Let's say you've been a NEET for 3 years

In Yang's America you would have accumulated $36.000 for sitting on your ass. In Trump's America you're broke, you have $0 in your bank account, and no wall except in Israel.

>Muh guns, muh china, muh illegals
Who gives a fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:


I left the US when I realized the country was literally just a tax colony for Israel.

Migapedes love Israel they’ll do anything for it

fuck the left.

eat a dick yanigger


In Trump's America, you also get targeted by his DOJ/FBI if you support him while nothing happens to a single leftist, from coup actor down on down to Antifa thug. But he'll tweet in support of ya, so there's that...

Well, 'Murica is losing control of Asia Pacific. Enjoy your future children working for insectoids.

>I accumulated $36,000 in worthless neetbux
Can't wait for my trillion dollar note

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But user if we're giving Americans money how will Israel get their 6 billion dollars? I think we should stick with Trump, he's a good goy and he keeps us in the right track

But if every other NEET cunt sitting on his arse also accumulated $36000 wouldn't that devalue the money?
If every other cunt had arseloads of free cash to spend wouldn't stuff become more expensive?

Or is is just a simple case of:
>More money = More stuff!!!!! FOR EVERYONE!!!!

This is true, kinda funny actually.

You're right they should give $40 billion to Israel and spend another $700 billion a year on military to defend Israel

I have 20k neetbux saved up. (autismbux)

Is that devaluing your normal money?

Are those really the only two options or are you arguing disingenuously?

That’s not how inflation works, inflation is depend on the money supply and since the Freedom Dividend would be funded via taxation, it wouldn’t effect the money supply at all. Also the vast majority of Americans wouldn’t just hoard their extra grand a month, it would be spent and since there is still consumer choice and competition, the prices of goods and services wouldn’t rise a significant amount.



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Retards will never understand economics
>Wow, everyone has more money now, that's great!
>More people will buy me stuff :)
>Wow, I'm sold out!
>Shit, I can't make enough, fast enough, to meet demand
>I can't possibly expand/grow/invest fast enough to increase supply either
>People are getting kinda pissed that I'm always out of stock too
>I'm going to have to raise my prices until things become manageable again
>*jacks up prices until not literally everyone and their fucking shitbull can afford it*

It probably is a little bit but since you're only one lonely lad it probably doesn't make much of a difference - way to miss the entire crux of the argument.

Why is Yang taking over this board and why do I find it kinda comfy?

It comes from taxes.
The more some people save the less money in circulation.

Noo noo don't post sane things

No, the money the NEET's would receive would come from rich(TAX) retards that don't invest their income/earnings and just let it sit there. It's not printing new money. It's taking money away from the rich Jews, and rich athlete/singer niggers.

Are there 2/3 of your nation's population of you?

You've got an entire generation in debt and used to being broke on their ass before they've every had a shot at fucking anything. Millenials are a pretty solid split between the typical retards with money and the super frugal

Watch the 2 hour rogan interview if you want to be converted.

No I'm pretty sure you'll find that if you take a large portion of money that would normally be spent (invested) in sectors X, Y and Z - then give it to average consumers who're likely to spend it on A,B and C (consumables) it's going to have a LARGE effect on the value of a range of different goods.
And just generally mess things up all over the place.

Because he is right.

Lets just say you're a discord tranny and this is a shill thread
>>Muh guns, muh china, muh illegals
>Who gives a fuck
yea well a shitskin would say that, no actual self respecting white person is going to vote for a further left candidate that wants to legalize 12 million border hoppers, much less gun regulations.

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>$36.000 for sitting on your ass
Who is paying for the eye cancer treatment reading this kind of bs?
What are 36k in three years in any of the coastal regions? The price of toiletpaper and some rice

>it doesnt cause inflation when we give trillions to wall street bankers
>but it will when we do it for regular people

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>take money that would otherwise be sitting there (outside the pool of circulation by your own admission)
>give it to plebs to spend on whatever consumables they desire (entering the pool of circulation)
>not devaluing

You didn't think that through at all.

