Currently 2319 anons have voted with Trump just slightly in the lead. What does this implicate?
Trump vs Yang strawpoll
Lucas Howard
Jack Robinson
Wow who would have thought yang would do good in a population of of people who actually know who he is and also turned against trump. too bad this describes 90% of Jow Forums (the sample population) and 0.01% of the US
Ryan King
>less than 2 weeks of yangster shitposting and zognald is already losing all of his support
LMAO fucking low energy migapedes
Austin Rivera
>subhumans btfo
Jayden Diaz
Absolutely nothing
Alexander Hernandez
>What does this implicate?
Yangus Khan will dominate the Jew lover
Liam White
proves their are too many neets and zog suckers here
Jackson Sanchez
Alexander Turner
Say it with me:
Anthony Morris
Yang gang. Fuck migapedes