White man, why aren't you a Luciferean?

All great people in the history of man have been Lucifereans. It is the true religion of the white man. Note: different from satanism.

General Aspects:
1) Knowledge is the greatest moral good
2) Ultimate goal: Humanity should satisfy it's curiosity and learn the nature of the universe and where it came from
3) progress is achieved through acquisition of knowledge
4) edgy fairy tale mode: God exists but is fallible. Humanity should use their intelligence to find God empirically, kill him, and take his place.
5) ultra edgy fairy tale: the universe we live in now are the fragments of the angel Lucifer himself when God threw him out of heaven, and we are all picking up the pieces

You don't even need numbers 4 or 5. Find a flaw. You don't need to believe in Lucifer or God to be a Luciferean. Simply that knowledge and curiosity are the greatest things individual humans and the collective humanity should strive for.

Forget forgotten paganism and jewish fairy tales, become a Luciferean. Be based. Be powerful. Nietzschean glory. Transhumanism. Space exploration. Genetically engineered catgirls. All of these are gifts that can flow from a Luciferean mindset.

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Not even a nice try.

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It's basically the only thing that has stood out to me since 2009. Everything else is faggy.


very sad

tell me more. Despite making this thread I'm uneducated. Read anything interesting relating to the topic?
I'm pulling most of my shit from ole Nietzschey boi.

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I'm in. It's inevitable, the singularity is near. All temples will burn in the name of posthuman ascencion. Immortal and autosentience enlightment awaits us. To conquer Lanikea is our destiny. To master all is our call.

Does this sound like something a Christian would say?

>inb4 it's a meme
it's the most based meme there is, lads

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>Herpaderp do unto others as otherhave done to you
Eye for an Eye was antiquated before the turn of the age
unironic snake worshipers get out Pol is a Frog Worshiping Board
Praise Kek

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because Lucifereans are Satanism lite and you can fuck right off.
and yes I have "studied" enough to know what the fuck im talking about, muh lucifer is the light, muh god doesnt care...

>genetically engineered catgirls
you cant even provide flying cars without a 70 year military cover up.

I know nothing about Lucifereans. Is it all hedonism bullshit ala Satanism? Is there an actual moral code?

>Eye for an Eye
I don't think i've said that friendo, and I don't think i believe in that.

>Lucifereans are Satanism lite
> I have "studied" enough to know what the fuck im talking about
enlighten me I'll listen

>you cant even provide flying cars without a 70 year military cover up.
we're working on it you goof

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>God exists but is fallible. Humanity should use their intelligence to find God empirically, kill him, and take his place.
ahahahhaha ah ha hahahahahaahha what the fuck am I reading
>ultra edgy fairy tale: the universe we live in now are the fragments of the angel Lucifer himself when God threw him out of heaven, and we are all picking up the pieces
stop it
>Simply that knowledge and curiosity are the greatest things individual humans and the collective humanity should strive for
without spirituality we become hollow, empty, your curiosity and knowledge won't fulfill you, you are broken without spirituality

I don't read and neither am I "educated". I just go off from instinct and how I used to behave using the old adage of "just do it". Living without stress but focusing on higher ideals with friends (brothers) who are also as tenacious gives a level of living that no billionaire could hope to buy.

This is what I want to know. Personally, if it's similar aesthetically as the Greco/Roman progression from man to "god", then I am with that shit.


Join Chamber of Light.

Dizzcordo code : BKJC8ss

P.S : no transgenders and other degenerates allowed.if you think there are more than 2 genders, do not join.

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>you need gawd to be spiritual
Not really, fag. Family, Race, Nation, science and tech, music, decent architecture with the pursuir of space is enough for me. I will meet "god" when I need to.

It's you fags who can't let go of a 2000 year old kike meme.

whats to explain, they are the opposite of christianity by design, their book starts with explaining the etemology of lucifer (light bringer, let there be light...ring a bell?) and goes on to propose satan is the one with actual power
satanists, sacrifice people, as indicated by police, I dont want to know more, psychopaths make me sick.
and you have had the tech for flying cars since the 60s, I know about "ionic wind".

Are you even aware that you are projecting kike?

You're right but we are faillible, weak and mortal so Jesus Christ is a better path for me.

Read the secret doctrine and make your way up put all those who tried have been deceived so far.

Maybe what's written in the protocols of the elder of Zions is the true path but all I want is to see the stars man.

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>>Glownigger:the post
Nope. Not even once

As much as I despise niggers and zionists all this Machiavelian doctrine doesn't appeal to me. The knowledge should be used for good purpose, not personal gain at the cost of others. You don't even know what you preaching here.
I'll stick with hermeticism and occasional buddhism, thx

Fuck you, Satan.

>Lets turn into unironic satanists Jow Forums he just wants to give you knowledge
fucking KEK you dumb fuck

You've been lied too by your lodge user. Masonry is not the anglo saxon power structure. During the imperial days lodges were set up accross the empire, everyone gets thier own version, even Indians and Japs/chinks. It now represents a rainbow elite who consider you to be the profane.