>And just generally mess things up all over the place.
Yeah, for example saving 3k and moving to another city with the money because the job you have is SHIT and everybody is SHIT and they know you don't have the bux to move to another job

>Watch me deflect this fucking hard
A toddler argues better

Literally this. Started wondering why Discord shills were spamming Jow Forums with Yang garbage so hard lately so I YouTube'd him. Watched the JRE. Now I'm voting for him. It doesn't help that Trump is a Jew serving Zionist either.

if voting right wing politicians does nothing then you might as well swing back for acceleration and make some money off it

Why would it? We bailed out the banks by the billions and it didn’t cause the predicted inflation. We have raised the minimum wage from time to time and the predicted inflation failed to materialize. When productivity is not full, which it is a long way from being, then these actions do not cause inflation. Inflation could be a problem if we could not increase productive capacity and then the higher demand by people who finally have some money in their pockets could lead to higher prices as the sellers seek the buyer willing to go the highest. As long as business is able to gear up and produce more, inflation will not be a problem.

Money needs to be able to move. Stagnant money is bad for the economy and when hoarded by the ultra rich it is not moving as needed. If everyone had money, there would be more spending, more production, more profits, more security, more happiness, greater health, less stress, less crime, everything would improve. You’ve just drunk corporate propaganda about large corporations investing, the primary reason they invest is to make more profit for themselves and their shareholders.

>it doesnt cause inflation when we give trillions to wall street bankers
Pretty sure it did.

>billionaire doesnt pay 100 mil in taxes
>neet doesnt pay 12000 in taxes
second one ruins the system

>making sound financial decisions
you're wasting your time, bruv

It's a yang shill tactic. Anytime you mention inflation they will just say the government already gives out some money so it might as well give it all away lmao.

>second one ruins the system
Yeah, there's millions of them compared to how many billionaires? Do you retarded niggers ever think to-scale?

>"everybody is SHIT"
>"(it can't be my fault)"
>now give me free money

A telling glimpse into the psyche of the average Wang for Yang.

>Get 1k a month, no strings attached. So does my wife.
>Can now afford to live somewhere outside of major cities. Cheap rent and food ensures that 2k lasts the whole month, while I do nothing but play vidya and browse Jow Forums, while wife watches TV shows, reads and generally dicks around
>"Work? Pff, I'd rather stay home and do nothing while cucks wake up at 6am to go to work"
>Suddenly no one bothers to work in garbage disposal, truck driving, sewage management or other unpleasant jobs
>"Why do it when I can play vidya instead?"
>Shortage of such laborers
>Their market value increases
>Market prices adjust to compensate for the higher wages of such workers
>Consumer bears the cost
>Suddenly food and utilities costs are double
>2k a month is no longer enough to support 2 adults
>Back to work I go!

Great plan, faggots.

SeeI can provide some studies as well if you’d like

>everything I don't like is a shill

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Literal displaced berniebros looking for a new donkey cock to roost on

That does not cause devaluation. The money exists already. It was already printed and accounted for. This is not like the collapse of silver or gold; when the Spanish kept finding and extracting in the Americas(modern unlimited printing of money). Not only that, your negating the inversion of that money for good and services.

And this is why universal democracy/direct democracy is questionable. This user gets basic economics. Most do not.

>tfw yang train will finally annihilate the US military to make way for our neetbux
yang will be more america first than even charles lindbergh was

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Because he's the closest thing to a viable Jow Forums candidate at the moment-the announced candidate who most closely aligns with the Jow Forums Weltanschauung. Like with Trump, we're willing to overlook certain flaws in pursuit of a goal and until someone announces something better it's YangGang2020.

The rich spend their money in Italy for cars and in sweden for Jachts.
Where do hungry neets spend their $1000 bucks? On rent, on food, on internet bills, electricity, and hopefully on training for the job
Keep the money local offsets any inflation angst, and that one can be dealt with higher interest rates

>"Calling us out just makes you more wrong, let's give 3 trillion dollars away"

53% holy fuck
FUCK israel

Still waiting on your refutation nigger faggot

Sure, the reason so many end up al Walmart is "because 1000 tech companies didn't return the call". you are grasping, because Yang will burn the "go out, get a job, if necessary suck dick for money" sales pitch doesn't work anymore.

