're not #yangbangers they must be protrump!

desu Yang will send shekels to Israel too because of congress. Also, congress won't pass UBI.


yeah and Jow Forums constantly changes overnight, amirite? consequences will never be the same

Lol chinks from r/hapas and asian masculinity are raiding this place for like 6 years now its in their reddit and nobody even hides it. Go fund another amwf porn tiny dicked chink

Seriously it has gotten retarded about how they shill this slant

Jow ForumsYangForPresidentHQ/

Welfare is $668 billion on the federal level, not $1.8 trillion. In either case, population growth is between 4-5% per year and the economy grows at about 3% per year. It's very easy to see how fast UBI would go off the rails, especially with inflation making our money more worthless every day.

>Jow Forums, a predominantly white nationalist chink hating underground hotdog tossing board suddenly changes their tune overnight and is now majority #yangbangers
I'm sure the thousands of people who have been browsing for years won't notice a thing

Yang shills are being funded by the Chinese government.

Specifically by the publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

>Rem and Ram
They are too pure for that Yang bullshit

i have 31 Yang threads hidden