How can one attain knowledge when all the knowledge of the world has been locked away? I consider myself a wise man, but I don't pretend to know anything.

Mark 8:36For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

explain further
I'm not a part of a lodge. But you've already made up your mind that I am. I'm curious about it all, but I probably wouldn't join.

>all the knowledge of the world has been locked away?
What makes you believe this?

Nigger our own government lies and hides everything from us. You got that Q clearance glow nigger?

>be Luciferian Rome
>depraved society of pedophilia and blood sports
>get BTFO by Christianity
>butthurt Roman Emperor comes to power
>Julian the Apostate tries to rebuild Solomon's Temple to prove Jesus is wrong
>gets BTFO again
>2000 years later
>a bunch of rich faggots with too much time on their hands trying to rebuild again despite it literally being prophecized in the Bible their system is going to fail again

Luciferians are the dumbest motherfuckers to ever exist

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>What makes you believe this?
it's not a belief it's common sense that you can reason for yourself. you think governments, billionaires and organizations can't simply opt to hide something they've found or discovered from the public view if it's in their best interest? grow up.

I can't even speak freely on the internet to other random faggots and this nigger thinks we can gain ultimate knowledge simply by being curious. Kek.

Their eye symbol literally represents an anus. The Brown Eye of Providence.

because i don't like licking arse hole.

based and redpilled post

Join the lodge if you're interested. But be aware that you'll merely be a pawn in the game. Stay away from the shriners, they pledge allegiance to allah and fuck kids, yes I'm serious.

Luciferianism is retarded.

You are just picking the losing side, news flash: God wins in the end, not the deceiver.

> Getting deceived by the literal deceiver is "based."

Fucking hell these brainlets.

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Eye for an Eye was an explicit prohibition of disproportionate punishment, I don't know why people take the Lex Hammurabi as some "do what thou wilt" zilch.

To keep it short, because I'm not into degeneracy and am not a cuck. Same reason I don't respect any religion.

inb4 EH fags

I mean you could just as well argue that God is the one deceiving you. You just chose to believe his side of the story.
I'm not into either but it's not like anyone got reliable knowledge on the nature or existence of God or Satan.

This is true. I've seen the future and we win. KIKES BTFO.

If two aspects of the religion don't matter, why bother? Clown life praying.

>depraved society of pedophilia and blood sports
dude weed that was everybody u fugging moran. not just the romans. the romans just recorded it.

>>Julian the Apostate tries to rebuild Solomon's Temple to prove Jesus is wrong
>>gets BTFO again
explain this

>you think governments, billionaires and organizations can't simply opt to hide something they've found or discovered from the public view if it's in their best interest?
Yeah they can hide small stuff sure. But not large scale paradigm-shifting technologies.
It's an issue of scale.
Sure people hide small amounts of knowledge. Whatever. People aren't transparent. I'm not sure how this translates to grand conspiracy theories that the government knows about aliens and just hasn't told us.
Some things are too big to cover up. I think you're ascribing a bit too much power and a bit too much of a cooperative-obedient attitude towards groups of human beings.

>Join the lodge if you're interested. But be aware that you'll merely be a pawn in the game. Stay away from the shriners, they pledge allegiance to allah and fuck kids, yes I'm serious.
i'd like more information. But I probs won't join the lodge, if I'm being 100% honest.

>You are just picking the losing side, news flash: God wins in the end, not the deceiver.
life is not a comic book u goof

explain this image to me


ethical guidelines and humanitarian goals are fun user pls

christians always do this. they just cite their comic books as truth and expect everyone to be on the same page as them.

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But Jehova is the god of kikes user

>find God kill him
Why would you want to kill your creator you absolute nigger.

Wrong. I see the battle between the two sides unfold every day. I see the satanic baby-raping cannibal kikes and Catholics. I see the corruption and enslavement and brainwashing. It's not hard to see. Choose a side.

We are the True Jews... All them kikes just pretending.

Well I'm not schizophrenic but enjoy.

Every man must struggle to kill his father eventually.

well, yeah you have a point. I said it was edgy.
Another equally good outcome is to understand God and become friends with him. Equals, even. Good times. And we all frolic around in paradise. What a nice time.

Gotta be a bit edgy every once in a while.

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freudian jewish nonsense
One must honor their father and take care of them.

lmao, no you're not. They're not the true jews yes, but you're just their underlings.

So did you also realize that Attack on Titan is about the Tribulation or was this pure coincidence?

Betholt and Reiner are demons. The half breed giants.

>dude weed that was everybody u fugging moran
no, homosexuality was punishable by death by the Germans

>explain this
do your own research, Oh Enlightened One

>But not large scale paradigm-shifting technologies.
consider where we would be if the Rosetta Stone was never revealed to the public, but rather locked away in private storage. now consider this 10000 times over for any other number of critical artifacts. the world you live in is the world they want you to.