If a large pool of money goes from being hoarded, like you claim, to being spent (as is likely to happen if you start giving it away to plebs for free), it's going to cause inflation.
That's just how markets work you dickhead.

>gold price steady
>have stockpile of gold not being traded on
>suddenly dump it all on the market
Watch the price of gold drop.

>I'm jealous that people have a better life than me and can afford frivolous things
>Bring everyone else doing better than dogshit to my level
Legitimately fuck yourself you beta faggot. Hungry neets being hungry from living off of neetbux is a choice

Mate you literally wrote "everyone is SHIT" - you're not mentally healthy.

You can't argue with Americans, you have to remember that they are brainwashed by Israel
They are so infatuated with Israel that they willingly cut up their babies penises are their behest

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You're wrong, we already spent $1.5T a year on fucking welfare. Watch his interview on rogan.

To fund his $1k/m scheme he needs $3T a year. He's going to get the other $1.5T from VAT and the UBI-induced uptick in the economy.

251.2 Million americans over the age of 18
That's 251.2 Billion dollars a month
That's 3 trillion dollars a year.

"Duhhh how would that cause inflation though?"

>20 Trillion gdp
>1 Trillion in neetbux
Yang removes survivial of the fittest from the equation and thats what makes you understandably uneasy

Imagine being a shill that simultaneously shits on boomers for selling out your future while also promoting a communist chink who will do the same to your children and grandchildren. We've reached peak hypocrisy at this point.

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fuck your astroturfed yang campaign and fuck you OP

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Why don't we just raise the reserve ratio and take that money from the fed and give it to everyone at the same time. Let's say raise the reserve ratio to 25% and that 15% difference will pay for some level of UBI. I haven't done the calculation but I wouldn't be surprised if it payed for UBI in total.

I bet you did lose purchasing power after the bank bailout but since the pool of U.S dollars is so large it'd be subtle and since the money filters through the bank in complex ways the effect may be delayed OR it may have even become devalued previously - before the fact - as a result of the banks policies which led to the bailout in the first place.
Over lending wasn't it? Yep that'll increase house prices.

Sorry but what? High school economics covers the fundamentals of this shit explicitly as well of plenty of events in history supporting it, since, you know, economics doesn't get the benefit of performing multiple trials of no consequence. Suddenly dropping a surplus into circulation, fucking the CPI, and will severely reduce the purchasing power of the dollar

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Yes he explains it quite well here


>paying for something via taxation is going to cause inflation

Zion Don supporters are truly brain dead

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>what is quantitative easing for banks and stocks

losing your subjugation tactics seems to rile you up quite mad. neetbux can save lots of money when paires with on the job training. its neetbux or foodstamps not both

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>52 is bad
zion don wants MORE

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>where's the money going to come from
>"Well you see when you start giving everyone free money it will stimulate the economy so then we'll just get the extra money we needed to give everyone free money from the uptick in the economy that resulted after we gave everyone free money"

This doesn't sound like particularly sound logic....

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They fear using homelessness and starvation as a control mechanism for about 40% of the people.

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First of all, it’s not free money its simply money being redistributed via taxation. The money supply will remain the same.

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Shame it's only 1k a month, then. You should give everyone 5k a month and make that uptick even bigger!

>He's going to get it from VAT
How? It's not guaranteed income and the last thing everyone fucking needs is another tax. The govt collects an est. 3.7 tril in tax revenues a year, his plan needs, as you said, ~3 tril. I what world will there be enough revenues to fund this amount of redistribution programs along with rest of the spending the govt puts on shit that's not redistribution programs. You'd have to cut the govt employees (which I'm not against), drastically reduce military/defense spending, cut off DHS, border patrol, federal nature preserves, etc. etc. etc.just so faggots can get $1000 of instantly worthless money that we haven't seen since the hyper-inflation of the german reichsmark

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And yet it will result in an "uptick in the economy"?!

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Ahahahahah exactly!