Woke Black women

What is it with these semi rich, western "woke" Black women who travel abroad to make videos complaining how x-country is racist to them? Do they seek animus from everyone to confirm their paranoia? Even when none is there? Are they so spoiled that they basically act like imperialists who expect the foreign populations to share their very small minded American perspective of the world or what?

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They think they'll find romance in Europe.

They hear stories that European men are massive oil drillers.

fuck this skanks got more money to travel than I do and yet they complain? wtf

arrogant enough to travel and belittle whole populations for not seeing the world through the eyes of a retarded American. ironic. im not saying we should be relativists but she rationalize anything differently from so called evil imperialists.

*she doesn't rationalize anything differently

Hopefully this will discourage other blacks from coming to Croatia

We are.

what happened to old saying of, In the Rome do as the Romans do?

We only told her that we want to fuck an exotic woman like her in the ass and if shes up for it. No idea how she perceived it like racism.

thats racist. she's from the first world therefore her morals are superior and you must follow them