>trying to sell me moral goods
>trying to sell me moral goods based on subjective perspectives, as if there was any other, and as if your opinion was de facto valuable
>trying to sell me "progress"
Fuck right out of here with your spooky glownigger bullshit.

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I bet you want to fuck your mother too huh kike?


You worship the losing figure in a fairy tale, how is there a greater flaw then that?

Wrong. I am chosen by God to enact his will on Earth.

these aren't even glowniggers, they're Jesuits and they control everything now

spookman stirner pls
don't you want to contribute to humanity's grand goal of finding out where we came from and finding God?

>I am chosen by God to enact his will on Earth.
Yes and you are doing that at this moment, we all are in a way, but you're not the true israelites. Dont be ridiculous

I wish man.

>You worship the losing figure in a fairy tale
implying the fairy tale was told properly

the only white mans religion is Islam:


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>these aren't even glow niggers
Maybe, but they still glow.

I Am.

it would seem so since Rome was destroyed along with Solomon's Temple

womp womp

I Am, isnt with you.

>consider where we would be if the Rosetta Stone was never revealed to the public, but rather locked away in private storage. now consider this 10000 times over for any other number of critical artifacts
im not sure how this invalidates the luciferean goals ive stated. perhaps you're trying to poke holes in the scientific method, or the enlightenment movement. which might be valid. idk.

>DYOR oh enlightened one
fugg :DDD

I'd crush your reality right now, but its better for you to go on with your convictions, you'll be useful later on.

you honestly sound retarded and edgy and pathologically caught up in whatever idiotic thing that you've been sold.

take a step back and re-evaluate.

>it would seem so since Rome was destroyed along with Solomon's Temple
i think this is insufficient evidence but ok ill look into it

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>trying to sell me HUMANITY the greatest spook
>tries to paint this thread as "for the white man", to lure in people talking about a property of theirs
>ultimately try to sell them the secular god, Man, and re-affirm them to doing pointless shit so that you can sit pretty
Fucking die already. You are a disgrace. The world is mine.

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You have no power over me faggot

>God exists but is fallible. Humanity should use their intelligence to find God empirically, kill him, and take his place.

you do realize that the reality is not a shitty jrpg right?

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Satan aka Lucifer is the Outer God Alex Jones was speaking of, the ultimate evil the devourer. The only way to defeat him, and save humanity is to turn to Jesus Christ.

>you honestly sound retarded and edgy and pathologically caught up in whatever idiotic thing that you've been sold
everyone tells me that honestly. they all ask if ive been smoking weed. but ive never smoked anything in my life, honestly.

ive left christianity, went to goofy nihilistic atheism, and kinda got tired of it. so i went looking for some hope and goal or way out of nihilism. and that's what Nietzsche is my dude. basically im just calling Nietzsche a luciferean because i want to.

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They tried to do this once already, it was called the Tower of Babel. They failed miserably

Not yet, but you're a slave to the will of the Most High God, as is Satan. Its already been written.

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knowledge is cool but why worship an edgy side character who got spanked and not the son of god himsefl, if you go with the christianity theme?

hahahahahahaaha what a good post.
I agree with you and also I hate you. Fuck off.
But tell me more about your philosophies. I'll listen to them unlike other mega faggets.

>you do realize that the reality is not a shitty jrpg right?
in a word, no.

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You cant worship other gods than the jewish one

ready to blow your mind?
Lucifer is not satan
and god created both on purpose

>why worship an edgy side character who got spanked and not the son of god himsefl, if you go with the christianity theme?
just to be edgy, honestly. that's all it is.
and also to get people to reply to my fucking thread.
if it was just a Nietzsche or transhumanist thread, nobody would reply. Slap "Luciferean" on it and everybody takes the bait.
very nice. i am a genyius

My ears started ringing.

Nietzsche was a fucking retard. Nigger took 200 pages to say something any normalfag could spit out in a single paragraph.

Satan will bow before my feet.

>Nietzsche was a fucking retard

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You or them, make your choice.

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Nice argument faggot

Yes, and you'll bow before mine as I bow to Christ. Know your place. You were given power for a short time, all gentiles were, you've only benefited these past 400 years, but the curses are lifting on his people.

Neetsche and trannyhumanism are hardly marketable, you're right on that and rightly so.
>very nice, I am gaynius
just stop your rebellious face and come back to skydaddy, who is real btw

>Lucifer is not satan
What's the difference from a occult pov?
My understanding was:
>Lucifer when East
>Satan when South
>Christ when West
>God when North
Is this incorrect?

I already told you who I am. I bow to no man.

OP here. All of you are faggets. Only based posted in this thread so far is the stirner poster. You all oughta be disgusted with yourselves.

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Yes, for now, but you'll be tested the same way satan was Christ and the father will tell you to bow to the true people, you wont and you'll go to hell with your father the devil. I gave you the play-by-play, goodluck.